Magic Fingers

Nov 10, 2008 15:11

Who: Javeri and P'draig
Where: The Sandbar
When: A spring afternoon.
What: Javeri is trying to find someone and comes across P'draig instead. This is a good thing as she has a delivery for him. Their trade is made and she leaves much happier about the world than she has been in a few days.

It is a spring afternoon, 12:25 of day 3, month 3, turn 18 of Interval 10.

All work and no play and all that jazz. There might be no thoughts of axes and the like in Javeri's head, but she certainly is feeling the strain of candidacy by now. So, when she's got an excuse to take a walk somewhere she springs at it. Thankfully this is even vaguely chore related. The afternoon has just begun and with a spring in her step and her feet bare she steps into the Sandbar to deliver a message and hunt for a certain rider.

In the kitchen, P'draig's just finished up plating what smell like spicy noodles and is sitting at the bar itself with one plate. Kip is leaning on the other side of the bar with the other plate and the two seem to be comparing notes about what they're eating. "Okay, so mot quite so much red pepper, got it," Paddy agrees nodding, has another bite, then reaches for the mug of ale that stands by his plate.

"Oh! There you are!" Javeri says in a loud, cheerful tone as she spies where P'draig is seated. There's not movement just yet to where he's at as instead she looks over the rest of the people gathered before shaking her head. Now she moves to the bar and takes a seat as one hand digs into a pocket. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have something for you!" She smiles and looks down to figure out why her hand is not finding what it is seeking. "Oops. Wrong pocket," she decides with a laugh.

That loud voice turns P'draig's head in the middle of his next comment. Brows lift as he chews on another mouthful of pasta. One hand goes up next to wave Javeri's way. Mouth clear, Paddy grins. "Heya, Javeri. Want to try some noodles? They're spicy," he explains about the food in front of him and Kip. The barkeep just eyes the candidate with a little grin a the pocket jumble and goes on eating.

The other pocket gets searched and there's a triumphant grin as Javeri comes up not empty handed this time. "That is so weird. I could have sworn I put it in the other pocket, but I guess not. Still, that is odd." Magic shifting pocket inventories! "Oh, no thank you. About the noodles I mean. I just ate and if I'm going to make it back to the Weyr I'd better not get any more stuffed. I'm just trying to track down someone's grandson to deliver a message and I thought even if he wasn't here I might find you so I could get you your bracelet!" She waves the hand closed in a fist and then uses her other hand to wiggle fingers hello to Kip. It would be rude not to acknowledge at all.

"Happens," P'draig says, easygoing as he digs his fork into the noodles for another bite. "Trying out something new," he notes about the plate. "So more about tasting than eating." He beams though about the bracelet. "Yeah? All done? That's great. Want to claim your payment?" Kip lifts a hand for the wiggly fingers, bobs his head.

"Well, we better be sure you like it first before I take any payment for it," Javeri says with a grin. "If I need to make any changes that's fine. I'm working on another order in between chores and stuff, but I can certainly fix this up too!" Sniffing at the air she shakes her head. "No, no. Smells too spicy for my stomach. I have to go back to the uncles and aunties and that can be hard on the stomach sometimes. They can tell the worst stories!" Opening her hand she lays the bracelet down on the bar and smoothes it out a bit. It's small, but the leather is tied with a slip knot so it can be adjusted to fit the wrist it goes on to. The ends each boast one clear crystal bead to provide something sparkly. Palia is spelt out in yellow letters on black beads and between each letter are beads with pictures painted on them. Palm trees, the sun, a wave, and a fish to be exact. The rest of the bracelet is just simple beads painted bright colors.

"Huh. You know, you're right, they can at that," about the aunties and uncles as P'draig takes that next bite, then sets his fork down to have a look at the bracelet. Paddy grins and touches a fingertip to the crystals. Carefully he picks the bracelet up to take a closer look at the paintings. "This is really nice work Javeri, she's going to love it," he says sincerely and looks up at the candidate with a smile. "So. Sit down if you've a minute and turn around. I'll bet aunts and uncles mean kinks in the back too."

"At least they don't require a shovel," Javeri says back with a laugh. "I can handle the stories and the forgetting who I am and even if they're sick. It's nice to be away from the nursery and the stables." Not that the elderly cannot be quite like dealing with children, but the urge to slap them just isn't there the same way! "If I don't impress I am doing nothing but lie on the beach and drink for a month afterwards just to recover!" She grabs the stool next to the brownrider and sits down with her back to him.

P'draig sets the bracelet back down on the bar-top gently, chuckling. "Yeah, kids are pretty tiring," the brownrider states and grabs another bite from the plate, takes a swig of beer then rubs his hands together. "And that, my friend, sounds like a very good plan. When I didn't Impress the first time, I went home for a little bit, then apprenticed out. Wanted to stay busy, but I like your idea better." Paddy shifts Javeri's hair out of the way carefully, then gets started on her shoulders with firm, even pressure.

Knotted muscles begin to loosen quickly as Javeri mulls over the staying busy approach. "Yea. I think I want a break from busy most definitely. Not that I'm looking forward to not impressing." In case the wrong idea was taken and all. She doesn't bother peeking over her shoulder however as that might interrupt his hands which would be a crime. "Because it's not like that. I would love to, but if it doesn't happen I won't let it get me down. I'll just need to sort out what I'm gonna do now that dad has an apprentice he may not want me back to help. So, a month of working on my tan and getting sailors to buy me fruity drinks sounds like a great plan!"

Those hands keep up the good work, walking inward and up the back of the candidate's neck. "Mm, just can't know for sure what will or won't happen," P'draig says agreeably. "And I hear you there, about figuring out what to do if you don't." Laughter follows though. "Sailors huh?" Teasing in his tone.

"I just don't want to be one of those people who walks away empty handed thinking their life is over, you know?" Javeri says with a slight shrug of her shoulders. "It shouldn't be the end of the world is all. Oh, well, I suppose ask me again when it's over and if I still feel the same way I'll know!" She's at least able to see it might be different afterwards. As for sailors there's a tiny laugh and if she blushes it's missed from where he sits. "Sailors, yea. Dad really didn't like me associating with them which was the appeal at first. But they're fun. They have all these stories to tell and they're happy to buy you drinks and most important they're not always around bugging you. Soon enough they're back out to sea!"

"I think that even just by saying that, you won't be," P'draig says calmly. "And clearly you've got other interests," the brownrider continues, thumbs walking up the back of Javeri's neck. "Ha! The forbidden fruit that became fun on its own merits. I thought about seacrafting too when I was younger. My father liked to sail and he taught me. It would be a whole other kind of life, but the open sea still appeals. I should see about moving my boat down from Tillek actually. Plenty of ocean to sail here."

"Well, it wasn't entirely my fault. About the sailors," Javeri says with a laugh. "Granny used to tell me stories which only made me interested. The fact dad disliked them was a bonus. But they are fun!" Her head drops forward as she lets out a content sounding sigh. "This is great. Need anything else made for trade?" Grinning to herself she adds, "Not that I should be trying for more commissions until I know what happens. I probably will just have enough time to get Sunniva's stuff done. But you have a boat? Really? What kind? I've never actually been sailing. I'm half afraid I'll be one of those people who get sick and the whole sailor mystique will be lost. And they are some of the easiest men to get to buy you drinks." Ahh, priorities!

"Ahh, tall tales of the sea," P'draig says with a laugh and keeps at it with his thumbs. "I'm sure I can think of something," he says straightfaced this time though there's still humor in his voice. "Mmhm. It's small. No more than 3 people to sit in it really. Just a fishing skiff, but it /is/ mine and I do like to sail and it might be nice to get to know the waters around here." His hands shift, fingers walking back down her spine. "Well, tell you what, if you want to find out, I can always rent a boat too and take you out and if you yarf, I promise, I won't tell a soul."

"I'm easily led astray by stories," Javeri says with nothing but humor in her tone. "Or not so much, but it's not such a bad thing to get some people to believe." Smoothing a wrinkle from the fabric of her skirt she shakes her head lightly. "And I probably sound horrid talking about the many ways I get free drinks from people, but really I'm not that bad. I don't even drink a lot when I can. Best to keep your head about you when there's others drinking too freely. I don't want trouble to come from it and all. But a boat trip sounds like a lot of fun!" Now her head cranes around so she can smile at P'draig. "And I promise if I get sick I'll do it over the side so we don't have to worry about the mess!"

"Get caught up in the tale itself?" P'draig asks curiously, "don't really think that's a bad thing, myself," he continues, tone mild then laughs outright. "Not really, I mean you know, a little flirting and a drink with a nice person, that's nothing to be ashamed of." His hands drop again, pressing into her lower back. "Thank you, in a hired boat that would be the most polite," he teases a little.

"I do try to be polite," Javeri says in a faux haughty tone that in the end is utterly ruined by the soft giggle that follows. "I just don't want to have people thinking I am like some of the women who, you know, sit around and expect men to buy them stuff just because they are pretty and all. I mean I know I'm not pretty. Not that I think I am ugly. I mean I'm not fishing for a compliment and stuff. I just know I have to work harder to stand out is all." There that's perfectly explained, yep. "Oh, wow. That feels so great. You are really good at this. Even if it's going to make me not want to move when you're done."

Laughter again. "Nice one," P'draig says, still chuckling and works his hands all the way down to where the limit of polite in fact and then shift back up the way they came, thumbs digging into spots where soreness often collects. "Didn't think you were fishing, Javeri. And I've never really gotten that impression. You remind me a lot of my little sister sometimes, actually."

"Huh," Javeri says thoughtfully before asking, "Is that good or bad? The little sister thing? I'm an only child so I've no experience with siblings." Lifting a hand she tucks a few braids behind her ear before saying, "Either way I will take younger sister. A couple days ago someone said I reminded them of their mother." A brief pause and then, "Mother. Eww. I am so not that old. I was horrified!"

"It's a good thing, I love my brothers and sisters," P'draig says with another laugh. "Milani, she talks a lot," he says mildly, maybe teasing a little again. Paddy's hands pause and he leans out a little. "Their ... mother? Seriously? Shells no. My sister is nineteen, probably just a little younger than you are? I'm eleven and a half turns older than she is."

"Oh, great then!" Javeri decides with an easy laugh of her own. "You never know if someone likes their siblings or not! I am kinda glad I have none although maybe it would have been better. I don't know. There's nothing to be done for it now so I don't think on it much. No sense worrying about the past when the future's enough trouble!" Not a bad philosophy of life as far as they go. There are certainly worse ones! The potter grins over her shoulder and nods her head. "Exactly. I'm not old at all. Just twenty-two and I think about a half or so. Plenty young. There's no reason for someone to think I am old. Or like their mother."

"I have a brother and two half-sisters that I grew up with and a bunch more out there floating around at different weyrs from my father's bronze winning green flights and ... well, you know." There's a little shrug from Paddy and he eases his thumbs in under the angle of shoulder blades lightly then adding more pressure gradually, seeking out knots. "Old enough to know better, young enough to have fun," is the brownrider's assessment of her age.

Javeri's laugh is quick and lingers for a moment before she speaks. "I really don't think I ever want to be old enough to know better. At least to the point where it keeps me from having fun. There are some things that are always going to be worth the risk I think." This time her sigh is a bit more weary and her tone more serious as she says, "But, I probably should be getting back soon. I suppose that counts as old enough to know better. I'd rather not get in trouble again and wind up back in the nursery as punishment. And I still need to find Kirlan's kin and pass along his message. I promised some of the others a game of cards so I'd best not be too long." She tucks another wayward braid back into place as she says, "Although I have to say the back rub totally makes any trouble I might find worth it. I haven't felt this good in forever."

"Yeah, that's what I meant," P'draig says and finishes up with palms set flat against her back to shake out any residual tension. "There you go. And good. Hopefully that'll help make the rest of your day a good one," the brownrider says sincerely.

Sliding off her seat Javeri turns around and smiles brightly at P'draig. "I am definitely going to have a better day than I might have otherwise. I hope she likes the bracelet! If there's something that needs changing or adjusted or whatever just let me know! As she gets old it should be no problem for her switch beads out and the like. Or even get a longer string for a necklace." Fingers wiggling in a wave she grins again. "Have a great day! I'm going to go get my butt handed to me at cards. Those old sharks have no respect for youth!" With a laugh she's heading for the door with a lighter step than before.

"Excellent, and I'm sure she will, Javeri. Thanks again," P'draig says, lifting the bracelet up then looking down at it, smiling at the whimsy inherent in the little fish. "You too, try to give 'em what for," the brownrider says cheerily, then turns back to finishing off now lukewarm noodles and beer.

~javeri, *candidacy, p'draig

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