i am writing, but trying to make it short. (you know how that generally works.)

Jun 23, 2009 22:11

I started out this day determined. I woke from a wonderful dream -- my first in many, many months -- about being all relationshippy and not-alone, and moved in the shower from there to thinking about actually coming out at work. I had worked out how I was going to do it, too, what I'd say to my (awesome-but-unfriendly-to-the-gays) boss and coworkers; I was really hopeful and left the house in good spirits. (Also, thinking about a possible connection between exhaustion levels and incidence of dreamstates. But I digress.)

Of course, actually *getting* to work quickly dashed any good spirits I might've had.

There was too much to do and not enough time. There was too much to do and not enough people. There were too many people who wanted too many things. And oh, did I mention that I had a webcast to boot? I was at work until after 7pm and barely got a minute to myself -- and that was with my 9am meeting being uh, canceled when the girl who was running it didn't show up for work until after 11am (without telling anyone, uh, oops?).

But I was determined to write tonight. About how it is when summer rolls around that my musical preferences suddenly shift from chick singers to random country-twinged songs. About how lovely DC was this weekend. About how unbelievably excited I am to be going to Pride this weekend, the day before the 40th anniversary of The Event That Started It All, in the city that started it all. (Not to be NY-centric or anything, but you know. :D) About how much I appear to have read this weekend, which is totally unusual for me and my five-second attention span lately. About how badly I want to be able to write fiction about actual characters instead of just characters fucking each other.

So uh, consider this that, because I've had a little bit to drink, and that plus some Dagoba Roseberry (which OMG is the best combination of vices EVAR) means it's probably time for me to get the fuck off the computer before I say or do something I'll regret. :D


in the dark you can see for miles, work, disjointed ramblings, i need a drunk tag

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