back from florida in one piece. (i can't *imagine* how y'all survived a week without me. :P) it was a good week, a little long in some respects, not long enough in others. more drama than i would've liked, but you know, drama is as drama does.
highlights (in no particular order, you lame-os):
- lantana beach, wednesday night just after sunset
- mini golf with dan, lynn, sammy & sam
- bowling with sam, faith, lynn, dana & dan
- our fake clerks ii drinking game sunday night
- basically all of sunday & monday with steph and josh (who will need to be more involved in my next florida extravaganza)
- music & lyrics with sam!
- waking up every day not having a clue what we'd do or who we'd do it with (well, that was frustrating too, but ultimately probably exactly what i needed, LOL)
my original vacation request included tomorrow too, although i wasn't going to take it. the one crummy thing is that i did get sick(ish -- sinus infection, la) while i was down there, so i think i'm going to take it after all and just let my body have the extra day to reacclimate itself to the evil cold. especially since my car is basically frozen into my driveway. no, really. there's at least a three-inch sheet of ice around my front tires. i managed to back the car out over it, but my brother's girlfriend's car is right behind mine at the moment, so i can't just back straight out, which means the only way for me to get out of the driveway is to pull *back* up onto the sheet of ice and then pull around her. which i can't do right now, because one of my front tires is still on the back of the sheet, and it just keeps spinning every time i try to pull up. so basically i'm stuck in the house for now, which is just fine by me. i have food; i'm good.
anyway. i was online while i was gone, although rarely for anywhere near long enough to keep up with the rest of y'all. so what up, friends' list? (i can't use 'fl' here because that's florida, LOL!)
(i need a vacationy icon. hm.)