what was it about that night? connection -- in an isolating age...

Dec 21, 2005 01:50

i was accused recently of being confused and lost. i have certainly been confused lately, this much is true. but lost? never.

i know lost. i see it every day. it surrounds people like a shield. it hides ignorance, and denial, and avoidance. it protects as it distances. stagnation wounds as it allows healing to begin, and it seeps from souls like spiritual ooze.

i may not know why i'm here, or what i believe in, or whether i believe. but i KNOW that i don't know. i see it. i accept it. i embrace the questioning. others refuse to even question. at even the slightest sign of unease, they just shrug their shoulders and move on. it just doesn't matter to them.

seeking is tired, traveling hard. distance, and incline, and simple human limitation nearly unbearable. the path is not only rocky but steep.

but you need to know why you're climbing before you can even begin to appreciate what you find when you arrive.

I hope you're happy
Now that you're choosing this

(You, too)
I hope it brings you bliss

I really hope you get it
And you don't live to regret it
I hope you're happy in the end
I hope you're happy, my friend

in other, avoid-y news, more newsradio news. I AM TOO EXCITED FOR WORDS, OKAY BITCHES?!?!

it is long past time for bed. i am getting maudlin and too revealing with my emotions, which really? i don't think anyone needs to see. so i bid you good night.


writing, secrets, linkspam, lyrics

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