(no subject)

Apr 25, 2009 22:32

Things I have done today:
* Slept past 1pm
* Watched this week's 30 Rock
* Watched Maddow videos I've had open in my Firefox tabs forever
* Hunted for new Maddow pics to icon
* Watched last night's Party Down (OMG just when I thought I couldn't love you more...)
* Watched the Yankees take more than 4 hours to lose miserably to the Red Sox (and after the first few innings were so promising...)
* Gone to Starbucks and McDonalds for supplies
* Watched some West Wing
* Gone hunting for some new jeans online

Things I have not done today:
* Written my lgbtfest fic

See, I would be upset about this list, except that I really didn't have much faith in myself to begin with. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting here considering backing out of it or anything, but I pretty much figured that if it didn't get written in the first few days after I signed up to do it, it probably was going to be a last minute gig. And it was probably going to SUCK BALLS.

So uh, be prepared for a fic that SUCKS BALLS to get posted here a week from Monday. I'm just sayin'.

In other news: heading to Noho on Friday for pride (which I feel like I should be more excited about but am really just kinda freaking out about), then Florida on Monday (which is gonna be awesome if I have to bitchslap it into awesomeosity). Waaaaaaaay too much to do between now and then -- not even counting this fucking fic I'm supposed to be writing -- and I don't even know where to start. The beginning, I guess, would be a good place, but good luck figuring out where that is. :\

Otherwise, I've been living more on twitter than I have here lately. So you should all follow me there! I'm just sayin'.


writing, shiny vacation tag!, lists!

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