short and sweet, that's what I'll keep this.

Mar 01, 2009 22:29

Noho this weekend was pretty much the best idea in the history of good ideas. We did a TON of walking, we went to the greenhouse AND the college museum (to see this exhibition, which was amazing), neither of which I'd ever been to, and we ate amazing food all weekend, including Tibetan for the first time (I had dumplings, which were good even though my tongue was in crazy oversensitive mode and everything was just this side of too spicy), mudslides at not-Davis (which I will never get tired of saying, LOL), and Fresh Pasta (which had the cutest best waiter ever). We went out driving semi-aimlessly in the middle of the night in the hopes of seeing a sky glittering with stars, and even though all we ended up with was a smattering (damn streetlights, damn cloudy sky), it was still unbelievably nice to be in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night in the middle of the dark. The Hotel Northampton is every bit as pretty as you'd think it would be from the outside, even if Jenna tried to flood half the hotel, and there was even a little smooching action to keep the trip exciting (well, just for Jenna, and believe me the irony is not lost on me). And even though we ended up leaving earlier than originally planned due to weather, we did pretty much everything I had planned on us doing, and then some.

All in all, it was sincerely one of the most lovely and relaxing and absolutely 100% worthwhile weekends I've had in a long time, and I thank Jenna and I thank all the gods, whoever they may be, for letting it happen (and for keeping the snow away long enough for me to do it, even if it brought it on tomorrow, ugh). I need more outdoors and more simplicity in my life; maybe it means more Noho, maybe it means something else, but I'm going to be on the lookout for it, starting now.

I will likely be back with an entry tomorrow -- there's some serious anniversaries coming up here, these next few months, and they've got me in deep introspective mode -- but I wanted to get all this down on screen before I forgot and lost it for good. This positivity....I haven't felt this much good energy in a long, long time. Not only from Noho -- although man, it was amazing -- but before that even I met some unbelievable people through work and had a lovely night with Jenna & Ryan and the last four or five days have seriously been the answer to prayers I didn't know I had recited. "If you try sometimes you might find you get what you need..." Amen.


jenna-y goodness!, things that really really rock.,, shiny vacation tag!

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