
Sep 22, 2009 22:46

_enharmonic posted a fandom meme, and I played, and she gave me fandoms. :D

Gilmore Girls!
01. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
You know I actually can't remember? I feel like it was the only show on in its timeslot when it first started, and Lauren Graham and Alexis Bledel were both v.v. pretty.

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I've already moved on a definitely holds a special place in my heart, and I'll watch it if I see it on, but I don't have the same compulsive need to have marathons of it monthly that I used to have. :)

03. What are your favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Oh, god, so many. "A Tisket, A Tasket," "Teach Me Tonight," "Lorelai's Graduation Day," "I Can't Get Started" (though that's mainly just for "oy, with the poodles already!", LOL)... "Luke Can See Her Face," "You Jump, I Jump, Jack," "But I'm a Gilmore!," "The Real Paul Anka." (Notice a theme? ;D)

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fan fiction, graphics, discussion, etc.)?
Gilmore Girls will always be known as the first fandom for which I tried to write fanfic in. (It was a doomed Jess/Dean story during the summer Rory was in DC. IDEK.) It will also always be known as the first fandom for which I wrote a story completely unprompted. To this day, I don't actually think it's all that bad.

05. Do you think that people should get into this fandom?
Absolutely. Witty banter, cute people, why wouldn't you?

West Wing
01. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
A LOT of people recommended TWW to me, but my mom watched it, and for a long time I shunned anything my mom watched as a matter of principle. I watched the series finale with her, and since I didn't really know anything about it, was unimpressed. But a few months later my aunts (who I love and respect above all) were talking about it at a family thing and it actually sounded interesting. Then I caught it on Bravo one morning and was hooked, requested DVDs through Netflix, and the rest is history.

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I don't think I'll ever stop watching TWW, no. Even though I don't watch the morning reruns anymore, I still usually marathon seasons at a time every few months.

03. What are your favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Oh, god, again? Well, the Big Block of Cheese Day episodes, definitely. "Two Cathedrals," "The Women of Qumar," "Dead Irish Writers" & "The US Poet Laureate," "Posse Comitatus," "Debate Camp" & "Game On," "Shutdown."

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fan fiction, graphics, discussion, etc.)?
Not really, no. I've read and loved some fic, but I got into the show long after initial air and never really found my way into fandom.

05. Do you think that people should get into this fandom?
Abso-freakin'-lutely. Sorkin is unbelievable in so many ways, I don't even have words.

01. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
My aunts get credit for this one too! Well, a combination of my aunts, I think jengrrrl? And AfterEllen. (LOL) I started watching because of them, I sucked finstergrrrl into watching and livetxting with me (as payback for Idol, LOL), and then
oxoniensis' winter porn battle prompts led me to fandom proper. And from that point forward, my 9pm hour was no longer my own. :)

02. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
I'll probably move on at some point, but I don't see it happening anytime soon. There's just too many awesome pundits, and too much insanity in the news, to keep things from getting boring.

03. What are your favorite episodes/books/movies/etc.?
Well, anytime that Ana's on Rachel is a good time. Same with Cutie Hayes. :D I'm a big fan of the tosses, and I love when Keith has Christian Finnegan on, and I love the first segment of pretty much *every* Daily Show....this is a tough question, thanks to the constantly changing nature of the news.

04. Do you participate in this fandom (fan fiction, graphics, discussion, etc.)?
Uh, you might say that, yes. (See also: twitter.)

05. Do you think that people should get into this fandom?
Dude, this is the best fandom EVER, though also the most time consuming. But everyone should still join us from 8-11pm nightly. ;)

ETA: Uh, you should ask for fandoms if you want. Because then I'll give you them. :D

And then
sarken posted a meme, and since I now have a shiny webcam, how can I resist? Ask me a question. One (or two) per person please and keep in mind that YouTube has a ten minute limit. I'll answer as many questions as I can whatever questions I feel like answering in a video.

Otherwise, what up, y'all? Long time, no see. :D

meme, fandom: gilmore girls, fandom: west wing, fandom: pundits

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