your dick is not only for pissing, m'kay?

Dec 19, 2005 23:05

that brilliant bit of wisdom was brought to me by my new favorite source of wisdom -- spam email. that (sans "m'kay" -- that was my poor contribution) was the subject of a brilliant work of art. it absolutely made my day yesterday, but then i accidentally deleted it! so i was miserable. but then it returned to me! so clearly it was truly meant to be. and i thought i'd share it with you all.

in other news, why must governor pataki continually insist that a strike would be illegal? i mean, okay, fine, there's apparently a law in new york that makes it so. but why can't he fucking HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEM, instead of standing by that same fucking repetitively USELESS statement? there's no reason for him to go all, "nyah nyah nyah!!!!" in the faces of the transit union. because really? that's more of a reason for them to do it out of spite, or whatever. if they're pissed off enough to be willing to strike, what makes you think a law telling them they "can't" is going to stop them?! grrrrrrrr. i hate you, government. i really do.


"i'm not so sure i want to let go."
"yeah, well. until you do know, for sure? leave her alone."

anyway again.

linds, you will be happy to know that i tivo'ed out cold today just so i could listen to dear sweet jaye's HORRIBLE french-canadian accent. and OMGSHESFRENCHCANADIANWHYCOULDNTSHEDOBETTERTHANTHAT?!?!?!?! also, she's HOTTTTTTT. finally, it's the comedy central version, tho, so it's not as good as the dvd. hehe.

i think we're gonna get my mom a gift certificate for a massage for xmas. maybe even from bliss, though i'm not sure, cause they're expensive. it was my idea. i'm pretty proud of it, if it works out. for one thing, maybe they'll be able to get the stick out of her ass. for another, maybe she'll shut up about never getting decent presents from us!! i still don't know what we're getting dad, tho. if we get mom a massage (a bliss massage is more than $100), we should get dad something equally as nice. but who has more than $100 to spend on just two people? not me and drew. we'll see, i guess. i just found the biggest thing dad wants for less than $100. so we're probably gonna get that. but we'll see.

oh, and everyone else should tell me what they want for xmas. NOW. m'kay?


ps. Yes, i am still diggin' this icon too, too much. yes, i'm working on finding others. until then, DEAL WITH IT. m'kay?

ETA 00.10: NEWSRADIO SEASON 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will own "the trainer" on dvd in two months!!!!!!!!!! take that, motherfuckers!!!!!!!!!!

quotes, holidays, linkspam

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