a lot less poetic than my last entry, that's for sure.

Dec 23, 2006 23:30

my room looks like a tornado went through it, then came back again. fucking holidays.

the beauty of the internets (and the technological age as a whole, for that matter) is that tv shows never die. at least, that's what i think the beauty of the internets is this second. (ask me again in another week and of *course* you'll get a different answer.) thanks to dvd and cable, dead shows come back every day. and i mean, too, the internets mean that people who tend to get (perhaps unhealthily) attached to tv shows always have *somewhere* to go to find other people who like the same things. which means that fandoms don't really die. which is awesome. i mean, okay, maybe studio 60 is a really uneven show. and maybe people in my RL have been telling me for eons that i'd probably like sorkin's work. but thanks to the wonders of dvd and the internets, i haven't missed out on anything! sports night was more than five years ago, for chrissake, and i'm sitting here having just yesterday finished consuming it. that's pretty frickin' awesome, people....no matter how annoying it may be to those of you out there who don't give a good goddamn.

in other news, i have begun my gift-wrapping, which i probably should've done like, a week ago at least, considering that as it stands now, i'm waiting for drew to bring wrapping paper home from mom's to wrap dad's present, because to tape together (hell, just to *find*) at least eight pages' worth of appropriate magazine pages would be too much of a pain, and dad probably wouldn't appreciate it anyway. (did i mention that i'm wrapping my gifts in magazines this year? cause i totally am.) on the other hand, mom's presents (which were small) came out *really* nicely, wrapped in patrick dempsey pictures from entertainment weekly. i think my mistake was trying to start out with tv guides; their photo spreads have been really crappy since they changed formats to big and glossy. i'm probably going to wrap drew's presents in magazines too, but since i don't have to give them to him until xmas day, i'm holding off.

which reminds me: i've been a horrible gifting friend this year, so if anyone who is hoping/expecting to exchange gifts with me for this december holiday season, could you please comment? (and, pretty much shamelessly, here is my amazon wishlist, in case you're on that list of exchanging people. although you might want to wait until after xmas when i've updated so i can make sure no one gets me anything that's on it from elsewhere. also, i'm not actually expecting gifts from anyone, just so you know. i'm just putting it out there, as it were.)

i'm just....i'm not really in the "holiday spirit", as it were. i mean, not that i'm usually jumping up and down for joy about xmas, but this year's just.....worse. i mean, presents are nice, don't get me wrong. i'm just not....it's the spirit, i guess, for lack of a better way of putting it. my head's just not in the game.

ick. that's a crappy note to end on. so....let me instead share this awesome fic that is an office/sports night crossover. (and linds, it's totally okay that you've never seen sports night. (after all, neither had i until a few weeks ago.) it is, however, something that should be remedied, if only for all of the hardcore gayboy subtext. and stat.)


ps. i also want to give a shoutout to kristy, who i was happy to hear is still alive. i will at some point soon owe actual like, comments and responses to your reentry into lj-land, but i wanted to say hi and i'm not ignoring you. i'm just lame right now, and sending shoutouts in my own journal instead of actual coherent thought. ;)

pps. damn, i need to get some sports night icons. man, sometimes i *hate* going through a fandom a week....

fandom, links, holidays, random, tv

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