let's play catchup. i'll start.

Feb 11, 2007 18:24

in the order in which the thoughts occur to me:
  • dc was good. i didn't get to see pretty much any of the city, but i did get to have dinner with a colleague from the dc office who i've been working with for almost two years now and hadn't met. she was older than me, but very cool. we had dinner at the union station food court, though, because even though i was supposed to leave the office right after the webcast to go see the city a little, i didn't end up leaving the office until 5.45 (which i was NOT happy about) because i had so much additional work to do, and there wasn't enough time for a real restaurant before my train. le suck.
  • wicked (wednesday night) was awesome. like, i knew the show, the whole soundtrack, pretty much by heart, and i'd read the book a while ago when it first opened. but the show was unbelievably more moving. because all of the semi-abrupt transitions that don't make any sense on the soundtrack? make sense in the context of the show. because, duh, it's not all singing, so there *are* actually other things that happen. and so it was good. also good was cosi, where we had dinner wednesday night because it was right around the corner from the theatre and we didn't have time for much of anything other than fast(ish) food. but it was healthy(ish) fast food, so it worked. it was a LONG day, though, i'll tell you that. and that's where i'll leave it.
  • i dove back into west wing with some reluctance today, and it's worked out well for me. not so much reluctance to watch the west wing, for the record, it was just that i'd lost the momentum, if that makes any sense. also, my attention span's been for shite the last week or so (and understandably so, if you ask me).
  • i keep buying books i'm not reading, even though i know i don't read them. i need to cut that the hell out.
  • going to florida in three weeks. good times. looking forward to seeing everyone, although for the love of GOD, if there is even an OUNCE of drama, i'm divorcing you all and not paying any alimony. just so you can't say you weren't warned. :P seriously, i'm looking forward to this being my first.....well, grownup trip to florida. not that the trips before weren't grownup. well, actually, kind of, that's what i'm saying. so, just, bear that in mind, like.
  • i should probably go like, finished getting dressed, both since my mom's roped me into watching the grammys (seriously? i have like, NO interest in them anymore -- at least not watching them live, anyway) and because it's about five degrees in my house and i'm sitting here with no shirt on. yes. i said it. ;)
  • i haven't gotten nearly enough interview requests, which means i haven't gotten....well, ANY interviews myself. i'm just sayin'. so uh, feel free to interview away here. since no one wants to answer anything. meh.

and that's it!


ps. ugh, i need an icon revamp like whoa.

catchup (not catsup hahaha), meme, tv, q&a, florida, lists!

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