(no subject)

Aug 03, 2007 15:16

quick hits, because i don't have a lot of time and it's been a while.
  • went to see david wain and a bunch of other awesome people (we're talking amy poehler, michael showalter, ken marino, janeane frickin' garofalo and rashida fucking jones!!) at the release party for the ten last night with jen. it rocked the planet hizzle kizzle. i have to see how my crappy cameraphone photos came out, but there may be photos shortly.
  • going to the yankee game tonight with work in the luxury suite. i probably wouldn't be bothering, except that it's a frickin' luxury suite. so, you know, awesome.
  • by the end of the day, i'll have eaten each of my meals today through work. good stuff.
  • my mom's birthday is tomorrow and it's basically turned into a disaster. we tried to plan a barbecue and no one could make it, so now i have no idea if we're doing anything tomorrow or not, and we're supposed to be doing something on sunday but i have no idea what or when. so that sucks. oh, and the present we really wanted to get her (mostly because it's what she said she wanted) is sold out, so we now have to come up with something else. which sucks, because both drew & i suck at present giving. so yay, us.
  • my birthday is in two months. can you believe that?
  • oh, almost came out at work today. it was really close, but i caught myself before it actually happened. it was harder than i thought it would be, though, which was really painful. it's tough, because jen & i were actually talking about this last night while we were waiting for the show to start, a little, about how being queer makes us feel SO different from most of the people we work with. and i started thinking about how much i kinda actually wish i could be out, now -- not because it matters to me much now, because there's someone i don't want to hide, or because it's a huge part of my life or anything, but just because it feels so dishonest, not being out. and because as i have more and more friends who are queer, it becomes more difficult to....well, hide the fact that i am. and i totally admire and respect people who are out, like linds, SO much more.

okay, i'm totally going to write more about this stuff later, but for now i need to go because i need to shut this silly computer down so i can get it in my car so i can go get on the bus so i can go to the game. so mwahs and love and hey, someone comment for once!!!!


friends!, random, best.day.ever., work, lists!, queer

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