101 Fic Kinks. (Oh, lordy.)

Feb 07, 2010 21:05

Everyone and their brother has now done a fic kink list, so uh, here's mine.

  1. Well-copyedited stories. I know it's silly and superficial and totally anal-retentive picky, and would hopefully not need to be said, but the easiest and fastest way to my heart is to proofread your fic (then proofread it again).

  2. Stories about waking up.

  3. Characters spending the day in bed.

  4. Girls in button-down shirts (and nothing else).

  5. Girls in boys' underwear.

  6. Women in men's clothing, period.

  7. Ties (on anyone).

  8. Handcuffs/chains, especially if they rattle.

  9. Knives. Preferably not with actual like, life-threatening action, but as dragged across skin and tiny slightly bleeding cuts as in knifeplay? Guh.

  10. Guns, and women who carry them. Not actually using them (because that's less guh than it is scary), but carrying them is kind of beyond lovely.

  11. Collars. Of any & all kinds.

  12. Spanking, especially when it doesn't lead to sex.

  13. Fingernails.

  14. Wallsex.

  15. Characters talking over each other.

  16. Or finishing each others sentences.

  17. A character's facility with his/her hands, in any (all) ways.

  18. Sentences whose construct matches their content. For example, when a writer uses a long, winding sentence in building up to a climax (not just sexual). (There's a literary term for it, I know there is, but of course it won't come to me right now...even though gah, this is a HUGE fic kink for me.)

  19. Short skirt, long jacket.

  20. Characters who don't let people in easily.

  21. Gestures. Big, small, whatever. I love actions taken for another person.

  22. Stories about trust.

  23. Stuttering, stumbling confessions. (Emotional, guilt-ridden -- you name it, I love it.)

  24. Sex being a huge issue, even when it's happening.

  25. The relationship part of inappropriate (sexual) relationships.

  26. Snark and banter, especially as foreplay.

  27. Realistic depictions of age. (See also: #keefjr)

  28. Stories that start happy and end not.

  29. Stories that start certain and end either not, or unhappy.

  30. Hands in hair, for whatever reason.

  31. Cocktails. Drinking, making, all of the rituals associated with it.

  32. Getting and being high. (Most preferably weed, but other drugs work.)

  33. Female characters who wear sneakers or stompy boots.

  34. Female characters in baggy pants.

  35. A passionate conversation.

  36. A dispassionate argument, especially one leading to breakup.

  37. Fetishization of skin, by the character or the writer.

  38. Long, lingering descriptions of any body part, actually.

  39. Bruises, physical, both the good and bad kinds.

  40. Giggling, especially by characters you wouldn't expect

  41. Five Things stories. (Especially if there's a sixth of the opposite.) Seriously, I love me a well-written five things story.

  42. Characters out of their element.

  43. Unrequited love, but only when both parties know about it.

  44. When the obvious goes without saying.

  45. Stories about coping with loss.

  46. Characters trying to cope with loss and failing.

  47. Characters spiraling out of control.

  48. Characters spiraling and taking other characters with them.

  49. Road trip stories.

  50. Sharing a hotel room.

  51. Sleeping together, without sex.

  52. One character walking away from another without a word.

  53. When one person keeps his/her internal struggle/conflict so well-hidden, the people around him/her genuinely don't know anything's wrong. (And not due to their own obliviousness.)

  54. Conversations that are really about something else.

  55. Non-simultaneous orgasms.

  56. Characters reminiscing. "Do you remember that time we..."

  57. Quiet conversations in the middle of a loud party/bar/club. (Especially if they're flirty/just plain dirty.)

  58. A character slipping away after sex. (Getting a drink of water, going to the bathroom, making food, leaving all together, whatever.)

  59. Characters puttering around the kitchen.

  60. Characters puttering around barefoot.

  61. Stories about one character fulfilling a fantasy of the other, especially if something goes wrong.

  62. Clavicles.

  63. Hips.

  64. Pegging.

  65. Girls with strap-ons. Just -- guh.

  66. Darkness. The literal kind, but mostly when it's also serving as a metaphor.

  67. Have I mentioned genderplay yet? Because seriously, subverting gender stereotypes/"norms"? Guh.

  68. Queer het, especially non-sexual.

  69. Threesomes/moresomes, especially the relationship parts.

  70. Flirting in public, through double entendres that keep the people around you from realizing it's genuine flirting.

  71. Teasing, especially in public.

  72. Hidden talents of any kind.

  73. Pouting. (Good lord, pouting.) Especially on boys.

  74. Stories set in Manhattan.

  75. Stories set in the middle of nowhere.

  76. Fingers tracing lips. (Holy guh, seriously.)

  77. Girl-on-girl flirting. Especially if it doesn't actually lead to sex.

  78. Characters watching the sun rise or set together.

  79. Characters doing things unconsciously when drunk that they wouldn't do sober. (i.e., hair twirling, trailing nails across skin, etc.)

  80. Characters fidgeting/playing with accessories. (i.e. glasses, jewelry, etc.)

  81. Bare legs. Especially when they're long and not entirely smooth.

  82. Women who don't wear bras.

  83. Clothes that don't fit quite right/don't belong to the character.

  84. Extreme temperatures. Either where layers have to be removed, or where characters have to cuddle together for warmth, even if non-sexual.

  85. Blushing. Uh. Just sayin'. (No reason. Really. *does not blush*)

  86. Breakfast in bed, especially when the characters aren't in a romantic relationship. (Okay, but, when they are, too.)

  87. Scenes à faire. The everyday, mundane things that happen in life.

  88. Stories about special occasions. Especially when both parties are nervous and awkward and want everything to be perfect (but then it's not and that's okay).

  89. Characters' hands in pockets. Theirs or someone else's; standing casually or shoved in there, angry or dejected or defeated or whatever else.

  90. Weather that doesn't match what's happening in the story. For example, the sun streaming through the window while a woman is telling her boyfriend she cheated on him.

  91. Changing seasons.

  92. Morning rituals.

  93. Characters that are brilliant, and awkward about it.

  94. Short first sentences. (For example, "It started with a chair.")

  95. Stories set in the workplace. Gen or shippy, doesn't matter.

  96. Desks.

  97. Characters getting his/her/their ass kicked for doing the right thing.

  98. Walking in winter. Shivering.

  99. Long, comfortable friendships that still aren't easy, still take work.

  100. Stories about sadness, longing, regret.

  101. Stories about love. Young love, friendship love, family love (especially chosen families), romantic love. Just...love.

So, uh, there you have it. Hope it was worth the wait. (LOL)

fandom, writing, meme, lists!

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