Title:Accidents, Pure
Fandom: Supernatural, as requested.
Written for:
poisontaster in exchange for my Helo drabble. *dreamy*
Wordcount: 200 words
Rating: R
It was a tight squeeze but if they held their breath, they could fit in the small space and maybe, just maybe, the homicidal spirit wouldn’t realize they were there.
Dean felt Sam’s lips twist and ghost over his; a pure accident. A sharp intake of breath; was it Dean’s or Sam’s? Dean shifted. Sam shifted. They writhed together, both uneasy and quiet.
Say it wasn’t life or death, Dean thought, letting his mind spin out into different realities. He watched Star Trek as a kid, he had an eight grade course in physics and he had a healthy dose of practice with a little game called, what if?
In his mind, he was pulling Sam in by the belt loop, the exact place where his finger was now crooked. In his mind, Sam came willingly and didn’t say what the fuck? In his mind, there was no local bar, full of pretty young things willing to whisper his name before they swallowed his cock. In his mind, the dark shiny hair down below him was Sam’s.
In Dean’s mind, there were no accidents. Not really.
“It’s gone,” Sam whispered. “Let’s go.”
“Yeah,” Dean said, his voice returning. “It’s gone.”