this is the second set, even though it's showing up earlier chronologically. LOL

Feb 14, 2007 23:14

from i_am_may (aka jenna-y jenna)

1. what qualities would your ideal mate possess?
this is a very tough one, because i really have no idea. a sense of humor, certainly, and intellect (as snobby as that may sound). i need someone who can keep up with me, but put me in my place when need be too. someone who's.....dissatisfied with the world, but content with herself. confidence without ego, and....ambition, i think, for lack of a better world. drive. (part of that dissatisfaction with the world, i think.) and patience, and initiative. a world of patience.

2. how old were you when you first realized you were attracted to girls?
when i actually *realized* it, i was old, probably about 16 or 17, and even then i wasn't really sure. but looking back, i was actually attracted to girls when i was like, 12 and 13. so there's that.

3. who were your first girlcrushes (celeb and not celeb)?
this is a tough one because it's just these kinds of things that slip through my memory like sand. celeb that i can remember is probably eliza dushku (faith was my first fictional character crush that i can remember), although i'm sure there were others. nonceleb was a girl whose name i can't even remember now, who was an ex of greg's (greg, ironically enough, is the friend through whom i met oz). she had beautiful black hair and eyes....god. (her breasts were pretty too, lol.) we almost hooked up at one point, but it was not to be. then em came along and it didn't matter.

4. are you ever randomly tempted to contact oz in a strange moment of nostalgia?
oh, GOD yes. it was a frequent thing for a long time, but recently (the last six months or so) it's been only kind of an occasional pang. it used to be a very bad thing when it happened, because i still had about fifty different ways of getting in touch with him, but now that i can't contact him at all, it's actually quite refreshing. it's a longing, and it passes like anything else. it's actually nice, because it's allowed me to remember the good things about that relationship -- of which there were many -- without actually romanticizing it (in other words, gain that desperately needed perspective). and also, i've found that recently i have an easier time remembering things further away in the past than in the more recent past, so there are actually more pieces of that in my memory now than there are of other relationships i've been entangled in. which is good as well.

5. what fictional character is most like you?
oof. *i'm* probably the fictional character most like me, LOL. um......okay, seriously. i don't know if you've read either of these books, but madeleine l'engle's first book, a small rain, and willa cather's song of the lark are both stories of musical prodigies. they, of course, end up spending their lives being musicians, while i didn't. but when i read both books, i felt like they could be my story, that maybe they would even offer a clue as to where my story will end.

and now i feel like i sound pretentious. um. in terms of more modern fictional characters (ie, tv or movies), i'd say probably a strange, convoluted combination of jeremy from sports night, jaye from wonderfalls, rory from gilmore girls and an ounce of meredith from grey's anatomy. is that any better? ;)

damn you and your good questions, jenna! i'll probably come up with fifty different answers a half hour from now. LOL!


meme, q&a

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