(no subject)

May 20, 2006 16:10

The newest installment in my Robin/Speedy Toon Titans slash series. The other stories include "First Kiss" "The Chips are Down" and "Our Darkest Day". All three stories can be found in my memories. You don't really need to read them first but it might help.

Title: "Leviathan"
Author: Coldfiredragon
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Slade has made his next move to make Robin his apprentice and this time he is using Speedy for leverage. This is part 2, part 3 will be along soon.
Pairings: Robin/Speedy, Speedy/Slade
WARNINGS and NOTES: It's rated NC-17 for a reason, some NCS, slash, and violence. You've been warned so don't flame me.
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, I will make no money from this fic. Don't sue me.

“You have an hour and fifteen minutes Apprentice. That should be just enough time to infiltrate and retrieve the objective. I wouldn't take longer than that.” Robin gritted his teeth in anger for a moment as he looked down at the research complex below him.

“Affirmative Slade.” He looked down at the metal gauntlet on his wrist and frowned. 74 minutes 42 seconds glared back at him on the small display unit in the corner of his screen. Beside that was a map of the complex that would activate once he was inside, showing his location in relation to his objective. He pulled a pair of night vision binoculars free from his belt and scanned the building, looking for a place where he could secure a line down. His practiced eyes quickly spotted a viable option and he shot the line down. Smiling in satisfaction as it hit its mark. He pulled it roughly to make sure it was secure and satisfied slid down it.

He landed on the fire escape in a nearly silent crouch. The building was relatively new and the metal made few of the sounds that an older one would have made if he had landed on it in such a manner. He took the stairs two at a time as he made his way to the roof. When he got there he slowed his pace. The blue-prints Slade had gathered had indicated that there were pressure sensors spaced at odd intervals across the roof and the display on his gauntlet flashed to life, showing him which panels were triggers and which were not. Unfortunately the safe panels were too far apart to accommodate normal steps. He had already throughly consulted all this information in preparation for this mission and now it was up to his acrobatic skills to get him across the roof without alerting the ones inside to his presence.

He closed his eyes and took a calming breath before finding his center. When he was calm he leapt and hit the first safe panel hands first. He used the strength of his arms to launch himself back into the air and twisted to the side as he landed on the second panel which was large enough for him to actually crouch on. He landed feet first and stayed in the crouched position for a second before launching himself into he air again. The third panel was barely bigger than the size of his hand and when the flat of his palm made contact he was forced to use him momentum to twist the lower half of his body so he would land on his feet first in the fourth square.

Not for the first time he cursed whoever had designed the security system of this building. He had one more leap to go and he knew that he would have to careful not to land on the ledge surrounding the skylight. That was pressure sensitive as well. He landed just outside of it and dropped to his knees.

He pulled a small kit from his belt and quickly set about creating a relay that would redirect the alarm sensors for just enough time for him to open the skylight and slip inside. He set the device up and counted to three before activating it. The relay served a dual purpose, it would not only temporarily disable the security system around the skylight but it would also have access to the security system long enough to put all the cameras in the building off line. The device flashed on and he quickly undid the locks that closed the skylight. When he had them open he pushed the skylight inward and jumped inside, remembering not to touch the pressure sensitive ledge surrounding the skylight as he moved.

Once inside he had just enough time to pop the skylight back in place. As he crouched on the ceiling support beam he looked back at his display. Now that he was inside the building the indicator light showing his location had activated. He ignored it in favor of the countdown clock. 67 minutes 43 seconds. He pulled out his binoculars again and scanned the floor below him. The heat seekers indicated no guards but he knew that he would have to be careful when he hit the floor so that he didn't land on a pressure sensor. That would be disastrous. Luckily, unlike the roof, the pressure sensors were few and far between and he would be able to walk normally. He took his line and secured it to the beam he stood on and used that to lower himself to the floor. When he reached it he pressed a button and the magnetic clamp holding the line in place released and he made his way out of the room.

He moved through the complex, avoiding sensors and laser alarms until he reached the elevator shaft. It took a few minutes to override the security system but he managed it and as he stepped inside an electronic voice greeted him. When he got to the level of his target he moved out of the elevator and quickly made his way through the various facilities on that level. There were more sensors to avoid here but the program in his gauntlet showed him exactly where he could go to avoid them.

As he neared his objective he noticed a light underneath the door and a shadow moving back and forth. He cursed silently and dropped back into the last room he had passed. 49 minutes 18 seconds. His fist tightened at his side as he activated his communications relay.


“Yes Apprentice.” Slade's voice showed no surprise that he was calling in.

“Someone stayed late.” Robin whispered.

“Use appropriate force to secure the objective. Kill if you must but get me that device.” The communications relay went dead and Robin made his way back into the hall. He had just reached the sliding door to the research lab and was preparing to enter the access code Slade had stolen when the door slid open on its own. Robin sucked in a breath and pressed himself against the wall just in time. A young man in his early thirties walked out and once his back was to Robin, Robin moved. He obviously made some sound, or maybe it was the sudden rush of air but the man turned and stared wide-eyed at him. The scientist reached down for his security watch and Robin felt a surge of panic driven adrenaline. He had not expected someone to be in the facility in the middle of the night. He moved quickly and delivered a blow which knocked the man out. Another glance at the watch revealed that he had 45 minutes and 31 seconds remaining.

The adrenaline rush slowed down and Robin suddenly felt concerned for the man he had knocked out. He was about to knell down and check the man's pulse when Slade's voice interrupted him.

“Leave him or I will reduce your time.” Robin's had wavered as he tried to decide what to do. If he left the scientist without checking him he would be going against the responsibility to others that Batman had worked to instill in him. If he checked the man however he was putting Roy's life in danger by reducing the time he had to get the device that Slade wanted and get out of the building. Realizing that he couldn't leave the man for dead he reached down and checked the pulse, he found it and sighed in relief.

“I warned you.” Robin looked down at the timer and his stomach tightened as it reduced to 40 minutes. He quickly pushed himself to his feet and moved into the lab. As he did so he was relieved to see that the security features of the lab had been turned off as the scientist worked. The man's presence had actually made his job easier. The object he wanted hung in a stasis field at the back of the lab and Robin quickly made his way over to the containment control panel. He began entering the series of codes that he had memorized before beginning the mission and waited as the computer interpreted the codes. It took longer than he thought it would but the computer finally decided that he wasn't an intruder and the stasis field surrounding the weapon dissipated with a pop.

Robin grabbed the weapon and exited the lab. With less 32 minutes left to get back to the roof he was starting to feel the pressure and there was still the possibility that something could go wrong.

He hastened his pace as he made his way out of the lab and stepped over the unconscious body in the hallway. He didn't consult the display on his gauntlet but instead relied on his memory of where the pressure sensors were and he made it to the elevator in less time than it had taken him to reach the lab the first time. He entered the code that would take him back upstairs and stepped inside. The elevator began to rise and it made it about halfway up the shaft before alarms started blaring and it ground to a halt.

Robin cursed and ripped the control panel from the wall of the elevator, entering an emergency override code on the panel he found there. The scientist obviously hadn't been as out cold as he had thought. The first code he entered failed and Robin felt beads of sweat running down the back of his neck as he entered a second code and then a third, finally after entering the fourth code the elevator lurched to life again and Robin threw caution to the wind as he ran out of the elevator as soon as it stopped and the doors opened.. He was only slightly relieved that the security cameras would not be getting any footage of his time within the building. He had less than 22 minutes at this point and he still had to reach the roof and get clear of the building before he could contact Slade for a pick up.

He made it to the room he had entered through and fired his grappling hook at the support beam. When the line was secure he pressed the button and rapidly ascended upward. Not really caring much at this point since the police were already on their way he released the grappling hook and fired it through the skylight. The glass shattered and the line caught on something on the roof. He ascended upward, knocking the residual glass free so it wouldn't cut him.

When he was on the roof he checked his gauntlet, 15 minutes 33 seconds. He was almost in the clear. All that remained between him and a relatively clean getaway was a moonlit race across the rooftops. A sudden breeze ruffled his hair and the hand that wasn't gripping Slade's little treasure tightened. At least one of Central City's resident protectors had shown up and he prayed that it was the the younger one. Wally might understand his situation and let him go but he doubted Barry Allen would be quite so sympathetic.

He started to run across the rooftop, readying his grappling gun as he did so. He had reached the edge of the roof and was ready to fire when the weapon he had stolen was vibrated out of his hand. He froze and turned back to survey the roof. There was no way he could leave without that device. The red and yellow blur that was Kid Flash finally slowed down and came to a stop a couple feet away from him.

“I swear your side never learns does it? Do you know how many times this place has been broken into over the last 4 months? You would think a memo warning people away would have been handed out by now.” Robin gritted his teeth in frustration, Wally hadn't realized who he was dealing with if he was still making quips like Robin was just any villain. He glanced at the timer on his gauntlet and his fist tightened, if he weren't wearing gloves than his nails would have broken the skin at this point.

12 minutes, 7 seconds, he had precious little time left and he had to get the device back so he decided the most direct way would be to demand it back and hope that he let as little information about his current situation slip as possible. He knew Slade was listening even if the man was being silent.

“I don't have time for games Flash. Give it back.” Kid Flash stared at him in disbelief as he realized that something wasn't right.

“Robin? What the hell are you doing?” The young hero's posture took a more guarded stance and they stared each other down.

“Just give me the weapon.”

“Not unless you tell me what's going on.”

“I can't.”

“Then forget it Robin.” That was the last straw for Robin. He didn't have time to stand and argue with the speedster. He growled in frustration and dove at the other boy. Kid Flash used his speed to move out of the way and stared at Robin in concern as Robin pushed himself closer and began launching a series of punches and kicks that the speedster was able to easily dodge.

Kid Flash quickly realized that desperation was driving the acrobat. They continued to spar until Robin got a lucky punch into his jaw which drove him back. He saw Robin look at something on his gauntlet and he noticed that Robin's jaw tightened as he pressed his momentary advantage. He was distracted by Robin's behavior enough that the dark haired boy was able to tackle him and they rolled around on the roof as each of them tried to get the upper hand. The struggle ended when he was able to pin Robin under him. As he did so Robin's eyes widened and Kid Flash realized what exactly was wrong with the other boy.

“Time's up Robin.” The sound of Slade's icy voice caused Robin to freeze and it gave Kid Flash just enough time to gain the advantage and pin him. He felt panic welling in his stomach as Slade continued to speak. “You failed and now I get to teach you a lesson.”

“Slade don't. Don't hurt him!” Robin's mind was so overcome with panic over Roy's safety and his own failure that he completely forgot about Kid Flash. He knew that tears were forming behind his mask but he tried to hold them back.

“You knew the consequences if you failed Robin. You should have been more careful.” With that Slade cut the communication feed and Robin cried out and threw his head back as the chip in his ear sparked to life. He wasn't even aware that Kid Flash let him go as he unconsciously moved his hand to his ear and curled up in a ball. The pain only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like ages and it was moments before Robin had regained his bearings enough to actually act. He came back to his senses to find Kid Flash staring at him in shock. He also noticed that the other boy had dropped the weapon he had come for at some point during their struggle.

“Robin what's going on?” Kid Flash had gotten some idea when he had heard Robin speak. There was only one 'him' that would put that much fear into Robin's voice. Wally had been the first to realize that things were more than just friends between Robin and Speedy. Despite his assumptions he still wanted an explanation. Robin's eyes narrowed as he darted forward and grabbed the device from the roof. Kid Flash was shocked by his fellow Titan's actions but was even more shocked when Robin fired off his grappling line and dropped an explosive disk on the roof as he was pulled to safety. The device didn't explode on contact and Kid Flash realized that Robin was trying to give him a chance to get away. He quickly called on every ounce of his speed to get off the rooftop before the device blew and made it just in time.

Robin paused long enough to see that Kid Flash got free of the blast before he started moving towards the rendezvous point that Slade had set for him when the mission was over. He had at least gotten the device and hopefully that would temper Slade's anger somewhat. He was sickened however by the fact that he had failed and he hoped that Roy was okay when he got back to base.


Roy worked through the exercise routine he had developed when he had lived with Ollie for the second time and let his mind wander as his body performed the familiar actions. The last couple days had taken a lot of getting used to. Since he had woken up to find Dick beside him their lives had been completely turned upside down.

Much to their surprise Slade had actually treated them decently, giving the two of them a fully furnished wing of their own within the underground complex. They had realized after a thorough search of their new accommodation that the rooms were more of a prison than anything else, a nicely furnished, underground prison that had 1 exit and air conditioning ducts that were too small for even a five year old to fit through.

In short they were stuck, at least until they found a way to outsmart Slade and get the communication chips free without killing themselves. Roy had quickly come to despise the thing in his ear but wasn't willing to risk the consequences of attempting to remove it. He realized that even if it didn't manage to kill him than it would still do irreparable damage to his nervous system. They had learned that the chips also allowed Slade to keep constant tabs on their location. Neither of them were going anywhere Slade didn't want them to go.

He finished working through the routine and walk over to the bench to grab his water bottle and wipe the sweat from his body. He had stripped off his shirt when he started and he intended to run through the routine once more when he caught sight of Slade watching him in the doorway of the training center. Once again the man was dressed casually, since they had been here he had rarely seen Slade dressed in battle armor. He took an unconscious step back and stared at the man. He had avoided being alone in Slade's presence as much as possible and now with Dick gone he would have no choice in the matter.

“What do you want Slade?”

“To tell you that Kid Flash interfered in Robin's mission.” The man entered the room and casually walked towards Roy. The archer felt dread pool in his stomach as the man's eye studied him and his eyes moved to the pair of metal quarterstaffs that Slade carried. “I also wanted to 'ask' you to spar with me.” The tone of Slade's voice indicated to Roy that sparing was not a request. Slade proved that when he threw one of the weapons to him. He caught it and gripped it tightly even as beads of sweat formed on the back of his neck. His melee combat skills were minimal at best, his specialty being any kind of ranged weapon he laid his hands on. He also knew that Robin was hard pressed to hit the man when they battled, he didn't stand a chance armed or unarmed. Even with his bow he stood little chance.

“I'm not a match for you so why bother?” Slade smiled at him.

“It's much more fun this way.” Slade didn't give him time to digest the words as he launched his first attack. Roy could feel his hands shaking as he blocked the blow with his staff. The man pulled back and launched another attack that Roy parried at the last second. He knew he couldn't keep this up for long as he continued to block one strike after another. The few attacks he managed to get in paled in comparison to Slade's and he could feel himself rapidly loosing the battle. He tried to focus and he dropped down, hoping to take the man's feet out from under him but Slade was ready for that attack and jumped over the staff as it came towards his ankles. Slade launched a downward strike and Roy rolled out of the way so the staff hit the mat instead of his head. He pushed himself to his feet quickly but doing so left him open and Slade effortlessly performed the same maneuver that Roy had tried seconds earlier.

Slade must have tempered the blow at the last second because the force behind the blow in a normal combat would have shattered his ankle. As it was Roy realized that he would have a nice bruise there for several days. The blow swept his legs out from under him and and as he was falling Slade moved the staff just enough so it caught Roy under his knees as well. Instead of landing on his side where he could use his arms to catch himself he landed flat on his back. The staff flew from his hand and rolled out of his reach.

The awkward fall stunned him and Slade didn't give him a chance to get up as he knelt over him and pinned his legs. Roy was breathing hard from the short exercise and beads of sweat were running down his neck and chest. The man on top of him wasn't even breathing hard and Roy shivered as Slade pressed closer to him. He could feel Slade's arousal through his workout pants and he tried to push the considerably heavier man off of him.

He had no luck and gasped weakly as Slade grabbed his wrists and forced them above his head. The man held him there and made a show of inspecting his captive's body with his good eye. His free hand roamed openly down his chest and stomach, finally coming to rest at his crotch. Slade squeezed gently and Roy squeaked in fear as he struggled to get free. His muscles burned and he knew that he was exhausted. The earlier workout coupled with the fight between he and Slade had left his limbs feeling like jelly and he wasn't sure he could even sit up if Slade let him go.

Slade gave the boy under him another quick squeeze and shifted back slightly. He removed a knife from the sheath at his ankle and watched as Roy's green eyes widened in panic. He could feel the boy trembling as he ran the flat of the blade along the young man's chest. He smiled and placed the blade just below Roy's chin, making sure that the blade was just far enough away so that it wouldn't cut the boy if he moved.

“Move and I'll make you wish you hadn't. He moved the blade and tapped the chip in Roy's ear to indicate what he meant.” Roy nodded slightly and Slade shifted his weight off the young man's legs. He waited for a moment and when Roy showed no intention of moving he let go of the boy's wrists as well. He knew that he was in complete control of the situation and even if Roy did do something stupid that the boy had no where to go.

He took the knife and slid it under the edge of Roy's pant leg. He could have just removed the clothing in the traditional sense but he wanted to have more control over the situation than that and watching the boy squirm was much more fun. The sharpness of his knife cut through the fabric as though it were butter and the only sounds in the room aside from the sound of metal against cloth were the soft sounds of Roy's sobs.

It took hardly no time at all to to destroy the pants enough to the point that they could be removed. To do so he slid his hand under the young man's ass and just as he expected Roy arched away from him. He pulled the destroyed fabric out from under the boy and ran his hand gently along the inside of Roy's upper thigh and under the edge of his boxers. He could feel the boy trembling as he hand moved farther towards the young man's crouch but he stopped at the hollow of the young man's thigh and teased for a moment. Much to his surprise Roy moaned softly.

He glanced up at the boy's face to see that his eyes were tightly closed but he got the impression that as much as Roy was afraid of him he could not keep his body from reacting to the gentle touches. He slipped his hand back downward and eased his knife under the fabric of the boxers. He had a goal in mind and he not going to be distracted from it. He could feel the young man's gaze on him and he heard the boy begging him to stop but refused to look up as he applied pressure to the handle of the blade and began to cut the thin black fabric free. This process took longer because he had to be more careful so he didn't accidentally cut the boy. As he cut the elastic band free Roy slumped against the floor in relief. He was still sobbing and Slade reached up to wipe the tears from his face even as he pulled the cloth away.

He shifted so his body was between the boy's knees and Roy cried out as he felt Slade's arousal pressed against him. Slade smirked as the boy squirmed under him but made no move to actually remove his own clothing. His original plan had been to just take the boy hard and fast on the training mat but he had decided to make Roy actually enjoy what was being done to him and let the boy agonize over that fact later on. He would get far more satisfaction out of watching the boy tear himself apart emotionally than he would by forcing himself on the young man.

He leaned forward and captured the boy's mouth even as one of his hands began to explore and tease the young man's more sensitive areas. His other hand moved through the boy's hair and down the side of his face towards his chest. He soon lost interest in the boy's mouth and began trailing a line of feather light kisses down the hollow of Roy's throat. He could feel the young man's breathing change to short fast pants as his body started to react to Slade's actions. At the same time hot tears continued to track down his cheeks. Roy shuddered weakly as Slade's thumb brushed across his tip and a strangled sob escaped his throat as his hips arched forward uncontrollably.

“Please Slade, I don't want this.” Slade barely made out the words as Roy spoke them between gasped breaths. He choose to ignore the boy as repeated the action once again. Roy bucked harder this time.

“Your body says you do.” He hastened the movements of his hand and Roy threw his head back as the involuntary reactions of his body took over. As the pace quickened a series of soft cries and moans escaped the boy's throat and Slade couldn't help but smirk and allowed his free hand to tease the boy's nipples as he reclaimed the youth's mouth. Roy would hate him more than he already did when this was over but he would not be able to deny that he had enjoyed it. A final full body shudder tore through the young man and he arched upwards against Slade as he came, collapsing back on the ruined mat in a sobbing heap as he did so.

“I hate you.” Slade smirked as the boy repeated the mantra to himself over and over again. He wasn't sure if the words were directed at him or if Roy was saying them to himself but either way he believed that his actions warranted a fair punishment for Robin's failure. Robin had known that the archer would suffer when he failed to do as Slade ordered so the archer's current state was Robin's fault and he would leave the boy here for Robin to find. He stood calmly, having barely broken a sweat through the whole exercise. He cast a final glance at the boy and watched as the young man curled up into a tight ball, sobbing hysterically as he tried to protect himself from something he had been unable to control. For a moment he considered leaving the boy as he was but he took pity on the child and grabbed a towel from the rack near the entrance to the gym. He dropped it within the boy's reach and watched in satisfaction as the boy reached out to grab it, wrapping it tightly around his middle as he did so.


Slade was waiting for him when Robin finally arrived back at base. The two of them said nothing as Robin wordlessly handed over the weapon he had been sent to steal. Slade only nodded as he accepted it.

“Bringing me this to me does not mean that you succeeded.” Robin refused to meet his eye even as Slade reached down and pulled the mask free and tipped Robin's chin upward.

“Acknowledge me when I speak to you.”

“I know.” Slade let the boy's chin go and nodded.

“Learn from your mistakes and next time you might actually please me.” Robin was about to speak but Slade turned and began walking out of the room. As he was about to turn the corner and walk out of sight he stopped and looked back, his singular eye catching Dick's as he did so.

“Remember that the archer only suffers when you fail. The elevator downstairs has been unlocked for your use. You have 10 minutes before it locks again.” Icy dread settled in Dick's stomach as he sprinted through the base towards the elevator that would take him downstairs. He reached it in plenty of time and couldn't stop his hands from trembling as it started descending. When it reached the bottom he stepped out and the elevator dinged as the locks keeping it inaccessible hummed to life.

Dick ignored it as he called Roy's name. When he got no response he set about searching the apartment, hoping that he would find Roy unharmed but knowing he wouldn't. When he reached the training room door he felt panic threatening to overtake him and he pushed the door open. As he caught sight of the other boy his stomach lurched dangerously and he sprinted across the room dropping to his knees at his lover's side when he got close enough.

“Roy?” He whispered the archer's name softly and and held back tears as the other boy turned his tear streaked face towards him. He reached out a shaking hand and gently ran it through Roy's hair. The gentle touch sent Roy into another round of tears and Dick pulled him close, being careful not to disturb the towel in the process. Roy buried his face against Dick's chest and let him cry harder than he had during the whole time that Slade had been using him. He felt dirtier than he ever had in his life and he was disgusted by the fact that his body had reacted as it had.

“I'm sorry.” Dick had no idea what Roy was apologizing for but he knew that now was not the time to try to get answers out of his best friend. He gently stroked his hand through Roy's hair.

“It's all right, whatever happened it's okay.” Dick meant the words too. He was not going to let Slade come between them if he could help it and he wasn't going to let Roy push him away either. He could tell that whatever Slade had done it had been sexual and he knew that leaving Roy in here where it had happened was not good for the archer so he gently eased the archer away from him and stood. Roy looked up at him with large frightened green eyes and Dick realized that Roy thought he was leaving him. He knelt back down and ran a soothing hand through Roy's hair before leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's forehead. He felt Roy's arms wrap around his neck and he pulled the archer into a gentle kiss. Roy clung to him in desperation and Dick deepened the kiss, sensing that Roy needed to know that he was there for him. He would be, no matter what Slade threw at them.


cartoon: teen titans, fan fic, slash

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