It's A Symbol Of A Landmine We Can Easily Step On

Nov 02, 2007 19:25

I thought I would address a few comments about my use of Hitlerpope which some took as highly offensive (but others, mostly ex-Catholics, found to be highly funny.) You should know that this icon was created by an Asatruar is an ex-Catholic and who has followed the Pope's background very closely. He's also been called the Panzer Pope and was part of a group that helped destroy a lot of people. He served as the previous pope's Grand Inquisitor. He's even more conservative than the previous pope and wants to undo all the progressive things done in the 1960's.

What does that have to do with us? Everything. He can't be trusted. He was a Nazi. He is also part of a religious group that aggressively destroyed Asatru to the point where we barely recognize ourselves and the Nazis use of runes has nearly ruined our comeback. Don't kid yourselves, they would destroy us again if they had the means to. Read about what some of that man's deeds were and it will turn your hair white. All that diatribe Pat Robertson against Pagans? He stops short of saying burn 'em at the stakes. But you know that in his heart he would if he could.

Being frithful doesn't mean we should be doormats. We cannot succumb to political correctness any more than we can be prejudiced against the handicapped called by the Gods. I positively cringe at pagan festivals where the host says "Hail Odin, Thor, Frigga, Hecate, Jesus, Mary and Joseph" and yes, I've heard someone do just that.

As for the Christians, I'm not playing nice with these guys. I implore you to watch the documentary Jesus Camp. You must see it. Go to Blockbuster today and get this DVD and watch it. The way those fundamentalists take little kids and tear down every shred of self and replace it with shame and guilt for simply breathing air will remind you that it's quite okay to very strongly dislike this group.

Let's face it. We're almost back at square one with our religion. Frith means we accept each other as Asatru but it doesn't mean we don't cast a wary eye at those who mean us harm, even if it's not always overt. Yet.

But I say again. Watch Jesus Camp. And read those Jack Chick comics. They're funny to us but there are plenty who take them very seriously to try and push them on us as serious literature that tells us what they are truly thinking.
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