Ahem. Attention, if you please?

Jun 22, 2010 17:26

I, for one, do not share
sarken's ambivalence about announcing
thosestoriesplus. In fact, I'm pretty damn excited about it.

For those of you who've seen me snark on Twitter, my frustration with the frequent...shall we say "clubbiness" of fakenews_fanfic is pretty well-known. I mean, while the community's not unfriendly to the real news world, it's understandable that a community originally designed as a home for fake news fandom would have, you know, fake news as the focus of most of its postings, comments, members, et al. But that same focus has left some of us who love real news as much as (or more than) fake news feeling a little cold. And as the fandom's grown, its increase in size has created not a little bit of friction in what should be a happy, safe place for all, but especially the people who came to a fake news community expecting to find fake news fandom.

That's where
thosestoriesplus comes in.

Simply put, I see
thosestoriesplus as the real news counterpart/complement to fakenews_fanfic. It's not by any means intended to replace it; it's just a place for real news-specific discussion & fanworks to live and breathe. When I first went looking for real news fandom, it was almost impossible to find -- and, personally, without
oxoniensis' porn battles, it never would've occurred to me to look to fake news fandom to find it. So all we're really trying to do is make a home that can be found more easily by writers, artists, vidders, podficcers, meta'ers, reccers, snarkers, lurkers, and whatever-else-people-are-doing-that-I-can't-think-of-right-now'ers.

If this interests you, stop by and say hello. Our (mostly standard but very flexible) policies're up for your viewing pleasure, and we're taking a poll to hammer out a few logistical things. If you don't like what you see, comment and tell us why -- there's almost nothing set in stone right now, and the more input we get, the better.

Finally (and only slightly pathetically), if you like what you see, pimp it. I know there are dark little corners of the internet I'm missing out on where there're awesome fangirls and boys making awesome things, and (to quote an unfortunately bad action movie anthem,) I don't want to miss a thing.

Thanks for reading. We now return you to our regularly scheduled...hell, IDEK what channel I'm on anymore. So here, have some dykey KStew and the cutest kitteh EVAR to tide you over until I figure it out.

ETA 06.23, 00.30: We've syndicated the feed on LJ, too, for people who spend most of their time on LJ but don't want to miss out. You can friend it at thosestories_dw.

fandom, things that really really rock., fandom: pundits

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