A quickie, out of some strange sense of obligation I cannot explain.

Sep 16, 2008 23:27

The last few days have been hectic and emotionally draining.

My brother and his girlfriend are now engaged (which I guess makes them "my brother and his fiancee", but meh, semantics). He proposed last night, fairly early. My mother....did not react well. That's all I'm going to say about that for now, but let's just say it's been an exciting 24 hours or so. (All two of you who "look forward" to these pointless exercises in self-absorption, "look forward" to a more detailed entry in the days to come.)

I, of course, was already in a particularly emo state before this happened. Combine that with having to stand in the front lines for my brother....you have an exhausted chicky at her wit's end. Work has been borderline unbearable these last two days, and I don't have any idea how I'm about to get through another three. (I may just not, actually.) On a minor upside, I'll apparently be spending the night in DC on Monday for work, which I intend to enjoy as much as possible. (We'll see how much that actually works, though.)

The engagement is, of course, a Very Good Thing. It's just going to take a little bit of time before the warriors in my head can stand down and, you know, *feel* the happy. (Which is, of course, the story of my life, but whatever.)

(It's also going to take a little bit of time before all of the related issues in my head will calm themselves down again, which means I may be a little shorter tempered than usual for a while. So uh, don't say you weren't warned.)

In better news, the BFF and I may finally have my birthday weekend settled. Which means I can finally start making other celebratory plans. (W00t?) I'm feeling my age the last few days, though, that's for damn sure.

And that's it! I love quickies that get long. :P


brother, hit and run, in the dark you can see for miles, family, work, mom

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