Update on The Brit: attempt to be "friends," texting, some warmth, some weirdness... mostly fucked up shit that I shall cease blabbing about because it's complicated and hard and sometimes good but mostly just bad for me probably and I deserve better... SIGH.
So, would you like to hear more dating stories? YOU WOULD? Ha ha.
I hit up this guy on OKCupid who said up front that he was bisexual and polyamorous. I liked his profile. His ideal would be a closed loop relationship with a man and a woman. Think about it -- fanfic come to life! Me and TWO men. Maybe two men could make one actual man, since the men I've had in my life recently are basically half-men. *snarky snark snark*
Anyway, we met and he is a really lovely guy, very intelligent, well-traveled, free spirit but down to earth. Let us call him Tiq (add an a to the beginning and that's his name) -- since he converted to Sufism at some point and lived in tents in Hawaii or some such. I'm still curious as to what his original name is. He's a Chicago-born Brooklyn-raised Jew but lived in Hawaii and Sinai and Egypt and now takes care of his mother in Fort Greene. He is working on a documentary about the shooting of 16 year old Kimani Gray by police and the protests that followed (timely, no?).
http://kimanifilm.com if you're interested.
He thinks his next journey will be to move to Costa Rica. He can make money anywhere by doing massage off the books. Fascinating? Yep. He's also really sweet. He's affectionate! We went hiking upstate, and that was nice. No sex yet, but it's a possibility. It was also amusing to be at a bar and the both of us were surreptitiously -- then openly -- checking out other guys. Unfortunately we don't have the same taste.
Anyway, he's been gone for over a week to see another girl in GA but is back today. Will keep you apprised.
I had this other date last week that was the polar opposite of Tiq. Tiq was part of Occupy Wall Street, etc., and this guy is a former Marine who fought in Bosnia and Iraq and watches Fox News. We differed on many things, the Ferguson case, for one. I mentioned my cats and he said "I HATE cats." I said, "didn't you read my PROFILE?" He said "no one reads profiles." UM YES THEY DO. He asked about my favorite movies (also on my profile) and so I showed him my list which is in my phone. He scrolled through saying "that sucked, didn't see that, that sucked, that sounds lame," which took me aback a bit. Date much?
We kept drinking because a) I was trying to forget about The Brit and b) I had to with this guy or I might have punched him and he was much bigger than me. I didn't call it quits early because I was kind of intrigued by his war stories. He was in Tikrit. So he got shot in Bosnia twice and seven times in Iraq just before being blown up by an IED. He was six weeks in a coma and woke up in Germany trying to kill his nurse. He has scars on his face and has had reconstructive surgery. He's not an idiot, but only graduated high school and has had no relationships to speak of because he's been like, doing wars and stuff. He said "does it bother you that I've killed people? They were really bad people." And "I'm really good at decimating villages." And "I have nightmares so if we sleep together I hope I don't wake up and kill you." Ha ha, what lolz.
He wanted to come in, he wanted to do me badly, and I was like "noooooo, please get your hands out of my pants. Seriously, get them out. I have cats remember? You hate them...." Etc. At the time I was buzzed and didn't mind the games and weirdness because it was better than sitting at home crying about The Brit. But I woke up early in the morning feeling hungover, vomiting and really really disgusted at the idea of such a bizarre, overall unpleasant date. Overnight he had sent me two links: one to a Ferguson thing which I didn't read, and another article called "Why You Should Always Sleep with Someone on a First Date." WHO DOES THAT?
Haven't heard from him since thank fuck.
DEAR OKCUPID DUDES: do not write "how r u i am mike" okay? Do not ask for my phone number and then text me once. Do not ask for my phone number and then sext me. Don't say your favorite movie is The Notebook. Seriously.
If you wanted to,
you could read this entry on Dreamwidth too, friend me there, or you know, bake a cake. Whatever you like. (