Mending a horror

Nov 12, 2008 13:30

Who: Javeri and Tosolla
Where: Galleries
When: Umm. Morning. Date unknown.
What: Javeri and Solla are both mending. They discuss their families, plans for after the hatching, and a horrible dress of pink and green.

Breakfast has come and gone, but the work never ends. This morning there are snags, rips, tears, buttons, loose threads and any other number of clothing maladies awaiting some lucky candidates. One of those 'lucky' ones would be Javeri and since, despite any wounds she might get, she'll get her work done she's gotten permission to carry the basket here to the galleries. Sitting at the bottom where she can see the sands the best she's got her basket on the ground and a needle stuck through her skirt while she fumbles with the thread required to sew on an ugly green and pink button back to a pink dress. It's a crime against fashion and nature, but it's got to be done. Before leaving she let the other candidates know what she was doing and extended the invitation to come along. It's a nice break from the lower caverns gossip and everything.

Tosolla was quick to take Javeri up on the offer, and now the shorter girl sits comfortably one row down, her legs curled beneath her as she threads a needle. "You want me to do that?" she wonders, giving Javeri's attempt a nod. "I've got mine... there." 'There' means the thread is knotted, the needle securely captured, and she offers it over to the other girl. With hardly a breath she continues, "So what do -you- think about Jakkal? I heard he'd punched somebody, and they weren't going to let him Stand."

So far so good and not a pricked thumb or finger to speak of, but that doesn't mean Javeri has gotten any good at mending in all the time she's been doing it. When she gets offered a needle already threaded she perks up and smiles. "Yes, please! I just cannot get the hang of this!" Unsticking her needle she offers it and the thread to Tosolla in exchange. This gives her a moment to sort out an answer in regards to her fellow candidate. "Well, Jakkal's kinda weird, you know? But I'm surprised he hit someone. He always seemed like the storm off kind of person to me. He's nice enough for being so odd. I do not get people who are happy mucking out stables. Or would rather spend time with animals than people." She stops to pick up the button needed and line it up as best she can. "Are they really not letting him Stand? Or is that just a rumor?"

Needles exchanged, Solla makes short work of threading the new one, though she nips off the frayed end first. She nods along to Javeri's words, then casts an impish look up at the older woman. "I don't know - I hoped you'd know more. I heard it from Neraset who was talking to Yinral, but you know those two." She lowers her voice conpiratorally and leans in, casting glances back at Mikhuth. "She'd say anything to get a boy's attention." Completely unlike her, of course.

Javeri fiddles with the button moving it this way and that before she's done. When she's got it sort of in place she makes the all important first poke of the needle occurs. Only when that is done does she look back and grin at Solla. "I haven't heard anything. Well, I heard he bit someone's ear off. I heard someone kicked him in his man bits. What else..." She pokes the needle into the cloth just to do it before laughing. "Oh! I heard he’s running off to the continent to join a band of traveling entertainers!" So, the potter has heard nothing of substance then. "Neraset is so annoying. And obvious. No man worth catching likes a woman who is so obvious."

Tosolla giggles at the mental images, a hand coming up to cover her mouth but leaving twinkling eyes exposed. Another glance to Mikhuth and some swallowing and she settles, lifting the topmost shirt out of the basket at her feet. "She needs practice," the Southerner agrees, "But... I don't know. Some men need to be shown the way, you know? Maybe she's only looking for a night or two - no point having man worth catching if it's only going to be... -you- know!"

With extremely slow, careful movements the button begins to get sewn into place as Javeri grins. "Yes, but we're not supposed to be doing that sort of thing right now. I would think if you were going to you'd be more careful. If you just act like you're not and not considering it then even if accused it'll be hard to prove it." Words of wisdom offered just as the needle jabs into her finger. "Ow!" comes before examining said finger to be sure there's no blood. "The best way to not worry about that is to find the right type of man. Sailors are great for a few days fun without worrying one of them will take it seriously. Even if they try they'll likely be gone before there's any heartaches."

Tosolla sends another dark-eyed glance Mikhuth's way, but the bronze seems to be paying the pair no attention. Thank goodness! "You all right?" She scooches forward to get a look at the injury, back again when it proves to be minor. "Ooh, /sailors/. I -know-! My papa used to be a sailor, sort of. What about you, though? Your mama's a rider, isn't she? That's what I heard Rian say."

Javeri's used to jabbed fingers enough now that it barely stops her from continuing on. Although she does wave it towards her fellow candidate to show nothing too bad happened. "Sailors are great. Especially the ones who are more than willing to waste marks buying you drinks. It's a depressing night when I have to buy my own." Not as depressing as the green and pink combination she works on however. "I'd be doing everyone a favor if I accidentally destroyed this dress while working on it. It's so hideous." It's not dodging the question but giving her excuse to avoid until she can say, "Yes, she is. It's not a huge secret or anything. I just don't like to talk about her." Hint, hint.

Forget giggling, Tosolla flat out laughs when Javeri verbally shreds the dress. "Give it to Lieryth," she suggests, then, "No, no! Give it to /Aath/! You'd never see that dress again!" She bends over her own work, snickering, the mending temporarily forgotten, only to cast a sideways look up at Javeri. "Why not? My papa's a greenrider, it's not like having a rider in the family is some big -shame-, you know." So speaketh the weyrbred, only to make her eyes go big. "--Oh! She's not... she's not dead, is she? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't've said anything."

"Oh, I don't need help ruining clothes! Just fixing them," Javeri points out with a quick grin. "Maybe that's why it ended up in my basket? Someone else wants it wrecked too! I would just be doing what I was told, although not told with words, but you know." The dress is eyed again and she nods. "It would be super easy. Just a few small alterations and bye bye hideousness." Big words considering she just keeps sewing the button on like she should be doing. It's work that requires her to look down and not have to answer Solla while sharing a gaze. "Oh, she's not dead. Alive and well and somewhere around here. You wouldn't think the Weyr was so big, but I haven't run into her. She's good at avoiding me. I'm not ashamed of her, she just doesn't want anything to do with me. Which is fine as I've no use for her anyway."

"We could just...!" Solla suggests, miming taking the dress in both hands and tugging them apart sharply. Amusing as that thought is, however, she soon takes up the shirt with its collar coming off and bends to her work like a good obedient candidate. "Well, maybe she doesn't know you're here?" She glances up with a little moue, adds, "/I/ managed to avoid Papa for almost three sevens when I first arrived. It's not that hard."

"She's never wanted to see me," Javeri says with a shrug as she finishes off the button. Now she looks up and shrugs again with a faint smile. "It really stopped bothering me turns ago. When we came here for deliveries and stuff dad would disappear to go see her and I'd just go have a drink. She's awful good at avoiding me. Maybe if I impress she'll transfer to not deal with me. That would serve my father right!" Even though the dress is done she holds it in her lap like she's just trying to get up the courage to destroy it and restore a bit of fashion sense to the world. "Why'd you want to avoid your dad? He seems nice."

Solla listens to all of it, pursing her lips occasionally as she sews. "I don't think she'd -transfer-. That seems a bit... much, don't you think? Even if she doesn't like you as much as you say?" Hesitant, she stalls by placing a quick knot in her mending, smoothes out the seam. "I just... well, I didn't want to...." All in a rush, "I didn't want him to worry. He does, you know. He's all fuss, fuss, fuss. I think he'd be happier if I Impressed at Southern, or somewhere he didn't have to think about it. Especially with him assisting the Weyrlingmaster up here."

Javeri gives up on mangling the horrible dress for now and sets it aside after removing her needle from it. "Oh, well, worrying I can understand. I guess. My dad doesn't really worry about me other than the whole sailor thing and I am pretty sure he was just afraid I'd turn up pregnant and embarrass him with his customers." Her nose wrinkles at this and she flicks her fingers to dismiss the thought. "It's not that she doesn't like me so much as she never wanted me and would probably like to be able to continue to pretend she never had a kid. It's a great mystery why she did in the first place." Reaching into her basket for a pair of pants that need hemming on one leg she grins. "My favorite theory is some sort of blackmail."

Tosolla waves off the whole 'pregnancy' thing with an airy hand (i.e., not the one holding the needle). "This is a Weyr. You don't have to be pregnant unless you want to." Both hands fold back to her lap, and Solla narrows her eyes ever so thoughtfully. "...You know," she says slowly, "I bet she did. Want you. Since she's a rider, and all." Which goes along with Weyrs and pregnancies. "I bet she just didn't know what to do with you after. My Papa doesn't. He ran away from Southern, you know, because he got two sisters pregnant."

"Yea, but I'm not from here. I'm from up at the Hold. It's a lot different there if you turn up pregnant without a husband." Javeri shakes her head and begins to thread her needle since pink thread won't do for black pants. "Anyway I'm still holdbred even if I like sailors and I shudder to think of getting pregnant at all and having to do anything about it. As for my mother, if she were blackmailed by my father... Wait. Or my granny. She's much more devious than him! Yea. I think that's it. I can't wait to talk to her again and ask her! I bet she'll tell me the truth now!" Licking the end of her thread she stops with it in her mouth and stares at Solla. "He got sisters pregnant? Like, at the same time? Eww."

The Weyrbred girl blinks at Javeri, momentarily uncomprehending. "But you're at a Weyr now, so you don't have... or are you saying that you'd keep the baby anyway? I don't understand you Holdbred, sometimes." The words might be harsh but her tone isn't; she snips off the last of the thread and reknots it before reaching for the next item, laughing at Javeri's accusations of blackmail. "Not at the /same/ time, same time, but yeah. They were like you, wanted to keep the babies, only they didn't want them, so Tiisa and Joe have always been at Southern. The Weyr, you know? They're less than a month apart in age."

Removing the thread from her mouth Javeri purses her lips as she tries to thread the needle. It's slow going, but eventually the black thread is where it should be. "I don't know. About keeping it. I don't want kids. And they hate me. Mostly I bet cause I can't stand them. Anyway I'm just here til the hatching if I don't impress. Then I have to figure out what I'm gonna do. Other than lounge on the beach for awhile and forget about chores." She looks for a good place to start sewing and says, "And I won't be getting pregnant right now. There's not any guy I know of who's worth the risk of getting caught. No matter what they think." When she looks up again she's got a grin for the girl from Southern. "Oh, ok. I knew things were not like home at a Weyr, but it was weirding me out the whole sisters thing. At the same time anyway. I guess apart- No, still weird to me! But lots of stuff is so no offense."

Tosolla keeps an eye on Javeri and that needle-threading but doesn't make an offer to help. She's sitting right there, after all, if Javeri decides she wants it. "I don't want babies either," she confides firmly. "Not for oh, turns and turns. I think if I don't Impress that I'm going back home. You could come with me, if you wanted. We've got plenty of beach for lounging on, and no parents to scold." When Javeri looks at her she wrinkles her nose and grins before turning back to her sewing. Lightly, "That's what their mamas thought too, which is why Papa ran. I didn't seem him for oh, probably three or four turns after that. Of course, that's when he found Aath, too. But since then he's been real good about coming to visit us. Even better now that he has Paddy."

"I wonder sometimes what it's like to have two parents, you know? I was sort of odd person out at home since I wasn't raised by nannies or fostered out, but my dad raised me not two parents." Javeri pokes her finger as she hems, but doesn't even comment this time since it didn't even break skin. "But I had my granny and she's great. She raised me other than the work stuff I was taught by dad." She stops talking to work a tangle out of her thread that requires all of her attention. "It's good your dad's better about visiting. It'd be hard being so far away I think. Even though my mom doesn't want me I know she's close. It's oddly comforting I suppose." It's not a perfect hem these pants are getting, but at least they are getting one. "I've never left the island. But it would be nice to get away maybe after all this."

"I was - we all were - in the nurseries until we were about six or so," Solla says, blithely attacking a pair of trousers with falling hems. "So I didn't have two parents either. Sounds like you had a perfectly normal childhood to -me-." Of course, she's Weyrbred and, judging from her twinkling eyes, knows that their situations aren't identical. "It's a plan, then - if we don't Impress, we'll go back to Southern, and see how long it takes us to find a nice pair of sailors." She pauses, then asks faux-solicitously, "One /is/ going to be enough for you, isn't it?"

"Eww. Normal to a weyrbrat," Javeri teases with a laugh. "I'm pretty sure that's not a good sign! Whatever will I do?" She lifts a hand to press the back of it against her forehead. "I'd swoon, but then I'd probably jab the needle in my eye or something." Dropping her hand she laughs again at the plans offered forth. "Oh, well, I only need at a time. But as soon as he's boring I'll need to trade him in for a new one." With her head tipped to the side she amends with, "Ok or as soon as he runs out of marks to spend on me! I mean a girl has to have standards or she's not better than N-Ouch! Sharddit all!" It was bound to happen. The infirmary is going to be as sick of her as Borley at this rate. Looking down at her hand she watches blood well up in her palm before dropping the needle.

Solla laughs along. "Poor Holder girl! You'll have to give it all up and live the Weyr life, that's what." Javeri's acceptance has her nodding along, smiling impishly. "Oh, I'm the same way. So we'll -- oh!" On sight of the blood she sets her mending aside, all ready to stand and... do something. "You better go wash that out and make sure it stops bleeding. I'll stay here and keep mending until you get back."

Javeri uses the non-bleeding hand to move the needle aside and then set the pants back in her basket. "I cannot believe this happened again. I /really/ hope it's not Iesia in there right now." Smiling at Solla she kicks the basket. "Thank you! I'll be back as soon as I can!" From her pocket she pulls a handkerchief that already looks like it has bloodstains and presses it to her palm. "I'll be right back," she repeats with a nod before hurrying off to tend to her latest wound.

~javeri, *candidacy, tosolla

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