May 04, 2006 23:18
Words that describe my feelings the last few months:
disenfranchise, transitive verb, -chised, -chising.
1. to take any right or privilege away from
nihilism, noun.
1. entire rejection of established beliefs, as in religion, morals, government, and laws.
2. (Philosophy.) the denial of all existence; rejection of objective reality or of the possibility of an objective basis for morality.
Dada or dada, noun.
a movement in modern art and literature rejecting the standards and values of society by proposing unrestrained expression in behavior and artistic form; Dadaism.
alienation, noun.
1. a turning away in feeling or affection:
a. the act of alienating; making unfriendly.
(SYN) estrangement.
b. the state of being alienated; not feeling interested in or involved with one's family, associates, or society.
anxious, adjective.
1. uneasy because of thoughts or fears of what may happen; troubled; worried.
rage, noun, verb, raged, raging.
noun 1. violent anger; fury.
disconnection, noun.
1. the act of disconnecting.
2. the state of being disconnected; separation
lustful, adjective.
1. full of lust or desire; desiring indulgence of sex; sensual; lewd.
pessimism, noun.
1. the tendency to look on the dark side of things or to see difficulties and disadvantages.
2a. the belief that things naturally tend to evil, or that life is not worth while.
b. the belief or doctrine that the evil in life outweighs the good.
esoteric, adjective.
1. understood only by a select few; intended for an inner circle as of disciples or scholars; abstruse.
slave, noun, verb, slaved, slaving, adjective.
noun 1. a person who is the property of another. Slaves were once bought and sold like horses in the United States.
2. (Figurative.)
a. a person who is controlled or ruled by some desire, habit, or influence.
b. a person who submits to or follows another
exhausted, adjective.
1. used up.
2. worn out; very tired.