things that I have posted lately that are important/exciting/everyone should read, dammit.

Jul 22, 2007 15:09

this is just an aggregate post for those of you who have been sucky lately and not read-y or commenty. so read and comment, dammit!!!!
  • first and foremost, i wrote big love girlslash. you should read it. and comment, please, even if you hate it.
  • awesome songs to download (that will probably expire soon, so get them now!!)
  • let me ask you questions because i wanna answer questions!!
  • this entry contains a link to the new rilo kiley, which rocks.
  • 99% of the links in this post have expired, but if you tell me you want them, i'll reup in a heartbeat.

that's it. i just didn't want all of these important things to get lost in the midst of other random babbling, and i know they are, so here they are all nice and organized with a neat bow on top to boot.

and that's it.


catchup (not catsup hahaha), writing, pornalicious, linkspam, music sharing, lists!

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