the protest is approaching. have you guys seen the military helicopters that are hovering all over this valley? have you seen or heard about the secret service agents that are crawling over this town like rodents? in the Napa register Sgt. Matt Talbott stated "[we] will be on our toes as to who's coming and going in the town and what's going on." i bet you will, you fucking fascist tools. if this isn't the beginnings of state control then what the fuck is? how dare you talk about this town as if it is your own. you are not welcome in this town! get the fuck out! stop intruding into our lives. i wouldn't be surprised if every single phone line in this town is tapped. every e-mail, myspace bulletin, and other forms of internet activities is probably under server scrutiny. they have been engaging in this anti-constitutional wiretapping on a national scale for years now. why wouldn't they be doing it here? according to them anything that the president orders is legal. watch your back guys. be safe. speak your mind and express your feelings but remember we are under intense surveillance. they are probably reading this right now.
oh ya, Gary Jaffe and Robert Pickus, you are both vile degenerate tools. you are a disgrace to freedom and democracy. listen to this puke that Jaffe spewed in the Napa Register "I'm delighted. i think its wonderful that he'll be able to see what a great community we have. i hope everybody will treat him with the respect he deserves"
this faux president doesn't deserve any respect. Bush is a brainless coward. thousands of innocent families have been turned to red mist by bombs in the name of Bush's imperialistic agenda. hey Gary, its called PNAC you dumb shit. look it up. this president, his policies, and everyone single member of his staff deserve to have their asses thrown out of a legal and peaceful manner if possible.
after that this half wit Robert Pickus open his shit hole of a mouth and said "I don't expect it from the hard-line democrats in the Napa Valley, but i do expect it from the groups that claim they are trying to chart the way to peace"
give me a break. you are dealing with psychopaths Rob. these people don't give a shit about what other people think. you can't reason with these subhumans. they are neocons. they are bent on world domination. if you don't believe me read their fucking agenda ( i am so sick of people like you. you don't support support endless violence and genocide. and then this dumb ass said "i wish the president sunshine and rest because those who wish him ill have formed a culture of contempt for the president that has darkened his days and reputation."
excuse me Robert, this bastard in the white house has "darkened" his own days and reputation! he did this by declaring an illegal war that has resulted in the mass butchery of thousands in the name of expanding American empire! he did this by allowing unspeakable torture against so called POWs, many of home were charged his no crimes and are innocent. he did this by instituting fascism through his illegal wiretapping program! he did this to him self by lying every single time he opens his useless pie hole! he did this by giving tax breaks to his heartless rich ass corporate buddies that are responsible for exploitation, poverty, and death in countless third world countries! Bush is that one that has formed a culture of contempt, Robert, Bush has. and you support this. you are disgusting Robert! you are contemptible! i am ashamed that i share a community with to heartless, stupid ass, sub humans as yourselves. fuck off.