The Week in Review (long post is long)

Dec 16, 2011 14:52

I got out of bed on occasion this week. So that was good. I was out of bed a lot, actually, and keeping fairly busy. Tis the season or what. I THINK I am feeling better, but let's not jinx it, shall we?

- It was time to start eating healthy, I guess, so the enforced dietary changes are for the good even though I want to wail at the sky whenever I see cupcakes or pizza. I'll never be THAT person, that loves eating roots and berries and nuts and grass. I am a foodie, I'm married to a CHEF. But. I feel happy when I occasionally find something delicious that doesn't stray outside of the restrictions.
- I haven't lost any weight according to the scale, but according to people who see me and according to myself, I have totally lost weight. If it's happening in my head, so much the better, the scale can go hang.
- My therapist rules. Since he's a Rabbi, he does a great job with Mr. A when we have our three-way chats. They speak a little Hebrew and magically Mr. A is a better husband. Seriously, my therapist is a magician.

- I miss food.
- I can't seem to set aside time to sort out this massive supplement undertaking. Plus, it takes forever to sort them out and take them and ugh.
- I can't seem to concentrate on work and my anxiety is still pretty high. The last two times I took an anti-anxiety pill while at work I had to crawl under my desk to lay down.

Monday night I went to the red carpet premiere of We Bought A Zoo. I did not expect to like it, it's not my kind of movie. But I loved it. It was really well-written, the maudlin bits were handled well, Matt Damon is a nifty actor, and they had Scarlett Johanssen looking natural as a zoo keeper instead of ridiculously made up. All the kids were cute and did a great job. From a distance I saw Matt Damon, but I got a closer look at Thomas Hayden Church, Patrick Fugit (with bombshell girlfriend Megalyn Echikunwoke, who some may recognize from "The 4400", ScarJo, with the strangest hairdo in history, Cameron Crowe, Jonsi (quite close to Jonsi but didn't know who he was until later), Elle Fanning and this little cutie, who we told "you were the best part of the movie!" She politely said 'thank you,' and smiled the cutest smile.

Wednesday I went to a company gathering for a friend of mine who is moving to Rome. Yes, I am terribly jealous, but he deserves this huge change in his life and I can visit him anytime. He just got back from a three-month assignment in Nairobi, and he was reinvigorated by that. It makes me wish I was eligible for field work, and partly I also wish that I wasn't married and the parent of so many furry faces. Because I would LOVE to be in Africa on a mission. Anyway. This is a story he wrote about another colleague who jumped into a situation and helped save a child's life. That sort of thing would really make this job real.

I was about to leave the party when I started talking to this Irish guy, a friend of another colleague (who is about to leave for a post in the Central African Republic!). He was really fascinating, down-to-earth and so I stayed and kept on drinking (like I do). Don't worry, dear readers, I will always be faithful to that man I married, but it was really great to chat with someone intelligent and to feel attracted and attractive. I doubt anyone else would have found him as attractive as I did, but I have weird tastes. I also like Irish, British and Scottish accents, not to mention Aussie, New Zealand, South African accents. But not French. Nope.

Speaking of the man I married - I am not supposed to say anything or get excited or even THINK about it - yet - but he is going to be Chef de Cuisine (head chef) at the restaurant in the new year. The current CdC is going on to open other restaurants in the same style and so this one will be his. It's... huge. It's so huge. I just have to tell someone! Shhh.

I think I'll skip the office party today. I'm just not in the mood. They have some sort of weird multi-ethnic performance things, and the booze is always the cheapest kind. Yuck.

cinema, work, drinking, chef hubby, eat your vegetables, crushing, what to expect when you're alive

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