Snippets of stuff from a former life.

Sep 30, 2015 14:57

You know when you're going through old papers because the cats peed on them, and you're very visibly downsizing and clearing out your home and you come across pages and pages of neatly written fan-smut?

Yeah, that's it. That's the sort of day I'm having. Feels good to throw things out, but I wonder where that writer-person went.

Also, why did I record these snippets? ...

David Remnick on Wilson and Nabakov, 11-07-05 The New Yorker
"Wilson was bemused by many of Nabakov's literary judgments, his disdain for Mann's 'asinine' Death in Venice, Pasternak's 'vilely written' Dr. Zhivago, Faulkner's 'corncobby chronicles' -- anything that smacked of journalese, local color, big ideas, or political propaganda."

you're never more
than 2x4
on a two dimensional plane
still i worship you
after that one time
i saw you after hours in the rain
let's not quantify it
it's neither here nor there
i don't hold a grudge
i promise not to touch
if you'll only let me stare

"If it happens every day it must be written about every day." -Samantha Power, Genocide, Atrocity, Rape

"So today we're faced with a terrible paradox; modern technology allows us to witness remote large-scale suffering but our minds simply lack the capability to comprehend it." -Narrator, Reporter

... and so on. It seems that I was obsessed with certain ideas and did I even write that poem thing? I always try to remind myself about what I'm writing, but sometimes I don't. Most of what I found was Rodney/John stuff from the SGA days. Hardly compelling reading now, but I was sure passionate about it.

That's it for now.

If you wanted to,you could read this entry on Dreamwidth too, friend me there, or you know, bake a cake. Whatever you like. (

randomalia, what to expect when you're alive

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