a few quick thoughts i've already forgotten once.

Oct 29, 2007 23:24

not only did i rip up the insides of my index fingers but good, but i also bit my right middle fingernail down so far that it nearly bled. it hurts like hell, which is entertaining to me because it means i basically only have a thumb and two usable fingers on my right hand, which is my everything hand. (although apparently i can still type pretty well. go figure.)

i read one of jenna's journal entries while i was away about how aj's decided to do nanowrimo this year, and i was like, "....huh." and so i started planning about how i'd finally sit down and write my "memoir", or whatever, for nanowrimo? until i remembered that the "no" in "nanowrimo" means novel, which means fiction, which means no memoirs. i might still do it anyway, but i thought it was pretty funny so i thought i'd share.

and oh, yeah, i'm thinking (again, i guess?) about writing my "memoir", or whatever. is 27 too young to write a "memoir"? especially the "memoir" of someone whose life -- at least the last little-over-ten years of it -- has been pretty much as ordinary as ordinary can be?

work today SUCKED. not because work sucked -- it was actually pretty much great -- but because i haven't spent eight hours doing nothing but staring at a computer screen for almost two weeks. and also i finally got new contacts, which means the new contact prescription the doc gave me (in like, march), which means i was staring at the computer for more than eight hours with new contacts besides. so i basically had a blinding headache all day. and also, i haven't spent eight hours staring at a computer screen for almost two weeks. in fact, i was barely on the computer at all for the past week, except for thursday, when linds was in class. but even then i spent watching a supernatural dvd, so, no computering, really, to speak of. so, basically, OW.

linds sent me some pictures, but i'm going to wait until i have all to share.

and i'm wanting to go see ASSSCAT at Irving Plaza, but Jenna won't get back to me. boo.

finally. pleasepleasePLEASE take erin mckeown's lafayette (by changing hxxp to http because i don't want to flock this, kthx). pleasepleasePLEASE. (for realz, yo.)

and i'm tired and it's lonely being back in my apartment by myself and my body's not letting me override my femaleness for another week and i'm exhausted so it's time for bed.


might be a quarterlife crisis, catchup (not catsup hahaha), links, random, disjointed ramblings, music sharing

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