I have Lady Gaga earworms.

Mar 17, 2010 23:30


But yay, no more Job from Hell. I am so so so happy to have walked out of that place, dry eyed and professional to the end. They didn't break me.

But I'm jobless. Cover letters really take a lot out of a person, you know? That's my biggest weakness, the cover letter. I can't fucking write them without thinking how LAME I sound and how unqualified for the job I am.

I am trying to reconnect with myself. It felt like for those two months in that job I completely forgot about ME. What I like, what I enjoy, my imagination. That all sort of disappeared. It has been great to get back into the cat rescue stuff -- two adoptions recently! It's a real relief to be back with the people from my group, working at adoption events, going to meetings, and feeling like I can focus on that again.

I also need to reconnect with fandom. That's a bit harder because I don't know what I like anymore! I've been rereading a lot of stuff from the piles of printouts I have so I can recycle and get organized. Remember how AMAZING the SGA stuff was? I cannot believe the output (massive) and the talent (massive). Freaking impressive, all of you.

I guess I'm working on a White Collar fic. Not obsessively or anything. I think I'm put off just a bit by the pedestrian one-shot case episodes that make up the show. Even though the LOVE cannot be denied. I think I need recs to the good stuff, if you've got 'em, and I'm more interested in Elizabeth as silent partner - enabler or voyeur - but I wouldn't object to OT3.

And where is my Merlin love? I can't seem to get in a groove with that, but I miss it. I'm just not intrepid enough to wade through the comms. Where are my fannish hip waders when I need them?!

What are you guys interested in these days? (Oh, pipe down you Adam Lambert fans! Not really.)

what to expect when you're alive

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