Teen Titans Fanfiction: "Leviathan"

May 18, 2006 20:33

The newest installment in my Robin/Speedy Toon Titans slash series. The other stories include "First Kiss" "The Chips are Down" and "Our Darkest Day". All three stories can be found in my memories. You don't really need to read them first but it might help.

Title: "Leviathan"
Author: Coldfiredragon
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Slade has made his next move to make Robin his apprentice and this time he is using Speedy for leverage. This is only part 1, part 2 will follow soon.
Pairings: Robin/Speedy, Speedy/Slade
WARNINGS and NOTES: It's rated NC-17 for a reason, some NCS, slash, and violence. You've been warned so don't flame me.
Disclaimer: I don't own Teen Titans, I will make no money from this fic. Don't sue me.

Dick wondered around the airline terminal and looked at his watch for what must have been the hundredth time. Roy should have been there already so where was he? The red-head's flight had gotten into the airport over an hour and a half before Dick's own and so far Dick had been unable to locate the other boy.

He had called Roy's cell phone but the phone had gone straight to voice-mail. Dick had left a message telling Roy to call him back but so far he hadn't done so. He had already checked the gift shops, stores and restaurants and he was now checking the other boarding terminals to make sure that Roy wasn't waiting at the wrong one. So far he had no luck finding the archer and he was almost back to the point that he had started his search from.

His hopes of finding the archer by himself were slim, especially in an airport as large as the one in Central City. Dick sighed in frustration and looked around and noticed an information booth further down the concourse. He walked over to the information desk and got the attention of the woman behind the counter. He put on his best I'm worried face and it took her about a second to know that something was wrong.

“Can I help you young man?” He nodded.

“My half brother and I were both flying into Central City today and his flight got here before mine but I haven't been able to find him. I was hoping you could page him for me and have him meet me here.”

“What's your brother's name?”

“Roy Harper.” She paged him and Dick waited almost twenty minutes with no luck before turned back to the woman. At this point even she looked slightly concerned.

“Can you let me see the passenger list for his flight so I can see if he actually got here? Maybe he didn't make his flight.” Dick tried to force some of his slowly growing panic from his voice as he spoke. The archer could be impatient but disappearing into thin air was not a tactic he employed often. The woman shook her head and Dick had to restrain himself from grabbing her, shaking her, and demanding that she give him the information.

“I'm not authorized to share passenger information.” Dick rubbed his eyes and nodded.

“Can you get your supervisor out here please? Now, before I make a scene.” She nodded and picked up a phone. Less than five minutes later a gentleman walked up to them.

“Can I help you young man?” Dick nodded and quickly explained the situation to the man.

“I was supposed to meet my brother and I can't find him. It's been almost three hours since his flight got here. I've tried to call him and he won't answer his phone.” Dick allowed some of his pent up worry leak into his voice as he continued to ramble.

“I just want to see if he was actually on his flight but she...” He pointed to the woman behind the desk. “said that she couldn't let me see the flight log.” The man nodded and motioned for Dick to follow him.

“Let's go to my office. I'll pull your brother's flight information and see if he was on the passenger list. Dick nodded gratefully and followed the man. As they walked Dick gave the man Roy's flight information. When they got to the office the man motioned for Dick to take a seat as he booted up his computer. He began looking through information on the screen and finally turned back to Dick.

“According to our records your brother did make his flight. The flight arrived on time over three hours ago.” Dick felt his stomach tighten as the man's words washed over him.

“Thank you.” His voice was quiet and the man looked at him with concern. Dick's mind was reeling and he could barely focus. He knew that he shouldn't be freaking out about this but his hero instincts told him something was wrong. He tried to focus and think of a logical reason why Roy wasn't there or a place that he might have gone.

“Can you check the car rental logs? We were going to rent a car when we got here. Maybe he went somewhere while he was waiting on me and hasn't gotten back yet.” The man typed more information into the computer and nodded.

“A car under his name was checked out a couple of hours ago. That must be what happened.” Dick allowed a fake sigh of relief escape him. He had to make the man think that this was what happened even though Roy's supposed behavior confounded him.

“Could he have gone ahead to wherever you are staying before you got here?”

“That has to be what he has done. Roy can be a flake sometimes. He probably went to the hotel for a while and fell asleep or something.” The man smiled at him, relieved that the situation seemed to have resolved itself.

“Would you like us to call someone to pick you up, or arrange a taxi to take you to your hotel?”

“A taxi would be fine.” The man nodded and Dick listened quietly as the man made the arrangements for him. Minutes later he followed the man outside and soon found himself on the way to the hotel Roy had arranged.

His stomach was tight with worry as he paid the driver and grabbed his bag from the boot of the cab. This wasn't like Roy and he knew that something was wrong. As he walked towards the desk the clerk looked up and smiled at him.

“Can I help you young man?” He nodded.

“My half brother and I are sharing a room and I was wondering if he had checked in.” The woman flashed him a smile that made his stomach twist.

“What's your brother's name?”

“Roy Harper my name is Dick Grayson.” The woman nodded.

“Mr. Harper left a message for the desk that we could you your key when you arrived. The two of you are in 218. Go on up.” Dick snatched the key from the woman with a little more force than was necessary and marched towards the elevator. His worry over the archer giving way to fury when he had found out that Roy had left him in the airport.

When he got to the room he slipped the key into the lock and pulled it free, twisting the handle as he did so. The room beyond was dark and silent. It immediately put him on edge and he slowly moved into the room. The door fell shut behind him and he moved his hand along the wall until he found the switch.

“Roy?” The lights illuminated the dark room and Dick felt worry well in his chest. Roy's bag was sitting on the bed but there was no sign of the archer. He looked around for any sign of danger and seeing none he quickly moved over to the bed. As he got closer what he saw made his knees weak. A stylized metal S was buried deeply into Roy's communicator and one of the small inner ear communicators that he had worn when he worked as Slade's apprentice was lying beside it.

His hands shook slightly as he reached down and picked up the small round disk stamped with Slade's insignia. As he did so it beeped to life and he slipped the device into his ear.

“Hello Robin. Or perhaps I should call you Dick.” Dick gritted his teeth in anger as Slade's silky voice assaulted his ear.

“Let him go Slade.”

“Why would I do that my dear boy?”

“I swear if you hurt him I'll make you pay.” Slade chuckled softly and the soft sound grated on Dick's nerves. He almost pulled the communication chip from his ear and smashed it but he knew if he did so that he might not find Roy and he would not risk the archer's life.

“You will come alone and you will do so out of costume. No gadgets and no tricks. If you attempt to contact your friends I will know and I will not hesitate to kill him. I'll make sure he suffers before I do Robin, I promise.” The coldness, tinged with a hint of lust spent spears of panic deep into Dick's chest even as a crushing wave of defeat attempted to engulf him.

“I'll do whatever you say. Just don't hurt him.”

“You have exactly one hour to arrive at the following address.”

“Just tell me where Slade.” The elder villain laughed quietly as the chip in Dick's ear sparked violently and Dick felt its shape morphing. He could feel it molding to the inner part of his ear and he cried out softly as he felt small wires puncture the skin and within seconds he had fallen to his knees as wave after wave of pain attempted to tear his skull apart. As the pain cleared an address and images of a specific warehouse were present. In desperation Dick reached up to remove the device but Slade's voice stopped him.

“It has integrated with your nervous system. Removing it will cause it to discharge all its energy directly into your eardrum. Attempt to tamper with it in any fashion and it cause you an immense amount of pain and leave you permanently deaf, not to mention completely destroying the inner ear function at the same time. It could even kill you. Think about the consequences before you do something stupid.” Dick forced his hand to drop to his side.

“You have 57 minutes to get to that address Mr. Grayson. I suggest you get moving.” The communicator fell silent and Dick grabbed the room key and his wallet before racing downstairs. He breezed past the startled clerk and ran outside. Just as he got there a taxi pulled up and he barely waited for the couple to get their possessions and pay the man before he was in the car demanding that the man drive him to the address that Slade had given him.


Slade shut down the communications relay and pressed a couple of buttons on the console before him. Immediately a list of vital signs appeared along with a map that displaced Robin's location. If Robin moved quickly he should have just enough time to reach the warehouse Slade had directed him to. A number of his robots were stationed at the warehouse and they would bring the boy to his current location.

The connection between Robin and the archer was deeper than the one between Robin and the rest of his fellow Titans. Slade had received detailed reports of the confrontation between the Titans and the Brotherhood of Evil from Wintergreen. His loyal servant had been present at the battle and was one of the few to escape unnoticed when the tides had turned. It had been obvious to him that Robin's actions meant a far deeper connection between himself and the archer.

He hadn't even realized what the two of them had been up to and he kept an almost constant eye on Robin. All he knew was that Robin would periodically disappear from Titans Tower for the span of a weekend and not be heard from until the end of it. The idea that the boy had been escaping to spend time with a lover had delighted him and he had immediately begun making plans to use the archer against Robin. He would keep the boy close so Robin could see what happened to the other boy when he disobeyed orders. Now that he had the boy however a new way to control his little bird had revealed itself.

Upon coming face to face with the archer for the first time Slade had found himself vaguely attracted to the red-head and the boy's wide green eyes fascinated him. He could see why Robin had been so willing to sacrifice himself to the Brotherhood's control if it meant that the young man's life was spared.

A soft laugh escaped his throat as the Robin's locater chip moved closer to the Central City warehouse district. He checked the timer he had started and saw that Robin had nearly 30 minutes left. The boy would arrive just as he planned and that would leave Slade more than enough time to prepare for the boy's arrival. He transferred the information on the screen so he could access it from the control panel of his gauntlet and left his control center. The red-head needed to be awake when Robin got here.


Roy moaned softly as he awoke. His head ached as he tried to remember exactly what had happened before he had been knocked unconscious. He remembered receiving a voice-mail from Dick telling him that Dick had taken an earlier flight and would meet him at the hotel. Something hadn't been quite right when he got to the hotel but he had pushed the nagging feeling aside and entered their room to find Slade waiting for him. Roy cursed his own stupidity and shivered as he remembered the feeling of the man's breath against the back of his throat. It was the last memory he had before Slade had knocked him unconscious.

A second shiver raced down his spine as he sat up and panic settled in his stomach as he realized that both his shirt and jeans were gone. Thankfully his boxers were still present. He moved to stand but felt something tug on his left ankle as he attempted to move it. He tried to control his panic as he pushed the sheet aside. The sight that greeted him made his stomach turn. I thin silver cuff restrained his ankle and a length of chain connected the cuff to the bed he was lying in.

He sat up and moved to the foot of the bed to inspect the chain and felt his frustration grow when he could not clearly identify how to release the thing from his ankle. The lock had been integrated into the inner part of the cuff and the seams where the two parts locked together was almost non-existent. He wrapped his hands around the chain and pulled, hoping that the deceptively thin metal would be weak enough to break. He had no such luck and after several minutes gave up. Frustrated and more than a little scared his stretched back out on the bed and wrapped the sheet tightly around his body. He wasn't about to give Slade a show if he could help it.

Roy didn't know how long he stayed there before the door to the door slid open. As it did he tensed and cast a desperate glance towards the entranceway. Slade stood silhouetted in the light of the hallway and Roy could feel his fingers trembling slightly where they gripped the sheet. He had no intention of letting the thin cloth go as it was the only thing protecting his nearly naked body from Slade's penetrating stare. Unlike their encounter from earlier in the afternoon Slade had switched his attire from his usual battle armor to slacks and a button down shirt which was mostly open. The only armor he wore was his left arm gauntlet. It looked odd on the man who before this he had only seen in armor.

“I know you are awake.” Roy sat up slowly and pulled the sheet tight against his chest as he did so. He glared at the smirking villain

“What do you want Slade?” He tried to keep his fear out of his voice as he spoke he knew he failed as the man's smirk widened.

“The same thing I've wanted for years Mr. Harper. I want Robin and currently controlling you is the easiest way to control him.” Roy closed his eyes and swallowed as the man spoke.

“Robin won't give do what you want. No matter what you do to me.” Slade laughed quietly as he moved further into the room and Roy found himself unconsciously trying to move away from the man.

“Robin is already on his way and I think you underestimate the lengths that he will go to protect you.” Slade was standing over Roy by this point and Roy tightened his grip on the sheet. He could feel his hands shaking harder as the man leaned down and tipped his chin upward. “You're terrified of me. I can see it in your eyes.” Roy sucked in a shaky breath and tried to turn his face away so he wasn't staring directly into Slade's ice-blue eye. Slade laughed again and released his chin, only to move his hand along the side of Roy's face into the archer's hair.

“Such a pretty boy. My precious bird has such good taste.”

“What are you going to do?” Roy wished he hadn't asked the question as the man laughed and moved his hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. The hand finally rested at the hollow of his throat. Slade looked down at a display on his gauntlet.

“Robin should find this room within 30 minutes. Do you know what I could do to you in that length of time?” Roy felt the trembling which had been largely confined to his hands up until that point spread to the rest of his body. He tried to move away from the man's touch but the cuff around his ankle prevented him from moving more than a foot. “You can't escape.” Roy cried out as Slade's hand left its place at his throat and was lowered to grip his wrist. Slade began prying the fingers of his left hand loose and then forced his arm above his head to secure his wrist to the handcuff that had been worked into the headboard. Slade then repeated the process with Roy's other wrist and looked down at the boy below him.

The sheet had fallen open now that the boy could no longer hold it closed and Slade was able to see the archer's smooth chest and lean muscle. The young man's frame was taunt with tension as he strained against the cuffs that held him in place. Slade knew that they wouldn't break no matter how much he struggled but he didn't feel moved enough to tell the boy such.

Slade took a seat on the edge of the bed and pulled the sheet free so he could see the rest of the boy's body. He barely brushed his fingers against the Roy's stomach and reveled in the soft cry that escaped his captive's throat. Slade looked up to the young man's face and saw that his eyes were wide with fear. The sight brought a smile to Slade's face and he wondered exactly what Robin's reaction would be when the boy wonder found them like this.

He glanced at his gauntlet again, securing the archer had taken only slightly longer than he thought it would and he still had over 20 minutes before Robin would arrive. The GPS that he had built into Robin's new neural interface had indicated to Slade that Robin had arrived at the warehouse with time to spare and his robots were currently en route with Robin in tow. When they arrived they would release the boy and it would be up to Robin to find him.

He turned his attention back to the archer to find that Roy was no longer looking at him. That would not do, what he was doing was as much a lesson to the red-head as it would be to Robin when he arrived. It was an exercise to show just how much control he had over both boys and exactly what lengths he would go to in order to make sure they stayed under his thumb. If Robin wanted to be difficult than he could be but he would endanger his partner in the process.

He stretched out on the bed and moved closer to the young man. Roy stared at him in panic as Slade gripped his chin and leaned down to kiss him. It was a rough kiss and when Roy opened his mouth slightly Slade forced his tongue inside. He could feel the young man trembling uncontrollably as he laced his fingers into Roy's short red-hair. He could literally taste the fear and he could feel the archer's rapid heartbeat as he moved his hand down the red-head's throat. He pulled away to see that Roy had squeezed his eyes shut but despite his attempt to stop them silent tears were coursing down his cheeks anyway.

The sight of the boy completely at his mercy aroused him and he realized that this lesson was going to go much farther than planned if Robin didn't show up soon. Another glance at his display showed that Robin was currently within the compound and was rapidly being herded in their direction via a series of locked doors. It would still take several minutes for the boy to reach them though so Slade proceeded with his plans. He leaned back from Roy and felt the young man relax slightly. Slade quickly fixed that as he ran his fingers through Roy's hair a final time and then slowly started moving his hand down the boy's throat and along the boy's flat stomach. The gentle touch caused Roy to tremble harder and Slade didn't stop until he reached the waistline of Roy's boxers. He slipped his fingers under the edge of the elastic band and smirked when Roy whimpered and became perfectly still. The older man glanced up to see that Roy was watching him, horror, disbelief and fear painted across his face.

Slade stared back at him for a moment and then broke the spell by turning his gaze away from the young man's wide green orbs. His fingers tightened around the elastic and he pulled the fabric down the boy's slim hips. He took a moment to admire the young man before he pulled the fabric past the boy's knees and over the boy's free ankle. Roy tried to kick him as he did so and he grabbed the boy's ankle, twisting it almost to the breaking point and holding it there. The boy thrashed weakly before his struggles diminished and he collapsed back on the bed. Slade finally released his ankle and gently ran his hand upwards along the inner side of Roy's thigh. His hand finally stopped its upward movement and he quickly moved so that he was lying on top of the young man, pinning the boy's legs in the process. Roy's breathing was rushed and ragged as Slade ran his hand down the young man's stomach and teased his navel with his thumb, threatening to move his hand lower as he did so.

He moved his other hand along the young man's hip and he slipped his fingers under Roy's back, moving his hand slowly downward as he did so. Roy whimpered again as Slade's fingers moved lower and he arched upward in an attempt to distance himself from the man's wandering fingers. As he did so he found himself pressed against the man he was trying to shy away from. A sob of desperation escaped him as he realized just how aroused by the situation Slade had become.

“Please don't!” Slade ignored him and moved his hand lower. “Please Slade.” The boy's voice held a little more desperation this time and the he sobbed quietly as he waited for Slade to either stop or continue. Slade considered doing as the boy asked but the decision was taken out of his hands when the door burst open.

“Roy!” Slade could hear the note of genuine panic in Dick's voice as he came face to face with what Slade had been doing to his lover. Slade moved off the boy below him as quickly as possible but he wasn't even sure that the red-head noticed his departure as the boy continued to sob. One look at the furious young man across the room from him and he knew that Dick was not leaving without a fight. Well Slade had been prepared for that and he stood, motioning for the boy to attack him. In the instant that Dick had barged through the door his mood had switched from aroused to deadly serious. He had prepared well for this fight and when it was over he would have both boys more than willing to do whatever he wanted them to.

The young man didn't even stop to think before he ran into the room and launched himself at Slade. It was obvious to Slade that Dick wanted to end this now, Slade had haunted him for too many years and going after Roy was the final straw in Dick's mind. Slade just stood there calmly and waited until Dick leaped into the air before raising his gauntlet and turning a small knob on the control panel. The boy's vitals immediately spiked as electricity surged through the neural interface in Dick's ear.

“Dick!” Slade didn't even bother to look back as Roy cried out. He continued to watch impassively as Dick tumbled to the floor in a shaking heap. He slowly lowered the voltage output of the device so the level was just high enough to leave Grayson incapacitated while he set up the next stage of his plan. He hit another button on the gauntlet which caused a small compartment to open up and he pulled out a second neural implant.

He turned off the device controlling Grayson's neural relay and watched as the boy slowly pushed himself up into an kneeling position. He cleared his throat and Dick looked up him. He held the boy's deeper blue eyes in his singular one and smiled as he held up the second device. The young man's eyes widened in horror but before Dick could react he lowered the device and fitted it into Roy's ear. He had just enough time to push the button to activate it before Dick regained his bearings enough to launch a new attack.

Slade was ready for him and batted him out of the air as though he were a fly. Dick landed in a crouch and spun around just as Roy cried out in pain and bucked against the restraints holding him in place.

“Please Slade. You'll kill him. I'll do whatever you say just turn it off.” Slade could see the tears forming in the young man's eyes and smirked. Dick's words were exactly what he had been waiting to hear. Knowing that Roy could take far less torment he shut the device down. The archer was unconscious as he collapsed against the bed and Dick was on his feet in seconds, running to the archer's side and checking his pulse. Satisfied that Roy was going to live he turned angry and pained filled eyes on Slade.

“What do you want Slade?” Slade laughed quietly.

“The same thing I've always wanted from you Apprentice. I just found a more effective way to get it.” He watched as Dick sank onto the bed beside the unconscious red-head. The dark haired boy stared at his lover with tears in his eyes and ran a gentle hand through Roy's sweat soaked hair.

“Let him go Slade, I'll stay with you. I'll do anything you want just let him go.”

“Not a chance. We've played this game before and we are playing by my rules this time. He stays and if you disobey me he suffers. You saw how far I'm willing to go, next time I'll do much worse than scare him.” He watched in grim satisfaction as the boy's head dropped to his chest and his fists tightened first in anger then slackened in defeat.

“Whatever you want Slade, just don't hurt him again.” Slade smiled and tossed him a key.

“Release his wrists and stay with him until he wakes up. The device has integrated into his nervous system just as yours has. Tamper with it and it can release enough energy to kill him.” Robin nodded as Slade swept out of the room. His hands shook as he released the cuffs around Roy's wrists and gently pulled the other boy's boxers over his hips. He was relieved to see that Slade hadn't actually hurt the other boy, however he had no idea what had happened between the two of them and not knowing disturbed him.

He ran his hand through Roy's hair a second time and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down his cheeks. It was his fault that Roy was in this situation and he vowed that he would get them out of it. With a sigh he scrubbed the renegade tears from his face and curled up against Roy's side, pulling the sheet around them as he did so.

Catch you guys later.

Coldfire out.

cartoon: teen titans, fan fic, slash

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