No reason to travel with this at home.

Jan 14, 2009 21:30

Who: Javeri and Cam
Where: The beach
When: Evening on day 2, month 10, turn 18
What: Javeri's out for an evening walk and comes across C'mryn who is out doing the same thing only coming from the bar and not going to it. They discuss her lack of desire to travel and his way with the ladies. She also shares a bit of Chadamalith philosophy with the visitor and mentions the visit by High Reaches' weyrlings not so long ago.

Evening has come to Ista and with it there's a small relief from the heat. There is no relief from the humidity however which likes to creep in for months and just make itself right at home. Tonight the beach has become refuge for many. One of those hopefully seeking the ocean breeze is Javeri. Feet bare she wanders down the beach heading vaguely towards the docks or the Sandbar or somewhere. Her shorts have been splashed by the waves that soak her feet and a loose linen blouse is worn over her bikini top. Far overhead, someplace her eyes occasionally rise to track, is her blue who brought her to the beach and abandoned her.

Looking far more like a native than he ought to, with an open, loose shirt and a pair of shorts, Cam walks in the opposite direction. Likely from the bar, he heads down the beach walking in the shallows, the water lapping at his ankle. His own dragon, the hulking bronze from High Reaches, is nowhere to be seen at the moment, though C'mryn doesn't seem concerned. A friendly hand is raised as Javeri nears, and he smiles cheerfully.

She's not so distracted that someone else walking towards her doesn't go unnoticed. Javeri squints a bit to try to make out the person or at least if she knows him and even though she does not she waves. "Good evening," is offered to the stranger when she gets close enough to be heard over the waves.

"Evening yourself," is offered back in a friendly tone. "Nice weather," decides Cam, picking the easiest topic at hand. But he quickly follows it with, "Though, I have to say, this time of Turn tends to see good weather just about everywhere." As if randomly running into a stranger, in a strange Weyr, and striking up a conversation was as natural as can be.

"You're not from around here," Javeri observes with a friendly smile. No accusation she just explains by, "Usually people not from here just want to complain of the heat and humidity. But I wouldn't know about anywhere else. Only ever been here." Holding her hand out she offers another smile and, "Javeri. Blue Chadamalith's abandoned rider for the evening." If it is odd to talk to strangers, well, so be it.

"Ah," says Cam, humored. "Good deductive reasoning, you're right! I'm from High Reaches. C'mryn, or Cam really. Tausreth's my bronze. Likely gone to flirt with something young and green." Her hand is given a quick shake, maybe a bit awkward though he displays none of it in his expression. "Right now, High Reaches ain't so bad. It's winter that's dreadful. All that snow and ice." He gives an exaggerated shiver. "But see, now I gotta ask... you're a rider and you've never been outside of Ista?" An eyebrow arches.

"Oh, well, weyrling," Javeri admits with a grin. "So, yea. Never left the island. We just started between lessons. I suppose eventually I'll have to go somewhere, but I'm just as happy to always be here." Her shoulders rise and fall in a shrug as she admits this. "Snow and ice though, no, thank you. I cannot imagine living with that weather turn after turn. But I guess it's different if you're used to it. What brought you here? Visiting someone or just visiting?"

A slow nod from Cam. "Weyrling! Shoulda guessed. But good job, then, on Between! That's a milestone right there. High Reaches' batch just did that one, not long ago." A shake of his head in wonder. "Gonna have to go places, though. Take passengers, take messages, just to see... things," he explains. "But really... it's not that bad. I mean yeah, the snow and ice suck, but... it's only one part of the Turn. The summers and falls are great." A lazy shrug. "Oh, visiting the 'Bar, of course!"

Brushing her hands down her shorts Javeri grins. "I've met a couple of them. P'ax and...Starts with a K. Was asking about nude beaches?" Which stuck out more in her mind than his name quite obviously. "At the Sandbar actually. They were celebrating their success and all." Her hand gestures towards it and she says, "I was going to head there myself in a bit, but I was enjoying the relative silence of outside first. Sort of preparing my brain for whatever might be going on. Like going places. I know I'll have to go places, but I really would rather just stay here."

"S'right, they-" and then he laughs, shaking his head. "K'del," Cam supplies, not needing more than that simple comment to connect weyrling to idea. "Asking about nude beaches? Clearly he's not getting enough diplomacy training." A roll of his eyes for the bronze weyrling. "Sandbar's crowded," he admits sympathetically. "But not that rowdy. Not compared to the Snowasis - that's the Reaches bar." He turns to glance over the ocean, towards the sunset. "Not gonna die down, though," he notes. "You don't even want to visit, just for a day or so? Just to... see it?"

"Oh, well, I was kind of teasing him. Giving the visitors a hard time and may have mentioned the beaches." Javeri looks sheepish, but doesn't seem to want to be getting someone in trouble. "Then P'draig came in and ruined it, of course." Her eyes roll as she shakes her head over the buzz kill. "Sandbar's crowded a lot, but it's the kind of crowd, yea. I heard one of the fishing ships was in and thought I'd see if my friends were out and about." Her sailor friends, but she doesn't say that. "Not really. It's weird isn't it?" Now she sounds apologetic about it. "I just like it here. I've never been anywhere before so I don't see the big deal about it now is all."

"Boys," decides Cam, with a suffering sigh as if he weren't one himself. But it's all in good fun, as is displayed by his wide grin. "P'draig? He's your assistant Weyrlingmaster, hm?" And then, to explain, "I know his sister." A little shrug for her apology, and a friendly smile. "Nah... well, maybe a little?" he admits sheepishly. I can understand not wanting to move somewhere. But you don't even want to just... visit for a day? Or an hour? Just for the scenery? Geography changes so much, and so does the architecture. You might like Southern, cause it's a lot like Ista."

Shoving her braids back off her face Javeri's answer is a grin and a nod with, "Yea. One of our assistants. He's a good guy though so I forgive his ruining my fun." She is so kind and considerate like that. Her hands slip into the pockets of her shorts as she considers his words. "Well, if Southern is like Ista why would I need to go there? I've got Ista right here?" Logic, see? Her lips pull up into an easy grin as she presents her case. "I'll go when I have to, but if I don't have to I don't see any reason to leave my home." Her eyes flicker up overhead before she lets out an annoyed sigh without offering an explanation. "I like home."

Cam holds his hands up, defeated. "Alright, alright, don't go see Southern," he laughs. He half turns, towards the direction of the Sandbar. "Yeah, well... I love 'Reaches now. It's my home. It's great. But if all I did was stay in that Weyr day in and day out... Shards I'd get so bored I'd go crazy! It's good to get away for a little while. Meet new people. Gives me something to talk about."

"Oh! Well, I have that!" Javeri says brightly, happy to be able to excuse herself. "I've got the docks and the Sandbar. There's always new people to meet there. I mean I meet new people just walking down the beach." One hand comes from her pocket to gesture to him with a grin. "See? I don't need to go to the world because the world comes to me. That's what is so great about Ista. People are always coming to visit us so I don't have to go somewhere but right down here to meet them. I guess if I did not live with all this I might need to go." She watches the half turn and asks, "Did you want to go back there?"

"Well, if you're goin' that way, figured I'd walk with you. Didn't mean to keep ya, ya know?" He's just being nice, see? Cam grins. "As it is, I'm not going anywhere until Tausreth gets back, which could be a while." An 'oh well' shrug. An eyebrow arches, and Cam seems to think her explanation is a challenge. "OK, so you don't lack for new and interesting people but... what about your *own* stories? Don't you want to be able to tell them something besides 'Ista's great!'? What about your own life experiences? Can you really say you're completely content to live the same day over and over? Sure, got the little changes... but nothing big ever happening? I'd go nuts," he repeats.

"I'm in no rush. I'll get there eventually." Javeri shrugs with a smile although she does look towards the bar. "Doesn't matter when so long as I do. There's always someone around to buy me a drink. Chadamalith is going to be up there awhile." And about her own stories she falls silent and kicks at the water that laps at her feet before retreating back to the ocean. Then she just digs her feet into the sand. "I like to listen more than talk. I'm not real interested in talking about myself. Unless it's my work and I got all kinds of stories about my work. I've been all over most of the island after all. But, yes, I am content. There's always something new to learn. Chadamalith says it's not about where you are, but who you are. That every day we change and a place changes and so we're new every morning and going to the bowl is the first time we've been to the bowl."

"'Right then," and Cam promptly drops to the beach, away from the surf but close enough that his feet are lapped with each wave. "Ah, but see... there's your argument right there!" says Cam, grinning. "See, when you say, 'I never want to leave...' it sounds as if you're content to spend your life in this one little Bowl. But you just said you've been all over the Island. So there ya go. You do travel. Just not outside of Ista. That, at least, I can be content with. You're not weird anymore," he decides, telling her this as if it might be of great concern. He grins. "Your blue sounds like a philosopher."

"Oh, goodness!" Javeri says as she lifts a hand to wipe her forehead. "That is such a relief. I was afraid I might have to cry myself to sleep if you continued to think me weird," she teases as she shrugs and finds her own spot to sit down so as not to cramp his neck. "I used to go with my father when he went to the cotholds. He was posted at the Hold technically, but still went on circuit. Not like it's so far and all." As for her blue there's a fond chuckle. "He really is. He's always contemplating something and such."

"Yeah," says Cam with a laid-back sigh, "I have that effect on women." And then he laughs. She sits, but he's staring out at the ocean regardless. His hands fold behind his head, and a moment later he's flopping backwards into the sand and looking up at the clear, darkened sky. "Oh yeah?" he wants to know. "Sounds interesting. What's he do? My parents are Harpers, but they stayed at the Hall. Taught classes. So we never went anywhere. Wasn't until I was about fifteen that I got out of there and saw anything of the world."

"Make them want to cry?" the former potter asks as she wiggles her toes against the water. A laugh follows this as Javeri sweeps her braids away once more. "Father's a potter. So was I before Chadamalith entered the picture. I wasn't crafted like him, but I was pretty good anyway. I didn't start to go with him until I was older. Before that my granny watched over me when he wasn't around. She taught me everything I know except what I know about pottery." Pausing to give her head a shake and grin she amends, "And stuff about dragons. But everything from before candidacy anyway."

"Nah. Make them care what my opinion of them is," clarifies Cam, grinning brightly. "I never make women cry. Unless it's the happy kind of crying." Boastful, if joking. "Ahh, potter! So you're not one of those girls who's afraid to get her hands dirty!" He chuckles, amused. "Sounds like a good childhood, though. Very... cozy."

"Ohhh. Well, then I shall pretend to care what your opinion of me is so that I don't make you cry," Javeri says with a laugh as she pulls her legs in towards her and brushes wet sand from her feet. "Not afraid at all. And taking a few commissions here and there as my weyrling work allows so you be sure you come to me when you need something made. I love a chance to get dirty." Which sounds way worse than what she likely meant. "Growing up was nice though," she finally decides before standing. "It gave me a fine appreciation for things. Like sailors. Who should be ready for some fun by now so I think I might go see about a free drink or two. You're welcome to come along, but I doubt many'd want to buy for you too."

"You're too kind," decides Cam, tossing a wink towards Javeri. "And I'll be sure to see you if I need something dirty, then," he grins. "Might see about some plates, but... don't you get bored of plates?" wonders the bronzerider. As for the Sandbar and sailors, he just grins along and decides, "Yeah, can't see many that would. But you know what?" and he sits up again, as if fidgeting, and tells her in a secretively, "I don't really want any of them too, either." A hand is lifted, waved. "Enjoy the sailors then, Javeri."

"Plates are each unique," Javeri offers as she brushes sand off herself. "Each is different even when all the same." Philosophy once more. "You don't know what you're missing," she says by way of goodbye before giving a little wave and heading towards the bar. As she walks her shirt gets removed and dragged along. Easier to get drinks in a bathing suit. Yep. "It was nice meeting you!" she turns and calls out with a wave like she just remembered to.

Cam just has to laugh, and roll his eyes in the dark. As she vanishes into the shadows and down the beach, he leans back on his hands, stretches out and stares at the ocean as he wants for his ride back home.

~javeri, c'mryn

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