One mobile, minus the starfish

Jan 15, 2009 23:23

Who: Javeri and P'draig with Chadamalit and Jekzith
Where: Star Stones and then P'draig's weyr
When: Afternoon on day 5, month 10, turn 18
What: Javeri's finished with the mobile P'draig wanted and so it gets delivered. Chadamalith nearly gives Javeri a heart attack and then they go back to the weyr so she can help hang the mobile. While there they do surprising little flirting, but do discuss the future. While they do so Chadamalith and Jekzith discuss view points, their riders, and the ins and outs of advice.

It's the end of another long day of training and P'draig sits leaning against Jekzith looking up at the sky as the sun starts to slide right on out of it. This where the group landed at the end of Between practice and it's from here that Paddy dismissed them, though he's lingered behind, arms folded across his chest. Jekzith's eyes are a typically serene aqua blue, the brown's paws curling over the edge of the drop down below, his gaze likewise fixed on what transpires in the Bowl.

Between lessons are horrid things. Well, they're horrid for Javeri who gets through them and then is happy to go off by herself. Today she was the first one to head off with Chadamalith winging it back to their weyr. The difference today is that she's just there a short while before she exits her weyr with a bag that gets carefully tied to her blue before they're in the air again. Flying to the Star Stones and along the way Chadamalith sends to Jekzith << You are still up there? We bring something unless you would rather not receive it right now? >>

Jekzith's head lifts a little and he focuses on Chadamalith's flight. << We are. P'draig is thinking. He likes to think there. You're welcome to come by though. He would not mind company. >> P'draig's posture shifts a little and he looks towards the blue pair waves a little.

<< We come then. >> It is only another moment or two before the blue comes in to land setting him and Javeri down gently a short distance from where the brown and his rider are at. Once he's on the ground she waves and then frees herself from the straps to slide down to the ground. "Sure we're not interrupting?" she asks as her hands hover over the bag before gently feeling along it to make sure everything seems in one piece.

<< See you in a minute! >> Jekzith's thoughts are all bright, vibrant colors today, each bleeding into the next like some hippie gone mad with the tie-dye. "Heya, nope, you're not," P'draig claims as Javeri arrives and he's got a warm smile for the weyrling. "Is that what I think it is?" he asks a moment later.

"It is!" Javeri announces with a bright smile as she starts to carefully free the bag. "The paint was all dry and the knots tied and I wanted to bring it right away." Once the bag is untied and in her hands Chadamalith settles down on the ground near Jekzith so he can look over the edge as well. << It is a long way down. >> Talons scrape once as his neck stretches so he can peer farther over. "I just need to get it out of the bag and check and be sure it's all still ok and so turn around? Until I say look? No peeking!"

"Great!" P'draig says enthusiastically, then laughs at those pronouncements. "Okay, not a problem." He promptly turns right on around, runs a hand over Jekzith's hide. Might as well check for dry patches while he's at it. The brown peeks back over the edge. << Sure is. But it's a fun drop. Have you gone down skimming the Bowl wall yet? >>

Pulling it from the bag Javeri studies it minutely. She spins it and checks each piece hanging from it and straightens a little twist of a vine. "Ok. It's all set," she announces with a nervous laugh. "I hope you like it. I hope T'mic likes it." Holding it up so he might see it one foot twitches in excitement. << I have not >> Chadamalith answers meanwhile. << Is it fun? Is there a lot to see? What does it feel like? Do you think I might do it now? >> He moves forward on crouched legs to peer over the edge as his wings ruffle.

And the view for P'draig when he turns around: Heavier driftwood forms the cross at the top of the mobile. Holes have been drilled through them so smaller pieces of wood that have been painted in greens and browns might hang from braided vines. The first tier hanging down only a couple inches has a selection of clay fruits. Bright paints have made them seem unreal as do the smaller painted fruits dotting each larger one. Redfruit have tiny oranges painted on them and oranges have tiny bananas and so forth. The next tier hangs inside the first and another inch down. This is a selection of tropical clay flowers painted in the same bright colors. The furthest inside, hanging down inches past the other tiers, is a pair of curving clay dragons. The smaller is green while the larger is brown and their tiny leather straps suspend them in such a way they appear to be chasing each other's tail.

"Yeah? You sure?" P'draig asks with a grin and flicks at a dry patch, likely making a mental note to oil that later and turns around. The plethora of colors meet his gaze and it takes him a moment to take it all in. Jekzith meanwhile is enthusiastic about cliff-skimming. << A lot of fun! You should try it sometime. If P'draig says it's okay, you can, sure. I don't see why not. >>

"Yea, I'm sure," Javeri assures him with a nervous excitement coloring her words. No mater how still she might want to hold she cannot help the one foot tapping as as she watches him look it over. "It's ok?" she asks after a moment has passed unable to keep from asking the question any longer. Chadamalith has nerves of his own only it's just because he wants to do this now. << Why would he say no? If you were to go first I might observe you and then follow. Is it not how I learned to fly? To between? You could teach me now. Why they are busy. >>

"It's really bright. I like the dragons," P'draig finally says, stepping forward to set those in motion to chase each other. "No starfish," he says with a low chuckle. "I think Mic might actually like it though and Palia will go nuts for the colors." Jekzith pushes up off his forepaws and stretches his wings. << Sure! I'll go first. You watch. P'draig says it's fine. >> And a moment later ... whoosh, there goes Jekzith skimming down down down and oh gosh there comes the ground but he pulls up on wings, changes angles and lands lightly in the Bowl. << Your turn! >>

"I couldn't get a starfish to turn out right," Javeri admits with a faint smile. "I tried. then I tried to just find one to use as a model, but we looked and looked and no luck." Then she snaps her fingers and grins more brightly. "Oh! Speaking of Palia!" The hand not holding the mobile steals into her pocket to pull out a small string of beads. "A necklace. For her doll. I was going to write the doll's name on the beads, but I forgot it so, umm, there you go!" There you go works for Chadamalith too who observes Jekzith and without any warning to his rider follows after. This is quite possibly easily enough noted by the way she jumps and twists her head around to see where her blue went. Where he went is over the edge to skim the wall getting a little too close, but not quite scrapping up against it before he sees the ground and manages again, just in time, to stop his ascent and land. Blue wings shake out and get pulled in quickly.

"No luck ... huh," P'draig, scratches at the back of his neck. "I guess I'll go rooting around for those in some of our stuff. Still want to do something with those," he notes and blinks at the appearance of the necklace. "Aw, shells, Javeri, thanks," he says warmly and takes the small string of beads. "She'll be thrilled. I'm actually making her a new doll. A wooden one with joints and everything. I'm almost done and my mother's going to paint the face and put on the hair and stuff. So this'll probably get double duty." The brownrider eyes the mobile for a moment. "You know. I think we should just go hang that up. I'm afraid if I --" beat and a look over as brown and blue go wheeee! "Uh, okay, didn't realize he meant /right now/."

Pale under her tan Javeri creeps over to the edge to peer over it. "I am going to kill him," she announces before backing away from the edge once more. "I am going to kill him and make a table from his bones." Shaking her head she takes a couple of deep breaths before turning back to P'draig. "I'm sorry about the starfish. But there's room for some to be added on there or you could switch out some of the fruit or flowers and do alternating ones. If you find some I'd be happy to fix it for you. But hanging it would be good. I've been terrified of it breaking since I finished it."

"No, no, don't, it's my fault," P'draig claims. "I told Jekzith it was okay, but uh --" he looks sheepish. "I didn't quite catch on to /right this minute/," the brownrider states and takes a breath himself. "Oh you know, it's okay, this shows off your creativity better. I guess you could just say that I'd gotten fond of them," he says with a little laugh and then fixes his gaze on brown and blue below. "Yeah, let's go do that, and then Mic'll get to see it when he comes in tonight." << HOw was that? >> Jekzith asks Chadamalith looking unruffled and pleased even as his wings spread for the leap back upward to get his rider.

"He didn't exactly warn me," Javeri says with another shake of her head. "He just told me to watch what he did and next thing I know I can just see the ground coming up and...It's fine. I'm fine. I think my heart stopped is all." She rests her hand against her heart and tilts her head over before saying, "It seems to be going again so it's all good." In the bowl Chadamalith stretches his wings again before looking up at the sky. << That must be what rain is like. I am one with the rain now. >> Then he's launching himself back into the air.

"Hm," P'draig says about the lack of warning and reaches out a comforting hand towards Javeri's shoulder. "Good, good it's going again, otherwise I'd have to offer to do something about that," he teases just a little and steps back as Jekzith returns, waits for the brown to land before climbing up. "Want me to hold it?" he asks about the mobile. Jekzith settles and considers Chadamalith's statement. << YOu know. I hadn't thought of it that way, but you're right it is kind of like being a raindrop falling fast out of the sky. >>

"Umm. You won't drop it?" Javeri asks nervously as she watches Chadamalith land. "Maybe? Otherwise I have to put it back in the bag and strap it on because I can't hold it and fly at the same time. Let me get it in the bag at least." As she gets the bag to put the mobile in she tells P'draig, "I think my heart stopping would require a lot to get going again. Not even taking off your shirt would be enough." Once the bag is around the mobile she waits for him to be on Jekzith's back before handing it up. << It is exhilarating. The rush of the air. Seeing how close you can get to the stone without touching it. Thank you for showing me. >>

"Shells no," P'draig says with a grin. "I'll hold on really tightly, but if you think it's better to pack it, go for it." That comeback from her brings his gaze briefly to her face. "I have /such/ ideas for that," he tells her very seriously, only belied by the twinkle in his eyes. He bends to take the bag carefully, lets his fingers brush hers for a scant moment, then straightens and clips in for the ride over the rim to his and Mic's weyr. Jekzith blossoms happy fireworks Chadamalith's way. << You're welcome! And isn't it just a rush? WHoosh! So exciting. >>

"Sorry, I'm sure it's fine and it's not far, but you know? I mean it's just done and giving it away and all is always hard." Javeri grins sheepishly as she watches the bag. Her fingers curl up as she shoves her hand into her pocket after they come into contact with his. Chadamalith allows the fireworks to sparkle on his blue screen. << Very exciting. I must do it again. Not as good as flying, but it carries with it a different sort of thrill. >>

"Is it?" P'draig asks about giving away the completed project. "Hm. I don't get that way when I cook or whittle something, but I guess in some ways when it's something this artistic you're closer to it. Food ... it's meant to be eaten," he says with a laugh and holds onto the bag carefully. He notes the path of her hand, smiles down sheepishly then tilts his head towards the sky. Jekzith pops one more firework, bright gold. << It's even better with them along. But I think yours might throw up if we did that now and P'draig says 'no'. >>

"It depends on what it is even for me," Javeri admits with a bob of her head. "There's some things that just don't mean as much or didn't take so much work or effort or were not designed by me and what have you." Shoulders shrug as she glances at Chadamalith for a moment and then laughs quietly. "But since it was for you to give as a gift I wanted it to be great. So now I want to just baby it is all until it is in place." Consideration comes in slow leaks from the blue to the brown. Random pictures accompanied by the smell of fruit. << No. She is not ready for that yet. I would not want her to be ill. She is touchy. >>

"Gotcha," P'draig acknowledges with another grin. "Well, I'll take really good care of it and you can help me find the best spot in the weyr to hang it." His smile shades warm, fond even, then he nods towards Chadamalith. "We should head out, huh?" Jekzith winds that consideration up in light tendrils of rosy hue. << Yeah. It's no fun when they're ill. But maybe when she's less touchy you can try it. P'draig likes it when he's ready for it. >>

"Oh, right. Sorry. Sorry. We'll follow." Javeri ducks her head and hops over to Chadamalith to climb aboard as he waits patiently for her to catch up with the rest of the world. Once she's in place she lifts a hand to wave her readiness. << Maybe we will try it at night. Then there is less to see and more to feel. Surely that would be better. >> His words sound convinced of the matter although he adds << After I have practiced more so I know the way. >>

"See you over there," is P'draig's response though he waits until she's aboard before Jekzith lifts off, leads the way. Of course it's the same path that leads roughly to her own weyr, but hey, someone needs to go first. << I'm not sure about that. Sometimes it's scarier for them when they can't see what's coming. >> Jekzith agrees though about the practice as his wings lift him higher and higher over the Rim and then the drop down on the other side, angling along the outer Weyr wall towards the correct ledge.

"See you there!" Javeri responds with another wave. They wait for Jekzith to get going before trailing after. << It is good to be scared. It gets the heart racing and the blood going and it washes away lesser fears in an all encompassing terror that helps one become in tune with the true essence of fear. >> There are questions about Javeri having nightmares? Surely not after that. << Although I do not like her being scared. She cries. I am not supposed to mention that so please forget it. >>

It's not a long trip over the rim and down to that ledge and so Jekzith scoots over quickly to make room when he lands. P'draig is very careful with the bag holding the mobile as he slips off the brown's back and moves to the entryway, waiting on Javeri and Chadamalith. Jekzith takes in what the blue offers thoughtfully though, turns it over in his mind. << I am not sure that it works that way for everyone, >> he finally says slowly. << For some maybe. And I won't mention it to her. >>

Hurrah for not long trips and trips done by flying and generally not being a hassle. And hurrah for Javeri not having to sweat over the mobile herself and letting P'draig carry it although as soon as Chadamalith has landed on the ledge she's looking towards Jekzith and the bag. Since it looks safe she slides down and grins. << Good. She is so touchy about things sometimes. I keep telling her she needs to be more open to the experiences that life offers, but she refuses to heed my good advice. >> Once Javeri has moved he settles down on the ledge. << This is a nice ledge. >>

Waiting again, P'draig smiles as Javeri approaches and leads the way inside, past the patio and holds back the curtain that separates wallow from weyr. "Just this way. We're lucky, it's a nice big space." Jekzith stretches his wings out wide once everyone is down and settled. << Sometimes it takes time for people to be able to open up. That's what P'draig is often working on with weyrlings, you know. >> Jekzith nudges some faces, some blurry some clearer towards the blue. He looks out towards the ocean and sends off a single green firework. << Thank you. Aath and I enjoy it very much. It's very spacious and the sun is warm with plenty of room for company. >>

"Wow. I guess it is a nice big space," Javeri says as she steps inside. "Chadamalith would just want it entirely empty so I am glad we don't have such a large space. Ours is plenty big enough for just us two." She looks around at the layout curiously as she asks, "Where were you thinking of hanging it? You know I was visiting a cothold one time and they had this border painted around the top of the wall in the room where harper lessons were. It was teaching ballads. I bet you could do that in here with starfish. Or do Palia's area with something she likes." She just likes to make things pretty or at least suggest ways to do so. << I enjoy company, but I prefer it not to be at my weyr. >> Chadamalith stares out towards the view almost exactly like his and picks out the differences. << I cannot see that tree from my ledge. >> He shares with Jekzith the bent tree leaning on two others that he's spied.

"We ... have lots of company," P'draig says with some amusement. "And there's Palia and she's a kid, so you know, she needs her stuff," the brownrider explains and walks towards the far corner of the room towards the little-used hearth. "I was thinking this corner here?" Because there's that other mobile hanging in the wallow where it catches the light. The one that's all glass bubbles and beads and Jekzith nudges this with his muzzle to show Chadamalith. << This is the one that T'mic and Aath got for /me/. >> P'draig smiles over at Javeri, nodding. "Her old room at Fort was blue sky with clouds." Jekzith looks over at the view again and lets out a draconic happy sigh. << It's a nice view. I like to sit here with Aath and cuddle to watch life go by. >>

"We don't entertain," is Javeri's response with a shrug. "Well, you came by that once. But I don't bring people back and if Chadamalith wants company he's happy to go visit on someone else's ledge or in the bowl. Plus I think word got out about me not having furniture so no one is in a rush anyway." Looking towards the hearth she heads for it to examine the area. "That's not a bad space," she decides. "Or over the table? You should have something hanging over the table. It's fancy. But not this maybe cause it's not fancy." Tapping her finger against her lip she studies the areas in question. << That is lovely >> Chadamalith says appreciatively. << The light catches itself well. But do you enjoy watching life go by? I would like to be in life. Watching it is fine for a lazy afternoon, but mostly I would like be doing something. Or by myself if I am not doing something. >>

"You ... mentioned," P'draig says lightly, watches her move around the weyr. "I'd come by. Furniture or not. If Chadamalith is willing." But he's going to the table and laughing, setting the bag down there. "That's where the old one was, so it's appropriate." Jekzith gives his mobile another little nudge this time with his tail to keep it spinning. << It has my bubbles and that makes me happy, >> the brown proclaims. << As for watching, that's how I figure things out. So sometimes I watch, and sometimes I jump right in. I like to /do/ too. Especially if it involves /flying/. >>

"Sorry. I forget what I've said. Nothing's wrong though!" Javeri wants to make this clear in case momentary memory losses are thought to be something other than that. "You can come by if you want. But maybe you shouldn't come by much anyway so people don't get the wrong idea and all. But feel free to come by sometime." Contradictions ahoy! "That's a good spot," she decides then with a grin to change the subject. << Flying is good. It makes me less anxious. I was very anxious before I could fly and now I find I am not so anxious and if I am I can always go up and it makes things clearer. >> Chadamalith stretches his neck out and flexes his talons like he's going to fly off right now, but he just shifts his position. << I cannot see that stretch of beach there from my ledge. Where the sand washes away. Fascinating. >>

"You're in my weyr," P'draig points out with further amusement as he starts to unwrap the mobile. "Alone. Without Mic. Or Palia." Maybe he's teasing her. Just maybe. Given the gleam in his eyes. "But I know what you mean. And I've no wish to give anyone the wrong idea, Veri. So. No stopping by until ... a lot later. But I will promise some stopping by. Later." Jekzith tilts his head a little. << I do love to fly. It just ... feels right. To be one with the wind. And no, you cannot, different point of view. >>

"But it's your weyr. With T'mic," Javeri points out. "I wouldn't ever do something in someone else's weyr that he shares with his weyrmate. That would be wrong." And clearly she expects gossips to understand this! "Months and months," she says with a light tease in her voice. "By the time I graduate you'll probably not want to visit anyway you'll be so sick of me!" Her eyes focus on his hands and the mobile to be sure he's being careful. << It is good >> Chadamalith agrees as he stretches his neck further and inches forward. << A different viewpoint, yes. That is why I have her. A different point of view. Otherwise the truth might escape me. Two sets of eyes. Two viewpoints. Nothing will get past us. >>

"And what sort of company do you think we have up here, Javeri?" P'draig says mildly, gently, looks over her way and fingers the edges of the bag, leaving the mobile atop it. "Maybe I should ... make sure that you know exactly what you might be getting yourself into," he says quietly even as he reaches for the mobile's cross-bar to hold it up. "Would you like to put it up? Or should I hope up on the table?" He smile turns her way again, warm still. "Mic and I have one particular thing in common: we don't really tire of lovers easily." Which might be stating his intentions just a little too barely. Jekzith listens to Chadamalith and his approval is granted in deep blue shades of indigo. << Exactly. more than one viewpoint, more than one way of seeing things. And that way you get the whole picture and know where to put yourself in it. >>

"Can I put it up? Really? That'd be nice." Javeri stops for a moment and grins. "Just to make sure it's done right and all." But she doesn't climb up on any tables just yet. "Yes, well, we're not," she finally answers before eyeing said table like maybe it will collapse on her as a joke or something. "I mean we're not anything, well, friends. I think. I hope. And you're an assistant weyrlingmaster and I am but a lowly weyrling who just wants to live long enough to graduate. I just mean it's fine if after you don't feel like that anymore towards me I'm not going to turn all mopey and cry and wail and be like that. People change and it's a long way off." Chadamalith turns his head away from the view to stare up overhead. But since there's little there he looks back at the jungle again. << I think life is more like a play than a picture. Because a picture you just stare at and a play you are. She's read plays to me so I would understand. They are amusing. Pretending to be something they are not. >>

"Of course." For putting up the mobile. P'draig is turning towards her though, reaching for her hand. "You're not lowly, Javeri. And we are, certainly friends. And if you wanted to mope you'd be within your rights. But I'm not likely to change my mind," the brownrider says sincerely. "It's only half a turn. Not so long as all that." Jekzith hunkers down more and peeers deep into the trees. << Whole picture of the play, then. View from the front of the stage and the back and the sides. >>

"I don't normally do that," Javeri says as her feet shift and she lets her hand meet his when he reaches. "Wait, I mean. For someone. If I want- you know, well, then there's a whole bar full of men happy to accommodate. But I don't ever wait. Because then it seems like it's more than that. And I can't have them getting the wrong idea." Pulling her hand back she winks. "Lowly weyrling. Poor me. If only I had not been so luckless as to be right there when Chadamalith got tired of looking." Gesturing to the table she grins. "I'll get up when that's off there. I'm not having all my hard work ruined by smashing it because he gets some brilliant idea to go diving again without warning me." A fair concern although Chadamalith is busy contemplating views both literal and figurative. << I would direct. I think I would make an excellent director. Telling people what is best for them to do and all. >> One wing ruffles as he admits << Although it might not always work out so well with her. I think she just deliberately misinterprets what I say. She cannot be so obtuse as all that I think. >>

P'draig's fingers squeeze hers very gently and he starts to bring her hand up towards his face, but releases it readily when she draws it away. "I'm ... the waiting type, I guess," the brownrider confesses thoughtfully and this time it's the mobile he's reaching for to move out of the way of her climbing up. "I waited for Piper when I was really, just a boy. I waited for Izzy. I waited for Mic even, all those turns in betwixt and between Fort and here. I waited for Paige, when she was a weyrling, only I didn't even tell her, I fancied her. I'm slipping in my old age," he jokes lightly. "I shouldn't even flirt with you." And there he swallows hard once, looks away, looks back, nods to the table. "Up you go then, let's get this in place." All business. Jekzith listens to Chadamalith and there's electric blue laughter in his mind. << Can we take turns? I like giving advice too. Figuring it out and pointing out a path. >> His head tilts a little towards the inside. << Maybe she can be. Sometimes P'draig is /awfully/ thick. >>

When the mobile is moved Javeri climbs onto the table. Once she's up there she turns and looks down at him. "Finally! Taller than you!" she decides with a grin as she holds her hand out for the mobile. "And what old age? Please! I do not flirt with old men." Her other hand lifts up and she extends a finger, "Unless they are buying," she admits with a laugh. "It's fine though, P'draig. The flirting doesn't bother me. I like it. I'm just not used to waiting. We're different, but maybe I should try something different for a change. But I meant what I said. If time passes and you're feelings for me change we're still friends and you're still going to be buying me lots of drinks." And since she delivered a speech on top of a table she does a little curtsey at the end. "Now let's hang this baby. I'd hate to still be here when T'mic got back and interrupt some spontaneous thank yous or something." There's silence from Chadamalith for Jekzith's words. Contemplation behind his blue screen as he mulls over what the older brown has to say. << We may share advice. You are older and have much more to teach right now. But I do not think she is truly slow. She just has not seen things properly yet. >>

P'draig hands up the mobile to her to affix to a convenient hook in the ceiling likely meant for a light fixture. "I'm thirty-two," the brownrider answers that question. "So that's up to you whether or not you think it's old or not. But you're right, regardless, we'll still talk and I will still buy you drinks," he promises. Her claim about T'mic makes him snicker though. "You wouldn't interrupt. You'd be pulled right in unless you run away screaming. Mic's like that. Very ... generous." Jekzith, tilts a look over at Chadamalith. << I don't think she's thick. She's too good at picking up lessons. It's just funny because Paddy sometimes doesn't get what people are saying to him. What they really mean. He doesn't listen carefully enough sometimes. >>

Javeri's hands are steady as she lifts the mobile up and hangs it on the hook. Once it's in place she gives it a little spin before lowering herself to sit on the table and swing her legs. "Huh. How, umm, generous," she finally says with just a teeny bit of embarrassment in her voice over the idea. "But you're not old. I've kissed guys older than you. Old is at least twice my age. Anything less than that is plenty fine." One foot stretches out to nudge his leg. "So, you're fine. Unless you spontaneously age rapidly in the next half turn or so." Chadamalith turns his head to look at Jekzith. The brown gets looked at and then the blue turns to look back out at the jungle. << I think I can see those trees from my ledge >> he decides and shares the small clump of fruit trees he means. << Ah. Interpersonal communication seems to be a chore for all of them. Sometimes Javeri says the wrong thing and does not know it. And she just gets upset when I try to point it out. We are good at lessons though. >> Now he preens which is not something he does often. << We study and she works hard to keep up with me. >>

Sitting on the table. Swinging her legs. P'draig puts his hands in his pockets. "He can take no for an answer too, Javeri. But you've seen him around. It's just ... how he is. To him, it's the most generous offer he can make," Paddy says with a fond laugh about his weyrmate. "Mic never really comes from a bad or a selfish place. I used to think that was the way he is, but he's not. He's ... just ... one of the most giving, caring people I've ever known." And the way he says that, his feelings for his weyrmate are very, very plain. Her foot though, is nudging his leg and Paddy's hand escapes his pocket to catch at that foot. "Nope. Might hit another turnday, but I don't think 32 to 33 is going to suddenly make me decrepit." Jekzith turns to look the way Chadamalith does. << I think you're right. This is another view of them. >> And more listening, his thoughts shading down to paler blue, simple contemplation and companionship. << Sometimes they don't like taking advice, >> Jekzith agrees a little mournfully. The preening though earns a sly mental 'grin'. << And you're both doing well. P'draig is pleased. >>

"You know," Javeri says with a grin as she wiggles her foot a bit when he grabs it. "I don't believe in all that stuff. I mean good people, yea, I get that, but you're selling the love stuff to someone who ain't buying." Tugging her foot back she slides off the table to stand up. "I do buy making out though and while I may not be cheap I'm always willing to make exceptions so I'd better go before I get some idea I shouldn't act on and do it anyway. While I feel all cozy and fuzzy towards you and all." Her grin grows as she nods. "And don't forget my turnday is right around the corner. Feel free to throw me a wild party somewhere." No shame at all for some things. << It is true. >> Chadamalith stares down at the jungle in stillness. << We will be the best in our class. It is not hard. It is no challenge for me, but for her it does take work. But she is good at things I am not. It evens out almost fairly. >>

"You don't?" P'draig regards Javeri closely for a moment, gives her foot another little squeeze before she draws it away. "Hm. I'm curious about why, but that might be a conversation for another time. I can only let Mic and I and what we share, speak for itself," Paddy continues with a little smile. He laughs a little at the cozy and fuzzy, though there's that something in his eyes that says she might not be wrong about leaving. "Mm. Exceptions. Sometimes, they happen," he says mildly, but he steps back, gives her room to walk past him and out, hands back chastely in his pockets. "A wild party. Hm. You're giving me such /ideas/," he tells her laughingly, waits a moment before accompanying her back out to the ledge. Jekzith considers this statement, weighs it. << YOu are both good at some things and you do well at most. But there are others who do as well and a few who do a few things better. The class as a whole, balances out. >>

Her head shakes as Javeri tugs at her shirt absently and then stuffs her own hands in her pockets. "Another time. Probably one of those conversations that require a lot more alcohol in my system to get me to have too so keep that in mind." Just because she sounds like a drunk doesn't make her one. "No exceptions. Behave. If you're not a good boy you won't get your treat." She is smart enough to be at a safe distance when she teases in a more serious tone of voice like that. Her steps towards the exit pause and she turns to take him in with a wink. "Wild party in public. Just keep that in mind. Or at least don't share what comes to mind other than that and I won't share anything either. I think it'll be easier all around that way." Then there is more chaste walking to go find Chadamalith who flutters his wings once. << Who does what better? >> he demands. << No. It is not a concern. It is your truth. I shall just have to prove it false. It is these last lessons. Because she is scared. But we will get over that as well. >>

"I'll lay in a supply of good rum," P'draig promises with another smile and keeps his hands very firmly in his pockets. "Oh don't worry, I'm not planning on misbehaving. That was ... well never mind," Paddy says with a wry twist to his grin as he follows along, but maintains a certain polite distance between them. "I was thinking more of the Sandbar and the menu, actually," P'draig claims, laughingly, though he does take advantage of his height to lean towards her. It's meant to land on her cheek that brief touch of lips. "Is there anything that you don't like to eat? And do you have a favorite cake?" Jekzith nudges an image of Mloneth's flame forward and another of Tyalith's agile turns in the air. << Every dragon has his or her own special abilities. It's how they fit together that makes a good strong whole. >>

"Now you're not being fun," Javeri says with a laugh as she stops and watches Chadamalith laying there. And for the kiss in return he gets a blush darkening her tan. "I'm still not very fond of meat," she admits with an embarrassed shuffle of her feet. "I'm not sure I ever will be again after what he put me through. And cake? Umm. I like fruit. So, something maybe like I don't know. Light flavors." Tilting her head she turns a bright smile on P'draig. "You're a good friend. And not just because you promise me rum and cake either. Thanks." Chadamalith moves slowly, deliberately, as he rises up and his talons scratch the ledge. << Yes, well, skills, >> he says in a slow thoughtful way. << That's more concrete. I speak of more ephemeral concepts. >> He would. And then he adds << We will speak again. You are very informative. >>

"That's the problem with behaving, it's never as fun as misbehaving," P'draig quips back, smiling though and looks out at the view brown and blue have been sharing. "It's a little different this view, from your ledge, Mic's old one. But it's still a good one," he observes then nods. "No meat. Fish okay? And light flavors, can do. I'll come up with something really good and spoil you rotten." There's a broad wink then and maybe under other circumstances, Paddy might offer a hug, but his hands remain rooted (still) within his pockets. "I'll see you in lessons tomorrow," the brownrider adds with a little nod. It's getting late after all, the sun's about set. Dinner time and all of the other things P'draig tends to take care of at this time of the evening. Jekzith lifts his head a little to bob it towards Chadamalith. << Next time, maybe. Clear skies, Chadamalith. >>

"Every view is different and has its own truth," Javeri says because she can talk like that when she wants to. Or when she's been listening in on what Chadamalith has been saying. "I'll see you at lessons tomorrow. Enjoy your night." With a wave, a safe use of her hand, she's heading for her blue to mount up. << Next time. And tell him fish is fine. I do not like it. >> The pair are off after that to go back to their own weyr and watch the jungle from home.

For that, Paddy only shoots her a brief, amused look. "Mmmhm," is what he has to offer in exchange and once she's more towards her dragon /then/ he pulls his hand out of his pocket to wave. "Good night, Javeri. Thanks for the mobile." A flash of green turns up on the Rim: Aath on her way. Jekzith sits up, and warbles brightly as the green comes into view. << I will tell him so. Thank you Chadamalith. >>

~javeri, ~chadamalith, jekzith, p'draig

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