Wow. Uh, hi there.

Jun 08, 2009 19:21

So, I just friended more semi-strangers in a big chunk than I think I ever have. Which means i feel the pathological need to introduce myself (yes, in my own space, go figure). I am trying to restrain myself, but figured that I'd go ahead and put this post up as an opportunity for anyone and everyone (new, old, and in between) to ask "getting to know me"-type questions. (Or, since I know my current friends, an opportunity to just ask nosy personal questions. LOL)

Something I meant to mention in the friending meme and forgot: I am also on Dreamwidth (where I am technically posting this from right now) and Twitter (where I have been spending more and more of my online time since I don't seem to have the attention span for full journal posts anymore). So if you have either one of those, you are also more than welcome (and, in fact, encouraged) to friend me there. Not to sound desperate or anything, but uh, please?

Otherwise: welcome! I promise I only bite when asked. :D


ETA: A relevant story: I have the awesome celebrity pics that I either love or might someday icon sorted by person on my computer. My Ana pics are all sorted in my Maddow folder. :D

audience participation part of our show, getting to know you

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