music recs, plzkthx?

Jun 13, 2009 21:57

My personal computer died good and dead on me a few weeks ago, so I've had to make do with whatever music was on my Nano before its death and what's on my work computer. Which means I've been listening to the same music for weeks now, and am really sick of it.

So I'm thinking that between that and the fact that there're some new people floating around here, it's a good time to solicit music recommendations. (You know, for the few of you who aren't out doing more interesting things right now. LOL) Anyone have anything they love and think I should listen to? It can be loving right now or loving period, I'm not picky and I'm really working with a bare bones iTunes library, so anything you can think of is appreciated! (Don't even worry about uploading unless you really want to, hunting stuff down'll give me yet more to do on this otherwise lame Saturday night. :D)

Please and thank you!


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