A meme, and a clip everyone on earth should watch.

Jan 09, 2010 11:23

I actually have a lot of things I should journal about, but I'm trying to bury my head in the sand and pretend like they're not there. So instead you get memes and video clips. I'm sorry, except for how I'm not.

melliyna and orbitaldiamonds both posted this meme again at about the same time, and I, being a sucker, went ahead and commented. So.

Leave me a comment saying "Resistance is Futile."
I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can satisfy my curiosity
Update your journal with the answers to the questions
Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.

orbitaldiamonds asked:
1. How're things going lately?
That sort of depends on how you define things and lately. ;) My holidays were good, I had awesome times at the end of '09 and the beginning of this week. Then I came back from visiting my friends in Florida, and the past few days descended into an emotional shitstorm the likes of which I haven't seen in a really, really long time. So...yeah, IDK. :)

2. Where are you from originally, and where do you live now?
I was born in the Berkshires, grew up in Fairfield County, CT and am now in Rockland County, NY. College was back in Western MA, moved to Florida (a few times) for a while after that, but I've spent most of my life in the Metro NYC area.

3. Are you in school, and if so, what are you studying?
I finished up my bachelor's almost 8 years ago now, but went back to school this past September to get an undergrad certificate in Arts Management. I'm a little less than halfway through the one-year (5 course) program. (Most people do it in 3 semesters. I'm considerably crazier than most people.)

4. If you could live anywhere, where would it be?
That is a very, very good question. I would love to live in Canada for a while. Some days, I'd kill to move back to Western MA and live in its beautiful mountains and valleys again. Others, I'd die to move back to Florida where my nearest and dearest are. Still others, I can't see myself ever leaving the city. So...yeah. We're kinda working on that one. ;)

5. What do you like best about your fandoms?
The people, hands down. Both the people I fangirl and the people in my little corners of the interwebs. In pundit fandom, I've found a level of thoughtfulness, articulateness and intellect I was afraid didn't actually exist anymore, and I love everyone for it. I have a love/hate relationship with the fact that my fandom gets new canon every single day (love because dude, who wouldn't love that much production, and hate, because a girl's gotta sleep, eat & hold down a job, lol). I do fangirl a lot of other things, but I'm not really involved in other fandoms, and the people are pretty much why. Y'all've spoiled me for other fandoms. ;)

melliyna asked:
1. Absolute favourite comfort food
This is a toss up between mac & cheese and my mom's pancakes. There aren't a lot of things mac & cheese can't fix, and just about any mac & cheese from anywhere has that comfort food feeling. But man, my mom's pancakes can make anything on earth better. (It's not that they're that good, it's just...you know, it's Mom, and it's pancakes. And now matter how I may feel about my mom a lot of the time, that "being taken care of" feeling when she's actually doing Mom things? I can't really shake that. IDK.)

2. Okay, arts policies - what is your major passion there?
Gaaaaaah. Well. Some background, for the folks playing at home. I spent most of my youth performing (playing clarinet) at really serious, competitive levels. And when I was 12, I thought that was what I was going to do with the rest of my life. But then high school rolled around, and I burned out pretty much completely. I was absolutely determined never to play again, and except for my senior year of college, when I desperately needed easy credits in order to graduate on time, I haven't. But when I got to college, my plan of majoring in comp sci and never studying music again was thwarted by both a teacher that didn't like that I was smarter than her and, ironically, my own burnout. So I shifted gears, started studying music history & musicology, and ended up majoring in music after all.

Then I graduated and threw my whole life to hell again. ;) I have, over the past *mumble* years, considered going back to school to study media studies, law, writing, LGBT studies, music education, musicology, and yes, even performance again. But I don't hate my job, and I'm trying this thing where I'm pragmatic for once, so I started looking into arts management (it's basically where business and the arts intersect -- arts managers/admins are the people who run the organizations that produce the art: orchestras, Broadway theatres, museums, the unions that performers belong to, lobbying agencies for the arts, foundations that fund the arts, the NEA & state councils for the arts, etc). Applied to grad school & was rejected, but then I found this certificate program at a really good state school and started taking the classes. As you may recall from my weekly whining about Wednesday class, I ended up hating the marketing class I'd expected to love, and loving the intro class I had signed up for only because it was required for the certificate. The intro class helped to focus my interests (as much as they ever can be, anyway, LOL), and here we are.

I do know that that wasn't really the question, though. ;) My passion...that's hard to put into words. I've loved the arts for a long, long time, but my interest in policy and government and all of that are fairly recent. What I do know is that the idea of spending the rest of my life making sure that the arts doesn't get eviscerated by political interests is, right now, the absolute best idea I can come up with. I know I'm more interested in the theory than the business side of it; therefore, arts/cultural policy wins. :) That said, I'll probably end up going to graduate school for arts admin/management, and just focusing more on the policy side of things rather than the business side. The Columbia program that awesome prof attended and has been pushing seems to be more theoretical than practical, so no matter how much I know my parents'd rather I do something practical, I'm leaning heavily towards applying. We shall see.

3. Favourite book from your childhood?
Probably the Ramona books. I read a LOT when I was like, six and seven, but then I got a TV and from that point on mostly just read in cars. Most of what I read then was verging on trashy: Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley Twins. I haaaaaated "classic" books when I was a kid (my mom tried so many times to get me to read The Little Princess and I rejected it every time), and as a result there're a lot of books I just haven't read. But Ramona, she was my hero.

4. How did you discover Rachel?
It was kind of a confluence of unrelated things that got me into her. My amazing aunt mentioned her one day, and then the next day someone in a different fandom journalled about her, and then the day after that I heard about the TV show somewhere...and it was election season and I'd already been waaaaay more invested in this election than I'd ever been, and so I tuned in. It was love at first sight.

5. What drew you to twitter?
It's kind of the same way I got into pundit fandom, actually. I'd had a Twitter account, but I hadn't used it in a long time because no one I knew was on it. My BFF and I had been fangirling Rach for a while, a month or two. (Semi-embarassing-but-always-awesome case in point? Here. ;D) And we had actually been pretty much im-commentarying it, the way we all do on Twitter but in IM, even with sort-of hashtags. (We called it "Cleavage Watch '08." It was awesome.) And then it was time for
oxoniensis' porn battle again, and there was a Rachel/Ellen Page prompt that I got way too excited about, and then I started looking and found there were people who were prompting and writing Rachel, and then I found FNFF, and then I found Twitter. I got up the nerve to follow and tweet at people, and the rest, at they say, is history. (It worked out well, too, because it was about that time that my BFF's life started keeping her from watching the show with me, and so Twitter just kind of organically took over. :))

I don't care if you already saw it on Facebook or the TV. Just try to watch this without giggling at least a little. JUST TRY.

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(God, do I need to redo my icons.)

meme, audience participation part of our show, embeds, q&a

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