la plus ca change....

Feb 19, 2009 19:26

First things first: I decided a few days ago, for absolutely no apparent reason, to update my profile page for the first time in forever and make it fancy. (This is pathetically more difficult than you might imagine.) So it is now a little more informative and a little prettier. Please check it out at your leisure and let me know what you think.

Now for that actual entry thing. In the past week, I have had a lovely Hallmark Day of Hugs and Kisses with the gang, I have had someone from my distant (as in, pre-Oz) past get back in touch with me on Facebook, and I have been obsessing over the realization that when I had that one-night stand a few months ago, I slept on the wrong side of the bed -- even though I was sleeping on the right side of the bed. (It makes sense if you know what happened....)

Work has been a bear the past few weeks, with little sign of easing up anytime soon. (Worse, I'm not even getting to travel anywhere fun or anything, it's just pretty much nonstop blerg.) On the other hand, I am going to Noho with Jenna a week from tomorrow and I am so excited I could cry. This month has flown by, and not in a good way, and I really have desperately wanted to get the hell out of dodge for like, the whole month already. We're staying at the Hotel Northampton, which is one of those situations where you spend a lot of time daydreaming about being older and getting to do something (or in this case, stay somewhere), and then you get older and it comes true, and it's like, completely surreal. We're also going to meet up with someone Jenna knows up there, which'll be cool. And as if that wasn't enough, it looks like it could also be almost warmish next to summarize? Can't. Freakin'. WAIT.

Um, what else. I finally posted my cracky Famous Lesbians Club fic, and a few people actually liked it! Which was unexpected and awesome. And I'm posting more prompts and trying to write more fic for The Pundits Kink Meme, which has produced some ridUNKulously awesome fic. And at some point, actually, I want to revive my page and make it a recs page, so that I can rec all the amazing fic I read in one place. I'm....probably going to work on that next, now that my profile page is done. LOL

And that's it! How's it going, flist??


friends!, jenna-y goodness!, catchup (not catsup hahaha), links, brilliant fanfic

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