*is wondering if she should just set up one of those twitter crosspost things here...*

Mar 26, 2009 22:19

I appear to have been spending more time in the realm of microthought the last few weeks than here. Oops, and uh, sorry?

Hello, LJ-land. Since last we spoke, I've been....uhh.....gimme a second, it'll come to me.......


I've worked, I've thought about work, I've *talked* about work, I've been at work, and I've been, you know, working.

There've been other things in between, of course. Several dinners out with the gang, the crew, my peeps, if you will. (All of whom appear to have gone and gotten girlfriends while I wasn't looking, so that's been fun. And not at all loneliness- or depression-inducing, why do you ask?) Planning and plotting of an actual vacation-like thing (mark yr calendars, Florida lovelies: I'll be chillin' on Sam's couch again the first week of May). I've been posting awesome videos to Facebook (which I will totally embed below just in case you're not on my Facebook and/or missed them, which you should remedy because they are all AWESOMEOSITY), and keeping an eye on the awesome fic in the pundit kink meme. (Because I have no life, of course.)

Otherwise, I've been trying to, you know, keep breathing. Which would be easier if my life didn't seem set up to be more and more overwhelming every single day, but, you know, whatevs. I'm still here, I'm still breathing, and I haven't strangled anyone with my bare hands (yet). I'm considering all of the above a win (today).

So with that....what's new, flist?


Embeds FTW!

Maddow on Jimmy Fallon:

Nope, LJ won't cooperate for the other two awesome clips. BASTARDS.

...And this used to be Ellen & Portia singing "I Got You, Babe"? But now it's not working for me. Is it just me? Sad! :(

fandom, catchup (not catsup hahaha), links, embeds, being a grownup sucks, work

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