Oh look, another post

Oct 29, 2015 13:23

I'm writing a post. I need to write something, just to be writing. I'm working on deadlines and that's ... good, but I'm also so damn distracted. I feel overwhelmed by the housework. As one does when one has other things one ought to be doing. I think this is part of life -- being overwhelmed by daily tasks.

People who know me, know already. But my father passed away. No in depth details here, but it was sudden, a quick but brutal cancer, and my summer was consumed with this -- associated worry, and much time spent in California being there for my mom and dad and brother. Everything was turned on its head and things that were once important became specks on the horizon.

I joined the Small Fandom Exchange and have I written my fic yet? No. No, I have not. But I have two days and remember, I work better under deadline. *snerk snerk*

I'm tempted to write about my dating/sex life, as it's oftentimes HILARIOUS and weird, and sometimes even awful, but I don't have the energy right now. Needless to say. Some men are horrid and weird and totally out of touch with themselves and have no sense of propriety. I want to shout at them "feminism! Look it up! What you're saying is not cool!"

How are you all? Is anyone out there? <3

If you wanted to,you could read this entry on Dreamwidth too, friend me there, or you know, bake a cake. Whatever you like. (
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