just some words on a screen.

Dec 20, 2006 00:14

i'm breathless for no reason, and some strange combination of him and her both is whispering sweet words into my ear. it's these nights that i can't escape the thought of you singing me to sleep without a lullaby, your voice a lull all to itself.

i don't remember what she sounds like, but i remember who he was. and i think that's what haunts me most.

i'm 26 years old, and sleeping with a cabbage patch, which would be pathetic if it wasn't for your voice echoing through my head. i already felt lonely tonight (more than usual), and now my head won't stop replaying the way your voice would make dissipate everything that spent the day kidnapping my brain. even if it only remembers what you sound like in colors and the occasional out of focus snapshot.

and even though i know it's not true, i wish that you would just demand the ransom already so i can go ahead and run back into the shadows.

writing, deep thoughts, fragments

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