Lousy, rotten, child!

Oct 20, 2008 17:55

Who: Iesia, Javeri, Sunniva
Where: The infirmary
When: After lunch...sometime during candidacy. :)
What: Javeri turns up in the infirmary with a bitten hand. Nursery duty will continue to be her bane throughout candidacy. Sunniva brings in Borley who hurt himself in the kitchen.

It's that time just after lunch that second chores begin for the candidates and one such candidate, assigned to food prep, has successfully managed to gouge his hand with a knife. Of course, a bleeding and squalling teenager is not a good thing to have in the kitchen, so Sunniva is the one that decides to escort the poor lad -- Borley, by name -- to the infirmary. The injury is bandaged fairly well in a kitchen towel and it's probably nothing serious, really, but one wouldn't know it listening to him. A few other candidates are here as well, though not due to injury; they're just waiting to get checked up on by whatever Healer happens to be available.

There's one candidate who can feel sympathy for the poor injured kitchen worker. Javeri was stuck in the nursery this afternoon and things did not seem to go well. The proof of this fact is the hand she cradles as she comes into the infirmary. "Stupid little brat," she mutters under her breath as she looks at her hand. "Stupid, obnoxious, annoying, destined to be drowned very soon stupid kid," she adds more loudly as she stops and notices the other candidates waiting. "Is everyone hurt? Oh, right, nevermind." Check-ups.

Iesia just so happens to be a Healer on duty, perhaps unfortunately. The candidates are eyed and, very swiftly, separated into two groups - injured and checkups. "You," she points at the check-up group, "Over there on the cots." And as soon as they're going, a few aids are gathered to be sent over to begin check ups. Iesia sighs and turns towards those that are actually injured and, Sunniva. "This way," she says and turns, escorting the trio down to an empty cot. The shorter brunette is given a slow once-over, calculating and thin-lipped. "Are you injured?" she asks, though already reaching for Borley's hand, as he seems to be the more injured of the two. Or just the louder of them.

"Shh," Sunniva slants a look to Borley, murmuring a few reassurances -- he's not going to lose his hand and, no, not even a finger -- before Iesia is able to see to them. She follows, a reassuring hand laid on the other candidate's shoulder even as a sympathetic look is then shot to the newly arrived Javeri. "Oh, oh, what happened to you?" is asked, concerned, toward the other young woman. The question from the Healer elicits a blink and then a shake of her head, "Oh, no. I am fine; he is the injured one." Pause. "Though I suppose I am due for a check-up." She pulls slightly away, giving Iesia space in which to work ... and, unfortunately, leaving a blubbery Borley in her capable hands as well. The bandaging was quickly applied and conceals a shallow slice across the backs of his knuckles.

With her hand clutched close to her chest once she's spoken to Javeri stops her grumblings. She follows along where Iesia tells her to go like it's not the first time she's been directed by a healer. "Huh?" she asks Sunniva rather brilliantly when she's spoken to. "Oh, sorry. I got bit. Some stupid brat-" Stopping herself with several deep breaths she shakes her head. "I hate children. I'd rather scrub floors than be stuck all afternoon with the creatures." When Borley's wound is exposed she is very careful to look somewhere else. Anywhere else that does not involve potential blood.

With that answer, Iesia turns her attention towards Borley. The bandage is carefully removed and Iesia takes a peek. When it's determined to be nothing much beyond superficial, she pulls the bandage off fully, drops her shoulders and rolls her eyes. But she says nothing about it. "Knife, kitchens?" she answers without waiting for an answer. "You'll be fine," she assures him dryly. An aid is waved over, with quick instructions murmured between them, and Borley is taken to a new cot. Now Javeri has her attention, and an eyebrow is lifted. "Bitten?" and she slaps the cot with her palm. Sit. "You," she says to Sunniva, "If you're not injured, you can make yourself useful. Know what redwort is?" but she waves it off before an answer comes. "Nevermind, just go fetch that bucket, hm?" and Sunniva is directed to a shallow pan across the way, several jars, a small stack of gauze, and a few Healer instruments within it.

Borley tries to explain, doesn't get too far, and winds up going rather unwillingly to the other cot. Which leaves Sunniva with the question of what redwort is and a quick, "Yes, I do know what redwort is," chimed in after the woman waves her off. Soon enough, she's off to retrieve and bring back the redwort and other things that Iesia indicates with a duck of her head and a brisk rustling of her skirts; she is nothing if not efficient, at least in that regard.

The cot gets a pat and Javeri sits herself down on it almost immediately. She's definitely the biddable sort in the infirmary. The pain might have something to do with it as well as she continues to hold her hand tightly. "Bitten," she answers Iesia with a nod towards her hand. "Some stupid brat got mad at me and she bit me. Someone should yank out all that girl's teeth if you ask me. And whoever is raising her could use a swift kick in the a-butt." Butt is a much nicer word than the one she seemed ready to use.

An eyebrow is arched at Javeri, and Iesia offers her a wry sort of uplift to the corner of her mouth. It might be a smile. "Well. Brats and their caregivers aside, let me see your hand..." and she holds hers out, palm up, for Javeri's. Sunniva's hast and efficiency earn her an arched eyebrow as well, and what could be an appreciative sort of look. "Ever thought about- Oh. Candidate." Ah well.

Canny enough to puzzle out the rest of what Iesia meant to say -- or, at least, what she imagines would be said -- Sunniva simply states, "I was learning dragonhealing before all of this." To Javeri, she looks rather nonplussed at the rather ... invective-filled rant, only for that to turn into sympathy again. "Well, with any luck, they will be sure to punish her and her foster appropriately," which should hopefully exclude tooth-removal as an option. Hopefully, for the kid's sake.

"By removing the little evil brat's teeth," Javeri mutters because she is on a roll regarding the horribleness of the child in question. As she says it she holds her hand out to Iesia to examine. There are clear tooth marks on the side of her hand under her thumb. Several of the indentations have broken the skin and there's blood pooling underneath ragged skin. Some kid really bit her. "I didn't even do anything wrong." Just in case someone thought so. "I was trying to resolve a conflict. That's the last time I let that happen. From now on they can just beat each other up."

"Dragonhealing?" Iesia repeats, tone flat. "Well. Good luck." And that is all she will say on the subject. Her attention goes to Javeri's bite. She takes the candidate's hand gently, turning it over to look at the marks on both side. Very gently she takes her thumb and rotates it through it's range of motions. "Well," she decides, "It is definitely a bite, but there seems to be no joint damage." She reaches for that little pan Sunniva's got, withdrawing gauze and the jar of redwort. Her fingers are dipped in first, "flicked" to rid themselves of excess, and the gauze is soaked next. It's gently dabbed along the open breaks in Javeri's skin. "It's going to swell, and bruise, and hurt for a few days but, other than that, you will be fine." Redwort done, she reaches for numbweed next, and slathers a healthy dose of it over Javeri's hand surrounding the injury. "Rag?" and she holds her hand out expectantly towards Sunniva.

She doesn't answer the first, instead simply nodding her head once, and then waiting silently just off to a side for any further instruction from Iesia. Sunni's brows lift just a little at the injury, then at Javeri, but all she can think to say is, "Maybe you could ask X'lar or Balinne to take you out of the rotation for nursery work." It's worth a shot, at the very least. But she leaves it at that, flicking a sidelong look to Iesia and then handing over the clean rag she'd picked up when she got everything else.

Javeri's a good patient so she only winces when her thumb is examined and then again when it is cleaned. There's no point complaining since it would be done anyway. "Maybe I should ask?" she tells Sunniva. "It couldn't hurt. I think. At least it couldn't hurt worse than the stupid bites I am going to get from stupid kids. They don't like me." Maybe because she calls them stupid? Looking at the healer she frowns with annoyance just a bit. "Swelling, pain, all that, right. Oh, well. Thanks for taking care of it!" Like it's not her job.

"I'm not finished," Iesia tells Javeri flatly. The rag is taken with just a glance as thanks, and Iesia's hands are wiped free of the numbweed. Her fingers flex, as if shaking off the feeling of numbness, and she reaches for another bit of gauze and some bandage. Javeri's hand is wrapped as best she can. "Keep this on over night, if it's still oozing tomorrow, put a new one one. Otherwise, you can go without as soon as the wounds have scabbed." And now she backs away, and takes the pan from Sunniva. "Alright, you're good to go. Less there's something else you need?" and she glances between the pair of them significantly.

"Exactly. I am sure they would understand after you showed them your injured hand," is murmured helpfully to Javeri, Sunniva even offering a smile while she speaks. That smile stays in place, fading just a touch, as she nods to Iesia and then starts to move away. "I believe I will come back later for a check-up," she finally says, inclining her head to the Healer. A glance to the other candidates still waiting would likely be the reason why; there are still quite a few of them left. "Thank you for your help with Borley."

Well, thanks were not appreciated so Javeri doesn't make that mistake a second time. "Oozing? Eww. That's kind of gross." Looking at her hand now all bandaged up she wrinkles her nose. "I don't like oozing. Less than I like pain. I never had oozing wounds before this you know. Burns, scratches, cuts, a broken bone once when I was a kid and fell off a cart where I was trying to get something." Her medical history ends there and if there's more she doesn't share. "I hope so!" she tells Sunniva then. "I'll talk to Balinne. Maybe she'll take pity on me since it was Zelieth who found me anyway!" Since Iesia seems ready to be done she quickly bobs her head in agreement with the other candidate. "Yea, I can come back later."

"Ah," and a glance is given to that line of candidates, though it has shrunk a bit. "Yes, well," says Iesia turning back to the pair. "I'm taking down names, so if you don't come back, I'll be sure to inform your candidate coordinators." It might be a threat, or just a casual comment. The healer shrugs. "If it's still oozing in four days, or if you notice any pus, come back immediately for it might be infected." That point she's very serious on. "Alright, go," and she shoos them away with a flick of her hand.

"Understood," Sunniva replies with a rather serious expression -- she knows better or else is just taking it as a threat, it would seem -- then dips her head and turns, skirts being hitched up just a little as she takes her leave. "Do take care," is called over a shoulder at both Healer and her fellow candidate and then, soon enough, she's gone, off to tend to her chores after checking in quickly with Borley.

"Four- Eww. I am never going into the nursery again!" Javeri looks at her hand now like something might come crawling out of it at any second what so ever. "Yea, I'll be back," she promises with a sunny smile before she heads off to get out of tending brats with any luck.

~javeri, *candidacy, sunniva, iesia

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