Rebecca Black get out of my head. It's only Tuesday.

Apr 26, 2011 12:57

Today is a better day. Mr. A and I had a talk, during which he mostly sulked and was uncommunicative. And yet somehow we had a breakthrough. GOD I hate being the adult. *I* want to pout and kick and be tantrum-y but I have to be reasonable and stuff. But I did get him to agree to get his shit together. We'll see how that goes.

In two days, I HAVE A MONA. monanotlisa and her darling sister will be crashing with me in the Cat House. We'll sing, we'll dance, we'll drink. Should be epic. I plan to introduce her to some NYC fangirls at the Maritime this Friday. If you live in the area - give me a shout and come on out.

Interesting article: What Books Will Become. "There is an experimental type of reading called Rapid Serial Visual Presentation that uses a screen only one word wide. Your eye remains stationary, fixed on one word, which replaces itself with the next word in the text, and then the one after that. So your eye reads a sequence of words "behind" one another rather than in a long line next to one another. "

And: "Prototype face tracking software can already recognize your mood, and whether you are paying attention, and more importantly where on the screen you are paying attention. It can map whether you are confused by a passage, or delighted, or bored. That means that the text could adapt to how it is perceived. Perhaps it expands into more detail, or shrinks during speed reading, or changes vocabulary when you struggle, or reacts in a hundred possible ways."

Link me to your Doctor Who reviews, please!!! I want to join the general squee and glee. Because it's COOL.

chef hubby, doctor who, what to expect when you're alive

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