Celebration and condolences.

Mar 24, 2009 23:17

Who: Javeri, Olesia, P'ax, P'draig, Suizen
Where: Sandbar
When: Late at night on day 13, month 4, turn 19
What: Trying not to bother anyone with her ill-timed tapping into a real wing Javeri still manages to do so. The thought of anyone going between and not coming out is enough to kill her mood.

This time of night who is surprised to find Javeri here? Anyone? Anyone? That's riiiight, no one. Tonight she's celebrating although she's doing it rather lowkey since there are a few people in here drinking to the memory of High Reaches' dead weyrwoman. So, she's taken her celebration to the far corner where a couple tables are pushed together and sailors, who have little concern for weyrwomen, happily buy her drinks. She's been here for a few hours, but shows no sign of being drunk even if those around her do. She's leaning back in her chair with her bare feet on the table.

Olesia is behind the bar, grinning at some drunk regular to the bar who seems to be ranting about one thing and then another. "Ah, dearie.. Think it's time for you to head on to bed." There's a wink towards the man as she sends him off and tends to the others, offering comments to each one in turn before she spots Javeri with a quirk of her brow. "Heeey there." She drawls out, grinning. "Need anything, dear? Y'look comfortable enough, though." A pause, "you come in a lot." Though, that's more of an observation.

Toes wiggle in response to something said to the bluerider by one of the men at the table. Javeri laughs and winks at him as she tells him, "Don't you wish, Lin. But I am not the sort of woman who kisses and tells." Looking at her glass, still half full, she grins widely. "At least not until I've had a few more." This earns her another round of laughter which is going on when Olesia comes by. "Huh? Oh, just fine. I need something one of these fine gentlemen will be letting someone know." Because Javeri's never paid for a drink ever. Well, maybe once or twice, but if so she did it on the sly. "Of course I come in a lot. How else am I going to visit these lazy fellows? Won't get their land legs so they can come on up to the Weyr and say hello."

Olesia giggles, nodding her head. "Just noticing that you're around a lot. Though, names are slipping my mind." A pause as if she considers the other's name, but, alas.. Nothing comes to mind. "Ollie. If y'need anything, I'll be workin' the bar still." There's a playful wave towards the men before she's looking towards Javeri. "Ah, can't for the life of me remember your name. I'm horrible with them." Usually. Then, again towards the men. "You fellas need anything else? Refills?"

"Javeri," gets offered by the bluerider. "Hey you, if you can't remember that. I answer to all sorts of things." One man across the table opens his mouth, but Javeri digs a lime wedge out of her drink and throws it at him. "You shut up, Reger's or I am telling your wife what you wanted to call me." More laughter because there's nothing better than laughing at a friend being picked on. Beats YOU being picked on after all. A couple of them order another round of beer, but most of them just got refills and seem ok for now.

Olesia nods, grinning slowly. "'ll remember Javeri. Interesting name." There's a wink and she chuckles at the tossing of the lime wedge. "Jav works too, quick an' simple." Nodding towards the order, "be back in just a few then. Might join you all, things are awfully slow." A skip, and the woman's off. But, not even a moment later she's returning with mugs and handing them out. Then, she's pulling up a chair and leaning back into it. "So, anything interesting going on around you all?"

Nose wrinkles and Javeri says with a grin, "Not answering to Jav. Feel free to holler it though!" She just won't answer because she's likely to forget it's supposed to be her. There's the usual bar banter going on by everyone when she comes back. Nothing of substance being said around here! "Interesting? Nah. Same old work, same old games. Life carries on. Things don't change a lot around here really. Part of the charm."

Olesia laughs, "what'll you respond to? Eri? Ave?" A chukle and a wink and she's settling back into her eat a bit more. "Aah, but, every day things could lead to interesting possibilities." She points out, stretching out her arms before eyeing the bluerider. "Seen anything interesting out of the Weyr?"

"How about Javeri," is said with a laugh. "It's all anyone calls me unless they're a friend." And since they're not friends yet poor Olesia is stuck using her name. Javeri has a sip from her drink and peers into the glass. "Yes, Javeri will do I think. Better things come in time. And with the buying of drinks for me, of course." Because she won't discriminate against who can buy her drinks! "Don't get out of the Weyr much to be honest. Unless it's to come down here and hang out on the beach. Nowhere on Pern can compare to Ista so unless I'm forced by duty to go somewhere I don't. And since we've had the last seven off I've not had to worry about being sent off somewhere dreadful and cold."

Javeri, large table full of sailors, Olesia are in the corner. There is drinking, laughing, bare feet on the table. So, business as usual for the night.

"Javeri it is, then." A wink from Ollie before she laughs. "Better things in time, mm? Sounds interesting." The laughing continues with amusement, but she's nodding down slowly. "I haven't left Ista, either. Nothing is more interesting than home, I imagine. Though plenty riders come in with stories that make me want to see things. But, maybe not entirely." A chuckle. "Being sent somewhere cold would be awful, even more so for duties." There's a tsk before the woman is reaching for a drink. "Where have your duties taken you, if anywhere at all?"

P'ax glances at Suizen as they pass into the Sandbar, the short, stout woman dragging the tall, thin teenager. He stumbles a little, awkwardly. His eyes are red-rimmed, a little puffy, like he's been crying. And he's probably a little drunk already. Suizen - well, she's just herself. "How does drinking /more/ make you a lightweight?" he wonders at her.

Javeri, large table full of sailors, Olesia are in the corner. There is drinking, laughing, bare feet on the table. So, business as usual for the night. Suizen and P'ax just come in. (for Paddy)

"Because I can't hold m'drink - got latrine duty for a good sevenday, when Veri ended up visitin' me at Fort.." Sooz explains, before spotting the guilty party. Keeping a good grip on P'ax, the potter plows through the group, looking for a chair to fall into next to or near the bluerider, waving her free hand at what occupies her busy hand. "Lookie who I was findin' outside?"

"Sooz!" Javeri hollers with a grin and a wave. "Come on! They're buying. We're celebrating!" P'ax gets a look and a nod because, well, he looks horrid. "P'ax, come on. Have a drink." Only after she's done that does she turn back to Olesia. "Oh, message delivery all over. Nowhere fun. Sooz made me go to Fort and freeze my butt of because she had the poor grace to get searched for their last clutch. I survived, but just barely." She shivers just at the memory and then laughs. "Anyway I suppose it's not so bad. Chadamalith likes going so it's worth it just because he's happy to get around."

It's a rather sober-faced P'draig who comes into the bar and the noise and Javeri's enthusiasm actually make him pause for a moment. He lifts a hand to rub across his face, then looks over towards P'ax and resolutely moves forward. Veri earns herself a kiss in greeting, then the brownrider is sitting down, still solemn. "Celebrating? Kind of an odd day to be ... celebrating, isn't it? Hey Sooz. P'ax, my condolences."

"Celebration, an' condolences? I missed a few things, the last couple of days, haven't I?" Sooz asks, before offering Paddy a bit of a smile as she finds a seat to settle into, finally letting P'ax go. "Had the urge to go play in the clay - only left the claybank for sleepin' an' cleaning up the last couple of days," she adds to Javeri, before tilting her head. "They are? Hm.."

Olesia is up and out of her seat as soon as Suizen starts over towards them, eyeing P'ax carefully with his red eyes. "Need a drink then?" Is questioned towards the two and P'draig is given a nod of greeting as well. "An' you sir? Be needing one?" Each new comer is eyed in turn, break time is over, it seems.

P'ax flinches at Javeri's enthusiasm. Yes, he kinda looks horrid. "Sure," he agrees. "A drink." And so, he slides down into a chair, any chair. Hopefully it's not occupied, but he doesn't seem worried about such things now. "I think I just scared Avey away," he says thoughtfully to nobody, folding his hands on the edge of the table. P'draig gets a nod. "Thanks."

"We're keeping it down," Javeri points out to P'draig with a sigh. Clearly she's not real happy about keeping it down. "And he just came in." P'ax it would be since she gestures to the greenrider from High Reaches. "But if you object we'll go somewhere else." We must mean the sailors who're with her. Well, downers and moodkillers. She peers into her glass and looks at one of the men at the table who tells Olesia, "She needs another greenrider."

"No, I meant are you actually celebrating /that/, or something else?" P'draig asks her, quite seriously and nods up at Olesia, flashing her a brief grin. "The usual, Ollie, Feisty Girl, heavy on the rum, please," is his order. He leans his elbow on the bar and his head into his hand. "My mother's ... pretty torn up."

Suizen frowns a bit, then looks from P'ax to P'draig, then to Javeri. "... seriously - I've only been 'bout the Weyr for a cleanup an' sleep. This is the first time I've had for talkin' to anyone in a couple of days. There's bein' an interestin' feel to the Weyr, but no-one's mentioned anything wrong?" And though that ends on a questioning note, there really isn't much of a question about something have happened. Except what it is.

Olesia nods to P'ax, "I'll get you something good." She states simply, the man at the table gets a chuckle but, she's turning her attention towards P'draig. A wink and a nod. "Yes'sir. Anything else?" She waits, though towards Suizen she nods slowly. "Something wrong in High Reaches." She starts, but, not filling in more than that.

"Please don't go," he says too quickly, a note of desperation in his voice. And then he clears his throat and looks away, cheeks burning red in embarrassment. P'draig is studied. "I think we're all pretty torn up." For Suizen he says quietly, "Our Weyrwoman went Between around dawn this morning." A nod is given to Olesia in gratitude. "Thank you, dear."

Leaning forward to set her drink on the table Javeri drops her feet onto the ground. "Paddy! How could you even think we'd celebrate something like that?" Shaking her head she starts to say something and then goes quiet. Because other people are talking and all so she waits, patiently. Looking at P'ax she blinks and then nods. "I'll stay." Suizen gets a slight smile as she says, "Come on, Sooz. Just pop your head out of the clay once in awhile. Anyway I was quietly celebrating since I didn't get to last night. It's not /my/ fault A'mon waited until after dinner last night to talk to me. It's not like I knew waiting to celebrate would mean it being bad timing."

"Satiet", P'draig adds for Suizen's benefit, but he does smile at Ollie again. "Paddy, Ollie, Paddy's just fine, how long've I known you now?" he tells her with a mildly teasing tone. "Just the drink, thanks." His focus shifts back to P'ax and he clears his throat, notes quietly: "My mother was one of her weyrlingmasters. It always cuts when you lose a former weyrling, no matter how long it's been." He casts Javeri a wry grin. "Couldn't tell you know, sorry, I spent most of the day up there," the brownrider claims and then leans over to offer Veri a hug. "Congratulations on the wing, Veri."

"Sorry, uhm.. whatever she's havin'.." Sooz answers Olesia, before slowing nodding. At the mention of the Weyrwoman going between, however, air is hissed out of teeth. "Crap. My apologies.." she offers in general, before shaking her head at Javeri. "You're officially part of a wing? We're all doomed.." she teases the wingrider.

Olesia smiles at P'ax, nodding. "Not a problem." P'draig gets a teasing grin. "Paddy, I know. I know. But, sir is always fun to say to you." A wink before she's heading to get the drinks. Moments later, she's returning with a platter of and handing them out in turn. Towads P'ax, "there you are. Should help some." A smile before she settles the empty platter on the table and is settling into her seat again. "How is the Weyr holding up? High Reaches, that is."

P'ax musters a smile, sad and thin as it is. "Congratulations, Javeri. Guess this means vacation boredom time is over?" His smile grows a painful inch. The force of keeping it on his face proves too much and it slides away again. "She was my mentor," he tells Paddy thoughtfully. "She never did much mentoring, but she did a few things to me. She was... important. I'm...sorry for your mother. For everyone she meant something to." He cups his chin in his hand and tells Javeri abruptly, "I have something for you. I wasn't expecting to see you though, didn't expect to be here. I'll bring it next time." He takes the drink from Olesia with another nod. "Thanks." Her question is pondered. "As well as may be, surprisingly well. Supposedly N'thei's already stepped down - or is going to. It's just bar talk. Tiriana... shells. Well, I guess Iovniath is next. Yyth's dam isn't going up for another Turn or two, and Iovniath still hasn't risen, though she's well over three turns now. We're in limbo until one of them flies. We could be for awhile."

"It's ok. We have been trying to keep it down because a few people have been in here drinking to her," Javeri points out and gestures around at the table where the sailors are quick to chime in with assurances of most solemn celebrating. Even if they can't do it well enough to be believed. "Sorry, Sooz, it's true. Took long enough for someone to take pity on me, but even I got tapped now. Don't think we were last, but I cannot imagine we weren't pretty close." But she's had a few drinks and is not bothered by it. Leaning over in her chair she pats Paddy on the arm. "I'm sorry," she tells him simply because those are the important words. When P'ax speaks she has a slight smile for him. "If it's something gross that crazy dragon of yours found I don't want it." Looking at her full drink she stands up. "Going for a walk I think." The quickest way to bring down her celebration is surely all the talk about someone going between. "Sleep it off if you have to, P'ax. See you all later."

P'draig smirks a little at Olesia's tease and settles down, aiming to slide an arm around Veri. "It's a tough thing to go through," Paddy says lightly enough and nods P'ax' way, no further words necessary there, perhaps. "Not too much limbo I hope, with the way my sister was charging around today," the brownrider adds then. Javeri's departure lifts his arm again and he nods. "See you later. You'll have to tell me how it goes when you start regular drills. I'm going into Riptide myself."

Suizen rubs at her nose a moment, then shakes her head a bit. "Remind me who you're sister's bein' again?" She's probably asked before, but her memory's like the fog. Easily burned away at the first touch of light. "Definitely let us know how it goes, Veri. An' stay safe, walkin' about tonight."

Dragon> From somewhere comes what might be a familiar cornflower intrusion. Chadamalith's contact is brief and light flickering around her rather than stepping right in. << She says she would rather he slept here if he is drinking so much. Kindly bring him to us if he tries to go home. >> There is a pause and a very grudging << You may sleep on my ledge >> followed by a picture of the place. (Chadamalith to Yyth)

Olesia offers a gentle smile towards P'ax, "you're welcome." Though, she doesn't know too much about Reaches, she's nodding. "Hopefully, won't be too horrible for the shift of the Weyr for new things." Though, as Javeri takes off, the woman offers a wave. "Take care, yeah?" P'draig gets a grin before she's settling back again to watch the group that remains. "Takin' care, Paddy? Surely /you/ have something interesting to share.." Towards Suizen, she smiles. "Enjoying the drink? Let me know if you are needing any more."

Dragon> To Chadamalith, Yyth is...dark, dull. Dead. << I will let him know you are concerned. >>

P'ax lapses into silence when Javeri leaves. "Why would I bring her something gross?" he wonders to noone, barely even a question. He drinks instead, letting the conversation swirl around him.

~javeri, olesia, p'ax, suizen, yyth, ~chadamalith, p'draig

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