Congratulations, LiveJournal.

Sep 01, 2010 16:47

Well done. Truly. I finally figured out how to quit you.

I just turned off my automatic payments and have no intention of giving LJ another cent ever again. I'll crosspost personal things for a while, since at this point, RL people are the only ones who don't have Dreamwidth accounts, but comments (as you can see) won't be open on LJ, and all fannish posts will be exclusively on DW.

I have a bunch of invite codes for anyone who wants to leave LJ and its just shoddy business practices behind, and I'd be happy to ask for more if I run out.

Seriously, guys, management over here kicks all kinds of ass, and it's just better.

ETA: I've also frozen all comments on my LJ until LJ comes up with a solution that lets me keep people from crossposting. Everything that's on LJ has been imported over to DW (along with several other journals from long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, hint hint!), so if there's something you're looking for/looking to comment and find you can't, feel free use this post to ask where it is over here.

Crossposted from Dreamwidth -- read comments.
(Please comment there using OpenID.)


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