Javeri gets searched

Oct 17, 2008 19:20

Who: Javeri and Balinne with Zelieth
Where: A jungle clearing
When: Evening on day 15, month 13, turn 17
What: Javeri was abandoned and Balinne with Zelieth come to her rescue. A search rescue!

There are all sorts of places between the Hold and the Weyr for stopping and enjoying one's day. The sun is barely still up so one could call it evening and not be entirely lying. The particular clearing where Javeri might be found boasts several wild trees bearing fruit. This would be why earlier in the day a few people had trooped down from the Hold to gather. It was a nice day and the fruit gathering was a perfect excuse to get away from whatever work might otherwise be required. Now that the day is over most of the others have headed back, but Javeri and a couple others are still gathering fruit and, more and more often, wandering off to just do nothing at all. The wandering is especially popular with the couples who came along and just this moment, being the only single one left, the potter finds herself alone. Making the best of it she's seated herself on the ground and peels a piece of fruit for a snack.

The unmistakable shadow of a dragon passes overhead, followed shortly by another. A pair of riders on sweep. Some communication must take place for the formation is broken, and both come spiraling down towards the clearing. Another moment, and the blue dragon vanishes Between, leaving just the green to spiral the rest of the way down, and land. The rider unstraps and dismounts. Once on the ground, her helmet is pulled off and what could be a familiar head of red hair can be seen.

The shadows overhead distract Javeri from her fruit peeling and she lifts her head to stare and see what's going on. Wiping her hands on her clothes as she stands up she casts a glance around to see if any of the others noticed and came to watch as well. Picking up the piece of fruit from the ground she tears a section off and pops it into her mouth as the rider dismounts. Eyes narrowing in the growing dusk to make out who it might be she moves closer with a smile. "Oh, hi!" she waves although she's still not quite close enough to recognize the other woman yet.

"Hey there!" Balinne calls, an 'I know you' tone of voice. "Where's your runner?" she wonders, glancing around. Zelieth seems to be wondering the same thing, her head twisting left and right, tongue darting out to lick her chops. Balinne ruffles her hand through her hair, loosening the frizz.

"Oh! Balinne, right?" Javeri asks after wiping her hand once more down the front of her shirt. "Want some fruit?" She almost holds out the orange she's been snacking on, but draws it back. "I mean there's plenty left if you want." Looking around she grins as her head shakes. "Oh, no runners. We walked. Well, a couple people came out with them, but I caught a ride on the back of one that's already left so I'm walking back."

"Oh, no thanks," says Balinne for the fruit offering. Her fingers move fast, unfastening her jacket quickly. "Gah, I forget how muggy it is down here. Up in the air, it's so much cooler and crisp!" Her jacket is shrugged off, and she shakes out her short-sleeved tunic quickly. "So, that's your hold, then?" and she tosses a thumb back behind her shoulder. "Fun stuff! We saw some people down here, though we'd come and check it out. Looks good, though. No broken wheels, or bandits." Her grin is wide. "Walking back, ick."

Javeri's eyes widen as she peers around. "Bandits? Really? I've never run into bandits!" She sounds exited and horrified at the thought of it as she tears off another piece of fruit. "No broken wheels either. Nikko was going to come back with a cart, you know? But I think he's forgotten us. Mostly we just wanted to get out a bunch of us and didn't really think of a cart or anything. Walking back won't hurt. It's how I stay in shape. Granny says we're prone to fat in our family."

A slow nod of her head. "Yup. Bandits." Not that Balinne looks terribly concerned about them right now. "Not usually this close to a Hold but, can't be too careful!" A quick glance around. "Where're the others?" she wonders curiously. "And... how're you getting all the fruit back, if you're walking?" She eyes that fruit again and decides, "Well. Maybe one piece. And exercise is good for the body, yeah. We go running.. erm. My Wing and I."

"Oh, well, the cart. If it shows up. And some of the ones that rode carried a lot of it back. We've just this little bit left." The little bit Javeri means is only about six or seven baskets piled up with fruit. "Oh, well, they went, err, walking. And stuff." She's embarrassed to even mention it since it's pretty obvious that walking is not the exercise the others likely had in mind. "They left me here to watch things. I don't mind. But I really don't get running. For no reason? Really? I guess it's good exercise, but isn't it dull?"

"Extremely," agrees Balinne about running, making a face. "We had this conversation, remember? With that messenger girl?" A shiver. "But, it is one of the best ways to keep the Wing in shape. Maybe I should have them start swimming, instead?" she muses. Hm. "Well, maybe Zelieth and I can help you out? We've got nothing left to do tonight, and I'm sure she can carry most, if not all, of 'em." She grins cheerfully.

With fruit in her mouth Javeri unable to answer right away, but when she does she laughs. "Oh, yea. I forgot. Running. I knew it sounded familiar." With a shrug she dismisses her temporary memory lapse. "Swimming is fun. I'm not very good. I know, I know, I should be better since we're surrounded by water, but I don't get to often." The offer of help earns Balinne a bright smile. "Oh, that would be wonderful! Really! Even if we can't get them all it's ok. The others could manage one or two? Really? Zelieth doesn't mind?" A look is cast to the dragon in question. "That's very nice of her."

There's a defiant sounding snort from behind Balinne, but that doesn't stop the greenrider from stating quite clearly, "Oh no, she won't mind at all!" Ignore the grumpy looking dragon in the background! "Here, grab one side, and I'll grab the other, and we can carry it over and try and figure out how to secure them..." Zelieth doesn't seem to like this idea, but she ambles a bit closer at some unheard summons.

"Nifty! That's super nice of you both." Rider and grumpy dragon get a welcome smile from Javeri. Stuffing the last of her orange into her mouth she looks at the nearest basket and then takes the handle on the side closest to her. "Do you-" She stops and hurries to swallow the fruit she was chewing. "Sorry! Do you think they will be attached easily? Or do we need, I don't know. We have no rope or anything."

Zelieth's closer, but still far enough for Balinne and Javeri to have to haul the basket over. During that moment, the Wingleader has some time to think about the dilemma. "Yeah, and we've got to figure out how to attach them so they don't.. spill. Raining citrus fruit down onto unsuspecting Holders isn't the best way to earn their appreciation," she snickers. Zelieth turns her head to watch, looking vaguely insulted about the whole thing. "Oh, what if we used some strap? I don't need my belt, and we're not going Between. I'll hold you on," she tells Javeri confidently. She is speaking, of course, of her rider harness.

"Although it would be pretty funny," Javeri says with a laugh at the idea of raining fruit. "It could be worse. It could be fish. That would be gross." Closer to the dragon she looks carefully at the basket and the mode of transportation. "Maybe we could use vines too if we needed? I don't know." Clearly she's not sure how one goes about securing anything. "I'm not worried about falling," she says with almost no concern in her voice.

A soft 'hm'. "Maybe vines... but I dunno. Don't you have to treat them or something first?" Balinne's not sure, but shrugs it off. "OK, here's what I'm thinking," she says as she sets her half of the basket down. "What if we tied a length of strap from one side to the other, with a basket on each? Like... counter balance? Then, we can kinda... hold on as we fly?" Yeah. Maybe not the most brilliant of ideas. "We can probably tie two or three to each side." Zelieth eyes that basket warily. "Maybe?"

Curing vines is not something Javeri has thought of because she offers, "Oh, yea. I never thought of that. Well, that was my brilliant idea of the night so it's all on you." Looking at the baskets as she sets her end down she puts her hands on her hips and stares. "A counter balance might work. It's not -too- far to get home after all. If it's not too much work for her then maybe we could try that? We don't have to get them all I guess anyway."

"Maybe two on each side," murmurs Balinne, looking at Zelieth's neck contemplatively. The green seems to have something to say about this whole plan, for Balinne flaps a hand at her dismissively. "It won't chafe," she assures the dragon. "Alright," decides Balinne, clapping her hands together and looking smug. "Here's what we'll do... you're taller, so I'll climb on Zelieth, and toss you down a bit of strap. Then, you tie it to the basket, and we'll go haul another one over and... figure out how to get it up to tie to the other side." One step at a time, apparently. Zelieth just offers a haughty little huff, and turns away.

"Is she mad?" Javeri asks with a wary glance to the green. "I don't want to make her mad. I really do appreciate the help!" Looking at the basket in question she frowns thoughtfully. "Ok. So, I tie it to the basket? I can do that! I know how to tie a decent knot my uncle taught me and he's a fisher so he would know." The problem of the other basket earns a nudge of her toe to the one at hand. "Well, we could empty it and then tie it on and then refill it?" she offers thoughtfully. "It would be easy to lift empty I bet. And it wouldn't take long to put it all back in since it would just be in a pile, right?"

The suggestion of 'empty and refill' makes Balinne grimace, but she nods in slow agreement. "That.. is probably what we will have to do." Suddenly Balinne looks like this whole 'let's haul fruit!' idea wasn't her best one. She sighs. "OK, well, suppose you start on that one, I'll go back and unload the next. And no," she adds about Zelieth with a grin, "She's not mad. Not... mad really. Just annoyed. But it's nothing new, so don't worry about it." Even if Zelieth's twisted her head back around and is fixing an evil eye on the pair. Grrrr.

The idea of loading and unloading and tying and messing with the whole thing in the growing dark is not thrilling Javeri either. "You know," she offers in a cheerful tone. "You don't have to do this. I bet if I brought one back they'd be happy enough. It's not -my- fault no one thought to bring a cart, right? I was just asked to come help gather fruit. No one told me to bring it back. I'm a potter after all. I make bowls for fruit to go in. I am not a carter to carry them here and there." Because it would have been nice to come back with it all, but that was before there was so much work involved. "Really. I only helped pick one basket anyway so I can say I just brought mine back and thought everyone else would do the same!"

It's clear that Balinne is at war. She's looking at those baskets, looking at her dragon, looking at Javeri, all in turn. She chews at her lip in a worried sort of way. "Well, you do have a point," she concedes eventually, though it's an uncomfortable sort of acceptance. "Oh, but I feel so bad about it! Are you sure they won't mind? I mean, I'm sure we *could* do it, Zelieth can carry it," a huff from the dragon, "And, it's just being lazy that.. oh..." She sighs. Zelieth, apparently, is on Javeri's side, and turns to chuff at the potter in what could be agreement. Dragon agreement, at least. Balinne perks. "Now there's an idea!" she decides, suddenly looking quite delighted.

"I wouldn't mind not working the next half an hour or so unloading and reloading baskets," Javeri admits honestly. "I mean this was supposed to be a lark, you know? Get out for the day and avoid tedious work and just have fun. Now it's all real work and suddenly it's much less exciting than it was before." At least she's honest about her own laziness. "I don't care if they mind. They should have sent someone back by now anyway. That will teach them to make promises and not keep them." Just when she thinks she's got the rider in agreement, since it seems the dragon was good to go with not working, Balinne has to come up with an idea. "What?" she asks almost warily.

Zelieth seems to share the same assessment, for she chuffs in agreement(?) with Javeri once again. "Oh, hush," says Balinne, though it's unclear whether it was meant for the dragon, or for Javeri. Balinne's looking rather excited now and just about bounces on her toes. "No, no, it's really brilliant, actually! Just hear me out OK?" And before Javeri has a chance to protest, Balinne as clapped her hands together and starts talking again. "Look, I know you don't know her, but Zelieth's really not that social of a dragon. Well, she's listening to you, which is rather surprising to me, and I asked her, and she says it's cause she... she likes you," which is clearly a very strange thing, for Balinne's voice falters at the words. "Which, to me.. well, to me it means you have something special. Javeri... would you like to be a Candidate for Lieryth and Mikhuth's clutch?"

She was prepared to listen to some idea about maybe hoists and levers and building platforms perhaps, but what Javeri did not seem to be expecting was being asked that. "Really?" she asks as she looks from Balinne to her dragon and back again. "Really? Oh, wow. Really?" Now she looks at the baskets again and gives the one by her a little kick. "And we could leave them here? Not that I'd say yes just to avoid hefting baskets, because I'd say yes anyway, but this is a bonus! So, wow." Articulate the potter is not when surprised it might seem. "This is great! Wait til granny finds out! And dad. He'll be happy I'm sure!"

Zelieth offers another little chuff, this time ignoring the baskets. Balinne just looks tickled pink. "Wonderful! And, yeah we'd leave the baskets," she decides with a grin. "No sense in taking them, right? Oh, well, except you need clothes and stuff? Or do you just want to get them from our stores? I mean, we provide everything... and I suppose you could request a ride back to grab anything..." The wheels in Balinne's head are moving as she rambles. "So... Congratulations! Suppose we ought to take you home, so you can tell your dad, right?"

The idea of clothes and everything else slowly leaks into Javeri's brain. "Oh, well, yea. I should tell my dad and I got a couple things I wanna get I guess. I don't have much. Most is from stores anyway so what difference whose stores, right?" The basket gets another nudge with her toe before she forgets all about it. "Yes! We should tell my dad. That would be great! This is so exciting! Probably the most exciting thing to happen to me ever!"

Balinne's grin is wide and seemingly without an end. She just can't keep it off her face! "Wonderful! Yay, OK! Well, now we've got to go there, don't we?" And baskets of fruit are definitely ignored. "You climb first, and then me," and Zelieth helpfully lowers herself for easy access. "Just like last time," she reminds her. "And don't worry, you won't hurt her if you step on her."

"Just like last time," Javeri says as she ever so carefully climbs aboard Zelieth. Like she's climbing on feathers and doesn't want to damage one. Nevermind being told she won't hurt her. "This is so great," she says because she can't think of what else to say. "Dad's going to be so surprised! In a good way." Hopefully since she sounds a little worried now. "Wow. To think I almost didn't even come! I was going to stay and work on fixing plates, but thought I needed a break."

Balinne makes quick work of climbing up after her, settling behind Javeri on the green's neck. A few minutes, and a few strap-buckles later, they're ready to go. She grins and though it goes unseen, is likely heard in her voice. "I'm glad you're happy!" she tells her with a giggle. "And yeah, funny how things like this work out, hm?" Zelieth is focused on her task now, straightening and, suddenly, launching herself into the air. It's a very short glide from meadow to Hold, and soon they are landing once again, Zelieth huffing indignantly at the wide-eyed looks she earns from those outside.

The short ride is long enough for Javeri to have worked herself up to an excitement frenzy. "Oh! This is the most exciting ever!" she says when they land because she didn't want to shout over the wind and the beating of wings. But once they're on the ground she can be bubbly if she wants. Although any impromptu dancing and the like will clearly be saved until her feet are on the ground. "Do you want to meet my dad?" she asks of Balinne. "I bet he'd want to meet you! You should come meet him too, ok?"

"Oh, OK," says Balinne, sounding a bit uncertain. Parents. She unstraps them from Zelieth's neck, and slides down first. The green gives another little huff, and yawns. She'll take a nap, thanks. "Alright," says Balinne, squinting around in the dim light. "You lead, I'll follow. And I certainly hope he'll be as happy as you are..."

~javeri, balinne

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