Пермяк солены уши

Aug 21, 2021 09:23

Изя Шамир цитирует Анатоля Ливена а тот цитирует Ибн Хальдуна.

The very nature of their [the Bedouins’] existence is the negation of building, which is the basis of civilization … Furthermore, it is in their nature to plunder whatever other people possess. Their sustenance lies wherever the shadow of their lances falls … When they acquire superiority and royal authority, they have complete power to plunder as they please. There no longer exists any political power to protect property, and civilisation is ruined … Furthermore, every Bedouin is anxious to be the leader … There are numerous authorities and amirs among them. Their subjects have to pay taxes to many different masters. Civilisation decays and is wiped out.17

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