Memes make the world go 'round...

Jul 23, 2010 10:58

Okay, with the sleeping habits of my friends, I really should've posted this last night so that I'd have something to do during this epic day of sitting at the dealership waiting to give Honda a whole fuckload of my credit line, but hey, I'll give these memes from
jamapanama a shot anyway. (It's not like I'm actually any good at delivering on writing memes in the first place... :P)

Do one, do both, do neither. The second one's more likely to get a response than the first, but hey, I'll take a crack at just about anything. (I am bored and getting antsy. This is a truly bad combination for a public place, so, distract me.)

1. Remember the 101 Kinks thing from back in the wintertimes? If you give me characters (gen or a pairing or tripling or anything), just in general or from one of the universes I write, and one of your personal kinks (or mine, if you'd like), I will write you a little something. Like the 101 Kinks, it doesn't have to be a sexual thing. I can be about doing laundry if you want.

2. Ask me anything about any character, relationship, or universe I write (from demanding a hand-drawn map of Stephen's room in that ancient HS thing I wrote, to three paragraphs on whether I think Ana likes jelly beans) and I will answer to the best of my abilities.

writing, meme

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