Oh look a post

Oct 06, 2014 13:51

Well, things aren't going great at the moment. Seasonal shift, I think that's hard on me. Physically and mentally. Mentally I've been feeling strained, like I might be losing some of the ground I gained. I still don't have a job (freelance or part-time only, nothing crazy), and The Brit is settled in Buffalo so all that fun stuff has come to a halt.

I'll just share with you my maudlin thoughts from yesterday (I know, you're excited right?). It was a gorgeous fall day and I was feeling like crawling into a hole. I racked my brain for people I could hit up on a moment's notice to do something with. Nada. The day before - Saturday - I had ample opportunity to spend time with pals right and left but I had an early shark week and was carved out, cut up, drawn and quartered. So it's Sunday and I'm crouched inside my Manhattan cave feeling alone and miserable. Then I make the mistake of going on Facebook. NOooooo. Pictures of people apple picking, for chrissakes. Couples declaring their love for one another. People talking about RUNNING.

What am I doing with my life. Why didn't I pick the white picket fence life. What do I think I'm contributing to society. Why do I choose men who can't emotionally engage or fully commit. Why can't I manage my money. Why am I so tired all the time and can't sleep at night. Why can't I focus on something useful.

ETC! You know the drill. Do not pass go do not collect 300 dollars.

How is your fall going?

If you wanted to,you could read this entry on Dreamwidth too, friend me there, or you know, bake a cake. Whatever you like. (

maudlin me, you're deficient, anxiety, depression, what to expect when you're alive

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