Everyone does something

Apr 12, 2009 00:09

Who: Jaeyi, W'ton, Y'nolek with teeny bits of Agrith and Dasarth
Where: Northern bowl
When: Around sunset/dusk/early evening on day 11, month 6, turn 19
What: One of the weyrling dragons ate something she should not. Then she made a stinky big ole mess in the barracks so the weyrlings evacuated for a bit. Two of them meet a baker in the bowl.

Dinner's been over for about an hour and the sun's journey down has been complete for only a short while. Dusk has settled over the bowl and although there seems to be a commotion towards the weyrling barracks over here it's a lot quieter. As a matter of fact the weyrling barracks seem to have emptied with weyrlings and dragons milling about some. W'ton and Dasarth are no exception although the bronze does not mill. He always walks with purpose and surety! Right now he's walked to a spot against the bowl wall where he curls up and watches people with eyes that nearly look to be asleep. W'ton's leaning against the wall near enough by the entrance to the living cavern to explain to a couple of fellows from the kitchen, "I am not sure what Yliamath was allowed to eat, but I know I'm not sleeping in there tonight if she's going to keep doing that. I swear the smell is spreading to here. I've never seen such a mess!"

Y'nolek manages to look both dubious and wistful, at W'ton's threat. "But where would you sleep?" he asks. "It /was/ pretty bad. Maybe if we got, I don't know, nose plugs or something." Ear plugs exist, so there's got to be nose plugs, right? Agrith is frolicking rather than milling, in what looks like a game of tag or chase with a blue and a green, far enough away from the cluster of human weyrlings not to disturb them with the noise.

Jaeyi's not a /fellow/ from the kitchen, but she does count as one of its regular denizens. Which means she absolutely must know the latest and greatest gossip, or how can she be expected to hold her head up high at work? She starts out on the periphery, just one of the gaggle of girls that duck out of the caverns a few times a day to get some fresh air, but the conversation over by the weyrlings? That sounds promising. "It's probably none of my business but... what kind of plugs did you just say you wanted?" Because what she heard... yeah, she's giving the two of them dubious looks now.

Dasarth happens to catch Agrith and there's such a disapproving air about him when he sees the other bronze's behavior. But he just stays as he is and eventually shifts his attention to his rider. Who is looking at Nolek and saying, "Shells, not like thread's gonna fall. I'll just sleep out under the stars. Dasarth wouldn't mind at all." Well, he might, but he's not saying anything and all. And then it all changes because there's a pretty girl and W'ton cannot help but to smile at her as he says, "Not sure what kind of plug Y'nolek wants. He's always looking for something like that though."

"A nose plug," Nolek starts to say, brightly, but he frowns at W'ton for the crack. "You were the one complaining," he points out rather stiffly. Agrith is oblivious to Dasarth's disapproval, and, mid-chase, he calls back to his clutch brother, << You should come and play Catch Kirth's Tail with us! >>

Jaeyi ahems, that dubious look slipped from W'ton to Y'nolek solely while she drawls, "I'll just pretend I didn't hear the bit about the plugs at all." Despite the implications, she curls her fingers in a hi-there wave at Y'nolek, with whom she's at least acquainted, then folds her arms across her middle to start a step away from the pair of them. There are, after all, little cliques to be observed: weyrlings and kitchen girls don't necessarily belong to the same social circles. But she's only a step away when she glances back and adds, "Complaining about what, by the way?"

There's a grin despite the frown given him and W'ton looks unrepentant and completely innocent. Always, yep. His hands slide into his pockets and he turns his smile on Jaeyi. "We have not even been introduced and you're going to run off now? That seems a shame. As for complaining there was an accident in the barracks. It smells. I'd not speak on it more to a young lady." He stands from the wall and sketches a bow more in keeping to greeting a lady in her hall. "W'ton, bronze Dasarth's." Then he's silent waiting for someone to return the introduction. And Dasarth, if anything, gets a colder more disapproving look and ignores his clutchbrother. Playing. Phah!

"Dragon do can be bad," Nolek explains with another glance at W'ton that's resentful, for some reason. He doesn't introduce Jaeyi, though he does say, "You don't have to run off. I won't let W'ton do anything in appropriate." Where did that boast come from? It seems to surprise even himself. Agrith pauses long enough to send a solid mental raspberry Dasarth's way, and then goes on with his game.

How prettily she tilts her head, smiles, offers over a hand for the shaking even while she explains, "I've recently been told about the limitations placed on weyrlings. While we're on the subject of things that seem like a shame, W'ton." Jaeyi lights a look on Y'nolek in a merry, timely manner at his promise to keep his counterpart leashed. "Jaeyi the Baker," she fills in, eyes narrowed just a moment while she accesses memory. "And Nnnnnolek. Y'nolek. Aaaagrith's. Seven sandwiches. I remember you." She's oblivious to the playful doings of dragonets. Also, she's sorry she asked about the cause of their complaint, so she just-- ignores it. Ewgross.

Which is why W'ton, being a gentleman, did try to be as vague as possible. He takes the hand, but doesn't shake instead he brings it to his lips for a gentlemanly kiss. Unless she ewgrosses and pulls away. "Jaeyi the Baker I am pleased to meet you." When he has his hand back he sticks them both in his pockets. "Y'nolek is such a charming boy offering that," he tells the baker with a wink. If there was a bit of stress on the word 'boy' well, it was just a bit. "But, Nolek, if you knew her you could have offered me her name." Turning to the baker he winks. "Your safe with me. Even if I were not a weyrling."

"Yeah, the sandwiches," Nolek says with a smile for Jaeyi. "I looked for you after to say thanks, but I didn't find you. Everyone really liked them." He just frowns at W'ton, not saying anything further to him.

No, no ewgross for hand-kisses, all part and parcel of being pretty and willing, alas. While her fingers are there, though, Jaeyi would give W'ton's chin a little tip with the ends of her fingers before they withdraw, arms refolding. Safe, even if he wasn't a weyrling; "I just bet I am, W'ton." Not so far away, there's a cluster of girls hatefully eyeing Jaeyi and two bronzeriders-- even if they are weyrlings-- and trying so hard to pretend they're not starting rumors, all exacerbated when she answers Y'nolek's smile. "Well, we'll have to set aside some other time for you to say thanks then, Nolek. Was W'ton here one of the lucky recipients?"

"Ahh, a good choice wooing the kitchen girls," W'ton tells Y'nolek with a wink. "They're almost always the prettiest and certainly have treats to make them worth the trouble." Glancing at Jaeyi again he tells her, "Such a shame you were not in the kitchen when I was free to go in there. Alas for missed opportunities." He doesn't answer the sandwich question, but leaves it to the other bronzerider. What he does do is look over at those gossipy girls and smile at them with a tip of an imaginary hat. That's right ladies, dream on.

Y'nolek looks all but ready to leave, only then Jaeyi turns the flirtation full stream on him and he stands rooted to the spot instead. "Uh, another time? Uh. Okay? Sure, I ah... oh, him? Yeah, he ate one. And Rhodya, and..." he gives a list of each other weyrling who got a sandwich. He cuts another glance toward W'ton, and frowns again.

Jaeyi, resigned to her tragedy, echoes over a dramatic sigh, "As you say-- alas. I'll just have to find something to make life worth living without you in it." Her arms stay folded, but one hand frees itself to flutter her fingers over her heart like it's just beating up a storm. Only, she's very clearly taking W'ton with a very healthy grain-of-salt. She could just pretend not to have noticed Y'nolek ready to beat his hasty retreat, but where's the fun? "I'm sorry, am I keeping you from something?" Rapid little blinks, widened eyes, they're perfectly poised to look downcast if he says yes and runs, wholly heartbroken.

There's so much fun W'ton could have in this situation as he watches the interplay between weyrling and baker. So many ways he could pester and hassle his fellow weyrling, but instead he looks across the bowl with an amused smile threatening to break out into a full on chuckle at the antics of both of them. He does take a moment to nod his head gravely to Jaeyi and utter a quiet, "We must press on without each other." But it's merely an aside he says and dismisses because the entertainment is too much.

Y'nolek shakes his head in reply to Jaeyi. "No, I just, um." He pauses, casts another brief glance W'ton's way, and then straightens himself up and says more firmly, "No. So, you're done working for the day, right?" He shoves his hands into his pockets as he asks the question, and slouches again.

Just to make the point, that last little look essayed from Baker to bronzerider (W'ton, not Y'nolek) is completely an I'll-survive one, tinged with droll amusement at a performance as over-the-top of her own. If only they'd met in another place, another time! But, since there's an audience so rapt as W'ton is, she mmhmmns brightly back to Y'nolek, lifts one hand to indicate some vague direction that lays back over her shoulder-- Weyr, caverns, kitchens, who knows. "And what of weyrlings? The day is done when the sun is down, or no rest for the--" The pause is just long enough to slip in 'wicked.' "--weary?" (Jaeyi)

Leaning against the bowl wall W'ton just exists. What a handsome devil he is and why not just stand there and be admired. Although he's ever so casual he does seem to be trying to track baby dragons or maybe just one in particular. Glancing at Y'nolek to see his answer he does not bother to offer an answer of his own. Best to let the other bronzerider have his shot and while he doesn't say it there's something of that in the way he looks at his fellow weyrling with eyes wide and eager to hear his answer. What will he say?

Y'nolek plays it completely straight. "It depends, sometimes we have enough stuff to do that we're running until our heads hit the pillows. But tonight, we don't have anything else. I was thinking about going for a walk down by the lake." He gives Jaeyi his winningest smile. "You want to come?" he offers. W'ton who?

The girls over yonder? They'll do the admiring. W'ton, sooooo dreamy. But one heard he's with Hattie-- no, no, it's not /exclusive/-- it is though! Back and forth, the way only teenage girls can. The way only teenage girls who don't have the temerity to approach the boy in question can. "Sounds like it's my lucky night," says cheerful Jaeyi, a girl that absolutely does have the temerity. "Sure, I want to come with you. But are you sure you want to leave your friend..." She wants to say 'to the wolves,' but what she actually says is much lowered, while she pitches forward on her toes to put her voice toward Y'nolek's ears alone.

"Far be it from me to interfere in what is clearly a walk meant to be," W'ton says with a sunny grin for the two of them. "And I won't even make some silly statement like behave yourselves because Nolek here doesn't know how to do anything else." His wink is for Jaeyi alone as he says, "And alas for him you can't be showing him different right now. Go on then you two kids." If he's bothered by being abandoned it does not show, but the odds are he's just not that upset about it. Prime teasing material here for later!

When Jaeyi whispers to him, Nolek's smile turns into a mischievous grin. "Hey, why not?" he says casually, scuffing one foot in the dirt of the bowl floor. He doesn't even look at W'ton, this time, only waits for Jaeyi's answer.

Jaeyi, confidently, "/Everyone/ knows how to do something else, W'ton." She gives him a really-now look, as if she'd disappointed that he could be so wrong about something so fundamentally true! Why not? "Oh, I can think of a few reasons, but let's not dwell on those, hmmn? Let's go have a walk." By the lake. In the dark. By themselves. Jaeyi's mother really should have raised her better.

Because he's that way W'ton tells Y'nolek, "I'll have Dasarth pass on to Agrith when Jantha's looking for us all." He's so /helpful/. And the baker is given another grin and a bow after he pushes off the wall. "I am terribly sorry and apologize to you, Jaeyi." Not to Nolek though who starts things and is not man enough to finish them.

"Let's," Nolek agrees, offering his arm to Jaeyi, polite and proper as you please. "You're a real pal," he says over his shoulder to W'ton. And with that, he'll lead Jaeyi away, if he can.

Jaeyi accepts W'ton's apology as a matter of course, rewards him with a wiggle of her fingers in a charming farewell-- leaving him to the clutches of kitchen girls who aren't brave enough to approach him but aren't shy enough to ignore him. Looping an arm, briefly catching a little bit of flannel-sleeve in between her fingers, she's lead off all cheerfully. To ask, "So you two aren't exactly best buds, I take it?"

agrith, ~dasarth, *weyrlinghood, ~w'ton, y'nolek, jaeyi

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