Drive by from Israel

Mar 15, 2013 00:29

Some of you know I'm in Israel but some of you don't so forgive the assumptions and repetitions herein.

I'm in Israel, visiting the in-laws. Most of my in-laws do not speak English, and I don't speak Hebrew, so a lot of my time is spent with my face politely schooled, staring at an object on the wall, while discussions are held around me. This isn't as bad as it sounds, as this is the third extended Israel visit and yada yada, you get used to things.

Mr A's brothers (five of them) are all in various states of anger, depression, illness, trouble and general idiocy. The oldest whom we saw last week went back to his home in Amsterdam and his friends, with out blessing, put him in the hospital. He is HIV+ and had not been taking his medicine for years. Nor was he eating, only drinking coffee and smoking. Idiot. No one from his family confronted him on this issue so Mr A was beside himself. His parents then agreed that Mr A could bring up to speed the two brothers who never knew about the HIV for OH ELEVEN YEARS NOW. It's not Mr A's fault, it's the parents' who are deeply ashamed of HIV/AIDS in their family. But now these two brothers are angry with Mr A and yada yada SUCH DRAMA. There are divorces, alcoholics, abuse and all kinds of the usual ruckus one finds in any family... but there are children involved who are suffering greatly.

That is where I am most upset - the kids. They're not my kids, I don't live here, and I'm a little puzzled as to what I could do to help - nothing feels like nothing, ya know?

Today was my 10th Anniversary with Mr A (who else?). We have had a terrible year and divorce has been on my mind for a while. Our time away has been really good, though, with me feeling better (more on that) and him feeling better. A break from work has been good for the HEAD CHEF let's face it. We've been mostly good to each other and he has been grateful to me for all the stuff I have to put up with with the language barrier and family problems... and I'm not that bothered, but it's nice to have that acknowledged anyway.

Today we went to Jerusalem with his great friend Boaz, who is a man among mice here in this country. A great guy, really. We walked through the Arab markets, the Armenian quarter, went to the Western Wall, went on a tour of the tunnels beneath the Western Wall (unbelievably cool) and tromped through the shops to King David's Gate and out. We stopped at Abu Ghosh, a well-known Arab restaurant and stuffed our faces.

Everytime I swear I will never eat hummous again, I find the Best Hummous Ever and therefore must eat it. It's a vicious hummous cycle.

More soon... I miss you guys... I am dedicated to fandom never fear - this traveling business must end!

what happens when you're alive, israel, chef hubby, live to eat

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