Blocks and bags

Mar 24, 2009 20:15

Who: W'ton with Dasarth, Jantha with Imoth, random npc weyrlings.
Where: Southern bowl
When: Afternoonish on day 13, month 4, turn 19
What: Weyrling lessons include sandbags and blocks. W'ton has an important question to ask the weyrlingmaster that she dodges.

Jantha and V'rel are both out in the bowl, some way apart, and with a group of weyrlings apiece - the human halves of the partnerships, that is, though most of the dragons are watching from a safe distance. Jantha has half a dozen of the riders arranged in a circle, tossing sandbags that are a bit heavier than the near-empty ones they were exercising with a couple of sevendays ago, but still not really weighty. "Get your hands round it, F'vel! It doesn't bite!" V'rel's lot appear to be finishing; their group breaks up and drifts back towards the barracks carrying the assorted odd objects they've been using for visualisation practice.

Tossing sacks is not such a bad thing. Of course W'ton spent his time before candidacy in stores toting things all over the Weyr in order to make the ladies swoon. And because it was his job. The only bad part about it is that he's still wearing the hideous work clothes he has to be wearing. Soon enough though it'll be a chance to change into something more...him. Dasarth has been observing the whole thing with commentary added to this dragon or that when he feels their rider needs some advice. When the other group starts heading to the barracks the bronzerider looks their way. Since he's just tossed a moment before he's at least spared worrying about a sack to the face.

"And, rest! Sandbags down." Jantha gives them a few moments breather, while she calls to the passing weyrlings to deposit their burdens in the middle of her group's circle. This set are wooden shapes - squares, circles, crosses - and there's a suppressed groan from a couple of the group who know what's coming and aren't too keen on it. "We'll do a couple of rounds of visualisation before we finish for today," she says, tossing four of the shapes into a random pattern in the centre of the ring. "You know the drill. This time, you send the picture to your dragon and have him or her send it to Imoth." As she speaks, she relieves F'vel of the sandbag he's still holding.

Wiping the back of his hand across his forehead W'ton looks at the block. No groan, but he cannot help but share a sympathetic look with a couple of the others. He's ready to be done too. Shaking his arms a little he looks at the blocks and then raises a hand. "Excuse me, ma'am? Are we using the same order we started throwing in?" Because he doesn't want poor Imoth to be overloaded all at once, of course. Also he was at the beginning of the circle so it means he'll be able to finish up first. From where he sits Dasarth swishes his tail and despite the way his clutchsibs tend to sprawl on the ground he sits upright and stiffnecked the whole time while waiting.

Jantha smiles. "You just visualise. Imoth can manage the order. Hold the image until I tell you it's OK. This is what we'll do when you first start betweening: you'll give him the image and he'll pass it on for checking." Imoth is sitting beyond the younger dragons, with a good view of the proceedings. He does indeed manage the order. << You first, then, Dasarth, as your rider is so eager. >>

A shrug is W'ton's response although after he does say, "As you say, ma'am." Since a shrug might not be the best method of responding to her and all. Then he's looking at the blocks and from his spot Dasarth sits up even straighter because he's paying real attention now. It's a moment before he gets the image and then the bronze sends the picture of the blocks that was given to him to the brown. << We are both eager >> he says, but only after he's shared the picture.

<< Good, Dasarth, >> comes the brown's approving mind-voice, and it's only a second later that Jantha agrees. "That's fine, W'ton." T'matt is apparently next, and is instructed to be more crisp with his image. Half way round, Jantha picks up a couple of the shapes and swaps them over and just as the last visualisation is shared - correctly, as most of them have got the hang of this by now - she does another switch so that there are four different shapes. "Everyone try that one," she says - and then picks up the nearest sandbag and tosses it straight at W'ton. "And see if you can keep that going round the ring, too. You won't be standing on solid ground with nothing to do."

There's a ruffle of wings to show off the crimson underneath as the bronze preens at the praise. See, fellows? This is how it gets done! From his spot W'ton cannot help but grin at his dragon. /Someone/ has to find him amusing and be happy with him! When the shapes are moved he watches them and he nearly misses the sandbag. Maybe it's a head's up from Dasarth or maybe he caught it at the last minute, but he does catch it. Grinning at Jantha he says, "As you say, ma'am." He tosses the bag to the person next to him while sending the block image to Dasarth who sends it to Imoth. The visual is clear enough although it's tightly focused and there's little of the ground outside the immediate area of the blocks to be seen.

"Keep going," Jantha tells them, as Imoth sends back another approving acknowledgement to Dasarth. She keeps swapping blocks. Those with time to think might notice that Imoth is asking for images just as that sandbag is coming the rider's way... and Jantha's calling out more corrections than she was before. Thus it is that a new pattern is on the ground, a sandbag is flying towards W'ton - hefted with some force by a frustrated Y'dros, who's just dropped the thing - and Imoth tells Dasarth, << Your turn. >>

Truth be told until impressing W'ton was not exactly using his brain. So even he, mighty man that he is, struggles to keep up. "Whoa, careful!" he tells Y'dros when the bag nearly smacks him in the chest. Hands sting and it distracts him so Dasarth is a little slow passing the image on. It's not bothering his rider, but the bronze is getting frustrated. So the image he sends to Imoth is correct, but there's plenty of growing conflict in his tone as he says << There is your image. >> Like he's throwing it at the brown because he's done and they /know/ this so can they not do something /else/ now?

Jantha lets the sandbag go on a few more throws. "And, stop!" She's got an evil gleam in her eye, but she's smiling. "Right. Well, that was mean and horrible of me, wasn't it? And you didn't do too badly, in fact - some of you did positively well, in fact. Why do you think visualising and having flying objects coming towards you at speed are a combination you might need to work on?" Imoth merely sends a wave of calm towards Dasarth. << Young one, this is about you and your rider working together. This was a very simple picture, and you sent it well when he gave it to you. There will be plenty more for you to learn. >>

Some shuffle their feet, others glance around, and maybe they know the answer, but no one's saying it partly because catching their breath might be of benefit. "Ma'am, because it's important in threadfall to be able to jump if you have to right away. And if you can't do both you're going to get lost between." Well, no one else was going to answer so W'ton did. Also Dasarth mentally prodded him into giving an answer. The bronze settles down a little. Either because they're done or because Win talked to him. << We work together. We know this. There is more to learn. Why are we not learning something new? >> It's not a demand at all, but it's a forceful question. Why must they do the same thing over and over when there is more to learn?

<< It is called 'practice', >> Imoth explains, << And it is what lets you do something perfectly, and at once, even when your rider is distracted. You did not quite do that this time - but you must, so you will practice. And you will get better and better, and do more difficult things, and get better at those... and so it goes on. >> Jantha simply nods at W'ton. "That's one reason, yes. And even though we sincerely hope you won't ever be in quite that situation, you still have to train for it. So the 'Thread' might be a rope that's dripping with paint. Or you might need to avoid a collision, or some other flying obstacle. And you'll certainly need to go Between while keeping formation, which also can take some attention. So, you're going to practice a lot with these simple images, and build up to more complicated ones. Once you're flying and can see places from above, you learn real ones. Any questions?"

Dasarth must mull this over and he clearly still does not approve. << It takes too long to learn things when some are so slow. >> Not /him/ and /his/ but the rest of the class? Phah! They are babies! The bronze ruffles his wings again and his tail whips back and forth behind him. Thankfully by now the others know he needs a bit of space when agitated so there's no more whapping his fellows. More feet shuffling and little head shakes and W'ton asks the question everyone really wants to know. "When do we get to fly, ma'am?" Because everyone's guessing and all and they all can't wait.

"/You/ get to fly when they're five or six months old. /They/ get to do it before that, but they have to grow a bit more before they can take your weight." Jantha gives an understanding grin. "Impatient, is he? That's quite normal; I'm afraid you're just going to have to be patient and try and keep them patient. Flying's hard work on young muscles, and they can do damage and end up with a permanent weakness if they start too young or carry too much weight." She looks round the group. "Anything else? Those of you that were still not sharp enough, practise in your homework time tonight."

"We're probably no more impatient than anyone else, ma'am," W'ton answers with an easy grin. "He only seems more impatient because he's so loud about it. At least to me, ma'am." Shoulders shrug and he waits until the few groans forthcoming after homework is given to say, "Excuse me, ma'am. I do have a question." His grin's still in place, easy and charming even if the charm won't work. "When's your turnday, ma'am?"

Jantha raises her eyebrows, fixes him with a stare, and says with an absolutely deadpan expression, "Weyrlingmasters are hatched full-grown, W'ton - didn't you know?" She looks round the class again, and apparently concludes that that's it. "Very well. If there are no more /relevant/ questions, you're dismissed. Take the shapes and sandbags back to the barracks, please."

W'ton's head shakes and he grins still even when not answered. As the others gather things and go he approaches Jantha. "Ma'am?" he asks as he waits to see if she's going to send him off or let him talk. It doesn't look like he cares either way although he makes some vague attempt to not be too casual. Maybe it's just his good posture? Dasarth rises up and ambles over although he stops before getting right to where W'ton stands.

Jantha starts to walk towards the barracks, but stops as W'ton approaches and turns towards him, with a glance at Dasarth. Imoth gets to his feet and pads slowly towards them, surprisingly quietly for one so large. "Yes, W'ton?"

Dasarth's not really going anywhere. Instead he plops his butt down to sit closer and watches W'ton. "Ma'am? I didn't ask out of idle curiosity. If you're rather not do this then it's fine, but if I could explain?" It's a request to go on, but he just sort of...goes on without waiting. "See? I know some of us have trouble getting along. And it was Hattie's turnday recently and we were talking, me and her and some others, and thought we ought to have a little cake for everyone on their turnday. And since we're all in your wing I said we should do it for the staff as well. If you don't like the idea then that's fine, ma'am and I'll tell the others. But it seemed rude not to include the rest of you."

Jantha listens, then thinks for a few moments, then nods. "Well. That's all right with me, but you must ask each of the other staff individually, and explain why. If they're not up for it, you need to respect that. All right? And it's a nice thought, to try to smooth over some of the ruffles."

"Of course, ma'am. We don't want to haul people into it." W'ton's got another grin as he salutes. "Just trying to show that Dasarth may be a pain, but I'm not, ma'am." Riiight. He's not a pain. "I'll speak to them each and see if they're interested in taking part. Thanks for listening, ma'am. I'll go grab those last sandbags the others thoughtfully left for me and get on in with them."

Jantha chuckles. "You do that. And maybe we can find something to keep Dasarth's mind a little more occupied: how would that be? Anyway, I'll give some thought to that. In you go, now." With that, she turns to walk towards the barracks.

jantha, ~dasarth, *weyrlinghood, ~w'ton, imoth

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