I am crazy, yes. And other things.

Oct 04, 2009 01:09

This is my Talk Bingo card.

I started thinking about it in Wednesday class (before the awesome tour of the PAC, which is indeed kind of an amazing building that makes me want to start performing again, but no matter!), and I realized that all the bunnies I could come up with were for pairings (and, occasionally, fandoms) I've never freakin' written. Which is, you know, an awkward realization to have when you're trying to come up with stories that need to be written fairly quickly.

Today (Sunday) is my birthday. I hate birthdays. Birthdays are days that should, theoretically, be about you, but are 99.9% of the time about making everyone else happy. Last year was the first birthday I've ever had that was actually about doing things I wanted to do, and so this year can only go downhill. Needless to say, I'm not particularly looking forward to it.

But before that, today (Saturday, LOL) we went to see Whip It!, which was seriously the movie I'd make if I was going to make a movie. Ellen Page being UNBELIEVABLY FIERCE (also, hot as all fuck), Kristen Wiig making me really happy, and cute family moments. Also, Maeby from Arrested Development being a good sidekicky best friend. Completely awesome. Jen turned to me at the end and was like, "I wanna see that again RIGHT NOW," and I couldn't argue with her. Then Peter and Ryan and Jenna and I went to dinner at Cosi and Jenna laughed so hard she spit tea at me even after I told her not to, and we discovered that I am seriously the person everyone tells details of their sex life to (which isn't really a discovery, but it's kind of a surprise to realize it's not just Linds, LOL). And then we went to Starbucks and I started talking in platitudes because Jenna was freaking out about successful and I just honest to god don't get that (I mean, of course I worry about being happy, and whether I accomplish anything I want to, but what do I care what other people think of my "success" or lack thereof?) and then we went home.

I've finally been reading the Gifted Grownups book that I asked for and my mom bought me last xmas, and there's this one thing that seriously struck me.
The plethora of possibilities opened by multiple talents and multiple interests may make it difficult to select one field to pursue. Add to this a heightened sensitivity, a tendency to feel things deeply as well as to agonize over moral decisions, and it is easy to see why young adulthood can become a whirlpool of conflicting choices, both personal and professional... Arriving at 30 in one emotionally and financially healthy piece is an accomplishment for anyone. Gifted grownups seem to have three special tasks: (1) to recognize their difference and learn to value themselves because of it, not in spite of it; (2) to allow themselves to meet their needs by more intense work, more school, a better job, or trying new things, and (3) to avoid the scattering effects of too much of task 2.

Because uh, yeah. This is pretty much it exactly.

This somehow got really long, and I still haven't plugged
jesidres' amazing comic of the potential aftermath of this Rachel clip. (If you haven't seen the Rachel clip, you definitely should. It involves Stephen Fry and the uh, mating ritual of a rare parrot called the kakapo. It is just as funny as you would think, yes.) So uh, I guess now I have, and you should all go check it out. :D

And that's it! Happy weekend, everyone.


recommendations, quotes, might be a quarterlife crisis, catchup (not catsup hahaha), birthday, fandom: pundits

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