I remember when I had over 100 icons..

Aug 18, 2014 02:23

...apropos of nothing!

I'm in California now. With the parental units. The brother, sister-in-law and niece came for the weekend and HOLY TOLEDO BATCAKES I am glad I did not want children. Niece is 8, and I love her to bits, but she's an only child who needs constant attention and will not hesitate to resort to excessive badgering, manipulation and cattiness when she doesn't get what she wants.

Still love her, though. And everyone says she looks like me, so I feel I have a "mini-me" for the ego, should it require that sort of thing. She could not be more polar opposite than I was - personality-wise - as a child.

The temporary goodbye with The Brit went well. My therapist helped, and set up goals and boundaries for us -- suggesting that we remain monogamous and supportive of each other now, with the understanding that we will revisit it as an evolving relationship in about a month. I will visit him (in Buffalo ffs!) in late September. We have both been feeling a lot of 'love and miss you' genuine happy feelings so far. I have no idea what will happen. Huge bummer: no sex for a bit, just as we were hitting our stride.

Dreamwidth Question: can you only insert images that have a URL? No direct uploading from your computer? :P

If you wanted to,you could read this entry on Dreamwidth too, friend me there, or you know, bake a cake. Whatever you like. (

the brit, ask the f-list, zoe, californication, buffalo blues, no sex please we're british, what to expect when you're alive

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